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263 A CUCKOLDS DISTRESS Part 2263 cuckolds distress Part 2Now Sunday passed without more than a comment or two, oh they both knew the score, and both wanted to think a bit, but neither wanted to chat a lot and she, as expected could hardly walk, so spent a lot of time in bed but she did grin silently and tentatively nod when he asked if she had enjoyed the experience, which eased his conscience a little.He did note the card Terry had left, had gone from the table to behind the mantle-piece clock but felt it better to stay quiet. Monday came, and the bog rolls called once again, and by the time he was home she was moving about fairly normally. Tea was an exceptional culinary delight and it was followed by a pud so light it needed two helpings of custard to keep it on the plate.He knew the signs, and quietly probed her mind. “you enjoyed it then…” she said she hadn’t cum so much since they were first wed, which at least was tactful.“I suppose you want me to say do it again then do you” she smiled, then said “could he put up with it?” And “Had he enjoyed it.”He said he had, it was as good a visual sport as he had ever seen, and that it was OK by him, but he wanted chapter and verse if he couldn`t be present, and she must stay his, always, to which she kissed him and said “she would rather it was he that called Terry when he felt he was ready” then kissed him, thanked him for being so understanding and the moment passed. It was left like that till Wednesday when she casually asked, “if he had called Terry yet?” he said he “was waiting for her to say she was ready, and over the last bout to which his answer was an enthusiastic nod!They were soon in their bed, and the usual mid-week tryst ensued, prodded on by her description of her feelings when on the table, recounted in lurid detail. Thus, it was on the Thursday, not having a phone of their own he used the phone in the office to call Terry.It rang three times before he got an answer, and to his surprise, it was a woman`s voice that answered, she gave the number, and he asked for Terry, she called out “Terry its for you” and after a second Terry came on. “Its Micky, Micky from last Saturday night…”They agreed to meet on Friday after work at a pub, Terry saying he wanted to talk to iron out one or two things. Micky told Nan that night that he would be late next evening though he gave no reason and dutifully after work next day he was seated in the snug of the railway inn with a pint by 5.30. Terry arrived a little late apologising for the traffic.Over a pint they sat to chat, and an embarrassed Micky told Terry that Nan had requested that he come visit once more at least, at that Terry smiled, and said he would be delighted, and it could be a regular date, but there were a couple of things that he felt needed straightening out, the first was how did Micky feel about the situation? Micky coloured up a little then admitted he had found the situation “stimulating” and that he was happy to continue, but his wife was his and she “must remain his, he would just lend her!”Terry laughed at that, then said he had no earthy need of a Nan as a wife or partner, the thing was to be just pure sex, not matrimony, but each time he visited, or if she wanted too, she visited him, she was his for the time they were together his, to do whatever he liked with her, both for her or too her… was that clear? Micky, took a drink before answering, and then said “well erm yes that is ok, but what do you mean by too her?”There was a short pause then Terry explained that “his tastes where somewhat stronger, and he knew instinctively that she needed to be dominated, he could and would, train Nan to enjoy being his sub though he knew it would take time,” he let that sink in, and then said that, “he would explain it all to them both next time he visited” and then asked if they had a spare room and bed, so that he would visit this weekend, he not wanting to drive, and there having been no bus service after he left last time! That should have rung a bell in Micky`s mind, but it didn`t and he affirmed that there was a spare bedroom, “but that it tended to be noisy as the factory next door had a giant fridge that rattled noisily as it ran, they had grown used to it over the years, the vibrant rattle but guests tended to say they couldn’t sleep güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri …”Terry then astounded him by saying that “it didn’t matter, it was for you to sleep in I would be with Nan!” as that sank in he added, “and I doubt we shall be sleeping!… much”Micky looked a little shocked, then he smiled and nodded, as Terry grinned at him disarmingly, and then said that “he would be happy to take her as a dance partner at the club whenever he visited if they still wanted to go each weekend as she was light on her feet and a good dance partner, and it would then not seem strange to her friend Lina who although attractive enough was he thought nosey!” That alone was to Micky good news as he hated dancing, and confided to “only doing it to ‘please Nan’ though he did look forward to a drink or two with George, and of course Lina, who nosey or not, he had always had the hots for, though she was now getting a bit long in the tooth… though weren`t they all” They parted happy enough, Terry promising that he would be” round at the club next evening,” and “would stay over, till Sunday” Micky returned home, explained over the meal why he was late, and noted her instant smile when he explained about sleeping arrangements, and meeting in the club again as they had done last week, her whole attitude picked up and they were soon in bed, with the dishes left for the morning, unusually for Nan ! it was a very excited coming together, her eyes sparkling as she kissed him, no doubt in thanks for arranging the weekend.Over breakfast they sat down and talked, he explained that Terry had agreed to her always staying his wife, and not looking for any romantic involvement, it was to be just a sexual thing, but he had said that when they were together as her master, he would be calling the shots! That seemed to satisfy all three of them, Nan especially smiling at the thought of two partners and each so different, and one being so assertive which she found a real turn on!The conversation turned to more mundane things, like money, Fork lift drivers at the time, tend to be paid just a little above an unskilled labourer, but it was not a lot more, and Nan was worried that at the end of the financial week there was not a lot left over, and they didn’t want to take any from their very meagre holiday savings, but she felt that she needed some new undies, a dress or two, that sort of thing if she was to be …in her words …”presentable”… for a lover. It was a problem and there was no easy solution that Micky could see, as overtime on this three-shift rota, was limited to when another driver was sick or on holiday, so they were a little stuck on that one, he went out to the garden to hoe and ponder it being dry for a change and Micky thinking best when he was busy.Saturday ran its normal course, till together they trotted off to the club, here they sat as usual with George and Lina, and for the first hour there was no sign of Terry, however Lina, asked a lot of pointed questions about the younger man, which Nan fielded with non-commital answers, saying that she had known him a while, and he was a great dancer!George announced it was his 60th birthday on Monday and tonight he was going to celebrate to celebrate by buying the first round!Just then Terry himself appeared, and Nan passed the questions to him, saying, “oh good, you can now get your info from the horse`s mouth…” Terry was quick to recognise an interrogation, and explained that he was a distant relative who had recently moved up from Sussex, and had arranged to occasionally stay over to save him having to drive home after beer! That quietened Lina, especially when he had her first dance with him, in fact the smooth young man danced with both of them alternately for most of the evening, which pleased both of the older men who both found dancing a waste of good drinking time!By last orders, both Micky and George were well on the way, and the two women were forced to help them stagger to their respective homes, Terry lending whatever hand he could and dropping George at their doorstep at the other end of the terrace, before hefting Micky and more or less carrying him home.Indoors Micky slumped in his chair and with the heat of the freshly topped up fire was soon deep asleep. Nan made güvenilir bahis şirketleri coffee and at his insistence sat on his lap in her chair opposite the comatose Micky.He said he wanted to “chat before he fucked her again….!” He was nothing if not direct. She grinned, not in the least put off by his crudity, saying that “he was welcome”, then kissing him passionately before passing him his coffee from the table with the comment “what`s on your mind?” He started by asking “well I want to know about what think you need from the relationship your about to enter?” That had her thinking for a second, then, quietly and without bitterness she explained her angle on life. In her youth she said, “she had had a father, now passed, who had punished her for the least thing, by spanking her or using a belt on her bare backside, over his knee,” she had slowly come to realise that it had not all been about discipline and each session had raised his stiffee under her, usually to the point of ejaculating! knowing how her mother, being disabled had not been sexually helpful or available. She had realised his problem and loving her father, on occasions she had been naughty, just to allow her dad this release, though she didn’t understand it at the time she had slowly come to enjoy the experience and had come to link pain and sex in the deepest darkest recesses of her mind. It never went any further than the belt or spanking and her Dad was long gone now, Micky was her husband, bless him but he was a pussy cat, oh, they enjoyed sex together, don’t get her wrong but…well, her and Micky it was, straight sex, and he was …different… he understood her need, didn’t he? …, she needed more sometimes…Micky was loving and tender, and though he had enjoyed watching her be violated hard last weekend, it was, to him a ‘visual sport,’ he was not the man to be violent to her, she dearly missed her old dad`s performances. Perhaps that was what she was looking forward to, a little pain, spanking, the belt, or perhaps after what she had read, she wanted to experience… more, she really didn’t understand this need for more… but she was very willing to try. Then, she asked “if that was helpful?” He grinned and asked, “how she had known?”It was her chance to grin and said, “he had shown no quarter last week and she thought he was brutal and unfeeling, but erotic!” and went on to say that she was “ready to be used!” It was not the actions of a staid five years married, housewife, more the acceptance of a rampant whore in need!From behind the cushion she pulled a thick belt, one of her fathers, which she stood and presented to Terry saying, “please master” in a way no man would have refused.He stood, pulled him too her turned her to the table, then slid his hands up her leg-backs, lifting her skirt as he went. He came to her knickers, and hesitated, she sensed this, asking “what?” His gaze of disapproval told her he was not happy, then he grunted,” Off with them girl and never again” she raised her eyebrows, he glowered, then said “The knickers, no woman of mine wears knickers, and if she does she suffers, so if I catch you wearing knickers, from now on in my presence be warned…”He trailed off, threat unfinished, the note in his voice, one that brooked no argument. With a rapid move she dropped the offending garment, stepped out and was about to place the tiny scrap on the chair arm when he snatched it away and threw it on the fire where with a flare it rapidly vanished.Now Nan was willing to give her body, accept his pain, degrade herself for him, but waste the little money she had by feeding the fire, that was a step too far, she screwed up her face and cursed him roundly, saying “she had spent her last few pennies of this week`s wages on underwear for him and he had burnt them, she was not a happy bunny, and she began to cry. He stood unsure what to do, then he calmed her a little and asked if a pair of knickers were all she could afford…her resistance had gone, her wall of defence against folk finding out they lived hand to mouth…gone and she collapsed with her arms round his neck, this was not what he had signed up for, and he sat down once more dragging her onto his lap.“now missy just you explain yourself” between sobs she explained that they were still canlı bahis şirketleri paying off Micky`s mother`s funeral, and that with the pittance he earned, she had been scr****g the barrel to pay for that pretty underclothing set, that’s why they only went out on Saturdays, and grew their own vegetables, and…” he stopped her and asked “if she wanted an income of her own which would more than pay for a few knickers?”Her reply was she” was no lady of the streets, so forget that!” he grinned and said “no that wasn’t his way, but she could do films, in a hood if she wanted, but it paid well and he would be happy to pay, and pay well if she was interested,” either way he would supply a new set of underclothes for her , but as he said …no knickers in his presence…She brightened with that and he went on, “in a film you will get the belt, tied up and more, if your game and £100 pounds a month for a spanking or what-ever is not to be sneezed at…more if you are up for it!She smiled then stood kissed him and bent forward over the table raising her dress to bare her backside for the belting she knew would receive, just to ‘try her out’He rose, and wrapping the buckle round his hand, he swung the leather belt to strike her backside with a crack they thought would wake Micky, but tonight he was not even roused, his snores echoing round the room in a steady, regular growl.The blows rained down each snore became the trigger of each stroke, regular and steady, her arse becoming redder with each strike, her face contorted in ecstasy as she absorbed the much-needed pain, every stroke causing a grunt that could have been joy or otherwise it was so muffled as she tried desperately not to scream and wake the neighbours or the patrolling policeman on his beat.Suddenly she began to grunt out her cry of orgasm, her breathing now in gasps, her grip on the table threatening to leave finger marks! The final stroke fell, her bum a red striped pattern on the pale skin and her face flushed, as he stood her up and led her from the kitchen, they turned out the light as they went, leaving Micky still driving home the pigs by firelight.They climbed the stairs, she, dragging him eagerly up the steep flight, her red striped arse at his nose level as they clattered up the wooden hill, in the bedroom her clothes flew like leaves in a wind, and naked she threw herself on the bed waiting his slower body to cover her. It was the first time he had had her naked and in a place that he could scrutinise her lit by the latent light of the street lamp outside both breasts and the smooth body that had been hidden from him until now. What followed was a night of gentle passion, probably to her surprise, he sucked on her breasts, he licked her clit, he tongued her tonsils, screwed her, had her blow him, rim him, and finally screw him, before he graced her body with his seed.The lay slowly dozing off when they heard Micky, clattering up the stairs unsteadily, then crashing on the cold unfamiliar bed, the luminous fingers of the elderly alarm warning them it was 3 am.They woke to the sun, each in turn using the bathroom then Terry again took her noisily, making good and sure that the overhung Micky could hear her groans as each thrust went home, each one ramming into her as if to reach her backbone, and each being rewarded with a grunt.She was soon cumming like a woman possessed, and he too joined in the noisy climax as he filled her once more. They lay silently recovering and could hear the sound of the spare bed spring`s squeaking as Micky did his own thing!!!!After a fine breakfast, eaten in PJ’s and night attire, Terry explained to Micky, about the filming and what it entailed, he explained that if Micky, had been less drunk he would have enjoyed his wife getting her arse strapped the night before, and seen how much she thoroughly enjoyed it so that was the area to concentrate on with the film men, they would love it and if she could put up with an hour or two in bondage, it would bring in £100 pounds or more once a month!”Micky`s eyes lit up, Nan was rich, they could be out of debt in about three months, his mind flickered through the possibilities, not once even briefly thinking of nan`s discomfort! Though he did apologise for being drunk , saying it had been the rum, which he wasn’t used too, celebrating Georges birthday!After breakfast Terry washed, dressed, and kissed her goodbye, shaking Micky`s hand and saying; “thanks for the loan he would be along next weekend,” he departed.After he had gone they realised they still knew nothing about him except he could fuck and dance and his name was Terry!

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