A Marriage Marred in Heaven by Winker

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A Marriage Marred in Heaven by Winker——————————————————-This work is copyrighted to the author © 2014. Pleasedo not remove the author information nor make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.——————————————————-A Marriage Marred in Heavenby Winker (no address provided)***A couple decides to live out a fantasy only to find that fantasy and reality are not entirely the same thing. (Mdom/MF, reluc, wife, cpls, intr, huml, bd, d**gs, swingers, cuck, preg)***Chapter 1: An IdeaIt’s hard to describe the turmoil of the last two years. A part of my beautiful wife, soul mate, lover and idol has been taken from me and I have some responsibility for the loss.We’re in our early forties, comfortably off, well-paying jobs and rediscovering some freedom as our son and daughter have fled the nest. We saw little of Paul as he worked abroad for long stretches and very little of Nicola but we considered our lives charmed; not by our relative wealth but by our discovery of each other all those years ago. We’ve often talked of how much of everything we could give up provided we had each other and how rare we felt our relationship was in a transient society.Add to this the fact that my wife is what most men would consider to be a… well she’s very attractive, tall, slim and shapely with all the assets men value!How then have we jeopardized all this. How have we got to not knowing each other, not knowing truth from lies, fantasy from reality?Both of us have a healthy sexual appetite. In the months since the k**s left, it’s been re-fired with a vengeance. It’s not just the physical acts of sex, we really know how to push each other’s mental buttons, well Sue really knows how to press mine. This has led to us sharing our fantasies in detail as we’ve made love. I’ve played with her black **** fantasies, she’s played with my cuckold fantasies. But that’s all they are… for both of us… fun… teasing… titillating. And now I find us trapped in someone else’s fantasy. It amounts to nothing short of… well let me tell you how we got here.I’ve often thought that if a couple look outside of their marriage for fulfillment there has to be something wrong with the inside. But when you already have everything you wanted you inevitably think of the things you can’t have. That’s surely the purpose of dreams and fantasies. And when our passionate lovemaking about that time brought out fierce and obscene entreaties from each other, something turned.In the afterglow of that passionate lovemaking, no, fucking session, we lay together in spent silence. I spoke first but I already knew in the way that two people in love often do that we were at one on the subject. “Could we do it? Could we play out these fantasies for real?”Sue didn’t react badly as some might expect. She teased with purpose.”Well, I think I could. I love you absolutely but it might be fun. How do you think you would handle it? It’s got to be hard for a man to see his wife fucked by a stranger… and I wouldn’t do it if there was the slightest chance it could ruin the perfect relationship we already have.”The separation of this matter-of-fact discussion from the passion of the fantasies marked a turning point for us. If we could talk about it like this, we were on the way to its fulfillment. There’s no denying I relished the prospect.***Over the next few days we discussed it further. How could we pursue it? Which fantasy would we pursue? Sue was keen to elicit any objections from me. In fact, I was touched by her concern for my emotional wellbeing. She began testing me. She started to tease me in a very matter of fact way, not at all in the context of our lovemaking but conversationally, at the dinner table or at breakfast. She’d ask me as I was leaving for work to imagine her with a big black cock in her or as we washed up after dinner she’d tell me she was looking forward to me licking cum from her face or kissing her cum filled mouth. I understood the psychology she was adopting. In some ways it worked. I did feel jealousy and I did feel fear but not in a negative way. It gave me a rush. I adopted a similar approach with her, telling her I’d pimp her out to any number of black thugs or tie her down and strip her for their enjoyment. Other than a sultry look or flash of the eyes she didn’t outwardly respond. There was nothing to suggest she was changing her mind, though.Neither of us backed off. We seemed to pass each other’s tests.That still left the practical arrangements and I guess that’s when things started to go awry.How many times are we all warned about being careful who we deal with on the internet but it did seem the logical place to start looking.Mr. Mills came to our house by invitation. He was a tall handsome black guy, late twenties and very well groomed. He spoke gently and reassuringly to us both. He made no attempt to do anything but establish our requirements. He might easily have been an insurance salesman or a financial consultant were it not for the bizarre nature of the exchange.We both had a sense of discomfort describing our fantasies to him. It’s one thing to describe them to each other, quite another to do it to a stranger. He told us that to heighten our enjoyment of his services he would have to play some mind games with us and that we would have to play along willingly and obediently. He was so matter of fact though that when he left we felt a sense of anti-climax. Nothing had happened. He told us he’d be in touch.When he called me two days later it was with a price for his services and a set of instructions if we wanted to accept. The price was more than I’d expected but I took his number and sat down with Sue to discuss it.For the first time I detected resistance from her. The meeting with Mr. Mills had been so business-like and without passion she’d begun to have doubts. I, though had the bit between my teeth and was able to persuade her we should at least try it out.I explained to her some of Mr. Mills’ instructions.We were to go to an address, a house he called “Heaven” this coming Friday evening and be prepared to spend the weekend. Payment was to be in cash on arrival. We were not to take mobile phones, or a change of clothes. Neither of us was to wear underwear.Sue shifted uncomfortably at that last part.By the time we were set to leave for Mr. Mills’ an uneasy silence had descended on us, neither knowing what to say to the other and each sensing the others nervousness.Nonetheless, my casual attire and lack of underwear stirred my loins and I wondered how I would hide the stain that was already forming at the front of my pants. Still with some fear Sue had opted for a simply cut and plain buttoned up dress, belted around her waist and though she was nervous her braless nipples stood out clearly. Nervous or not she was hot.Chapter 2: In HeavenWhen the door of the Victorian terraced mansion opened shock was our first reaction.There to greet us was a young man elegantly turned out in evening wear from the waist up and naked from the waist down. He sported a fierce 8″ erection. He seemed embarrassed but stuck to what sounded like a script.”Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Would you follow me please.”I hesitated. I looked at Sue and she returned it. She looked bemused, not fearful, and her eyes blazed with excitement. Her eyes turned back to follow him and as I looked too I saw what she saw, below the black jacket his firm rounded buttocks. As he sensed our hesitation he turned to us again. His rock hard cock sprung forth from beneath his shirt.”Please, you must follow me.”Sue looked back at me. “Are we still okay with this?”I nodded and we followed. We ascended the stairs behind him in silence. At the top we found ourselves at one end of a long corridor. The man opened the first door of a series of 4 or 5 on the left and we followed him in.The room was decorated in the period of the building. Long flowing d****s; padded, patterned armchairs, high ornately patterned ceilings and deep plush carpet. An enormous gilt framed mirror covered the whole of one wall.There was Mr. Mills to greet us.”Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Grant. I’m pleased you’ve decided to join me and I’m looking forward to providing you with the fulfillment of your darkest fantasies.Our half naked escort left the room closing the door behind himself. Mr. Mills continued.”Please, will you sit. Mr. Grant here, and you Mrs. Grant over there.”We sat in the deep plush armchairs in positions several meters apart but facing each other. Mr. Mills leaned against the high mantelpiece of the grand open fireplace between the two of us but forming a triangle; we could each face each other.I was about to speak but Mr. Mills anticipated this and gently preempted me.”I don’t mean to address the issue with indecent haste but can we first settle the matter of payment.”I knew of this but had forgotten. Apologetically I scrambled into my pocket and extracted the wad of notes and without ceremony handed it to him. He declined.”I’d prefer to take it from Mrs. Grant.”Puzzled I handed it to Sue who took it and tried to hand it to Mr. Mills.”Count it out, Mrs. Grant. I like the idea of being paid by another man’s wife to arrange her fucking.”Sue turned bright red and began to count out the notes. I hoped her embarrassment prevented her realizing just how much more this was costing than I’d told her. As she finished there was an uncomfortable silence and I was about to speak. “You’re in my hands now, Mr. Grant. There’s no need to engage in polite conversation. You’re paying me handsomely for the service I’m about to provide and you mustn’t feel any obligation to pass idle chit chat. From this moment all you need do is listen and act on my instruction. If at some point either of you wish to leave or cease our games simply say so” I glanced at Sue and she glanced back. She didn’t seem nervous other than in an excited way. She gave me a half smile. Mr. Mills pressed a small button on the wall close to where he stood and I heard the faint distant sound of a bell. Momentarily there was a knock on the door and our earlier escort entered with a startlingly beautiful woman, startling insofar as she was “dressed’ in a clichéd form of a French maid outfit. Black stockings ran the length of her long legs with just the right glimpse of naked flesh between them and the flared, black and white laced micro mini. She wore a bustier which thrust her breasts up and out and they were naked. Her nipples stood proud but she was blushing a bright red. A silly, badly fitting black beret sat on her head.The man who’d let us in was with her, still dressed immaculately from the waist up still sporting a raging hard on. They presented a very erotic sight.”Mr. and Mrs. Grant, meet Mr. and Mrs. Cash.” We nodded to each other but no words were spoken. The silence wasn’t so much awkward as electrically charged.”Mrs. Cash, would you lay the fire please.”No conversation was taking place. All our eyes followed her as she walked to the fireplace and began to kneel next to Mr. Mills. On her knees she reached out for the small pile of kindling by the side of the hearth. As she did I was confronted with the most beautiful naked bottom framing pink pussy lips. I looked at Sue. Was she seeing what I saw?I think she was as she seemed transfixed. I looked back but by now Mrs. Cash was back on her haunches, her rear covered by the skimpy skirt.She picked up the matches from the side of the hearth, struck one, and leant forward again to light the wood she’d placed in the grate. There it was again. That gorgeous butt, that glistening pussy. This time I glanced at her husband. His cock was leaking pre-cum and a string of it attached itself to his shirttail. He saw me looking at him, he blushed and looked away from my eye. His cock was almost purple and shone like his wife’s cunt.”Thank you, Mrs. Cash, you may leave now.”She stood, curtsied, and left, never meeting the eye of her husband as far as I could tell.It was at this point that my resolve was going to be tested. Once Mrs. Cash had left, Mr. Mills spoke to us again.”We ought to start on your fantasies, don’t you think. After all its your money we’re spending and whilst I’m sure you’re enjoying helping Mr. and Mrs. Cash with theirs we should begin”He addressed me, “John, so far the thought of another man taking your wife has stayed firmly in your imagination.”I was startled more by his familiarity, his use of my first name, than by the content of his statement. I immediately felt disadvantaged, subservient somehow. He went on.”From this moment you must both trust me and obey me without question if you are to fully experience what it is you want from me. You cannot demur or from this moment on I will keep payment in full for my services. As you both now know I am very expensive and if you leave now you will have nothing to show for your investment. Now, as I say this I know you want to continue so we’ll proceed.””Mrs. Grant, you are beautiful. Any man would desire you. Look at Mr. Cash’s cock. Do you think that’s because he’s just watched his wife debase herself before us? Maybe. I’d like to bet he quite likes the prospect of examining your charms too, don’t you think. What do you think John? Think Mr. Cash would like to sample some of your pretty wife’s delights, her moist pussy, her hard erect nipples?”His words burned into my mind. Was I really ready for this? Was Sue?I got the answer to my second question first. “Open your legs, Mrs. Grant.”I wanted Sue to look at me for my response. She didn’t. After a moment’s hesitation her knees separated slightly. Very commandingly Mr. Mills spoke again.”Wider, Mrs. Grant. It’s too late for modesty.” Sue’s knees moved further apart and her dress began to slide up her thighs. “What do you think Mr. Cash? Would you like to fuck her?”Mr. Cash spoke, “Yes, sir.””And you John. Would you like him to fuck your wife right now, right here, in front of you?”I really didn’t know how to answer. How did Sue feel. What would she think if I said yes? It was what we’d come to experience but if I was unsure might she be the same. He read me well.”Never mind what she thinks. I’m looking after her now. What do you think? Do you want him to fuck her? It’s what you came for isn’t it? Is the reality too hard to bear?”There was a faint smile from him as I failed to answer. My mind flailed, torn.He turned from me back to Sue. Legs apart, a dark shadow hinted at her exposed cunt. Somehow I was relieved that the arms of the chair prevented her opening her legs wider. It was short-lived relief though.”Help me John. Come here.”I stood, not understanding my obedience, and walked towards Sue where he too now stood.Gently, he bent to Sue’s ankle and slowly lifted her sandaled foot. I was transfixed by the contact of this man’s large black hand on my wife’s person albeit only her slim ankle.”Get the other one.”We lifted and settled her legs over each arm of the chair. She showed no resistance and as I looked down into her eyes I saw she was watching Mr. Cash’s reaction across the room. Her face flushed the same color we’d seen Mrs. Cash’s earlier. She seemed unaware of my need to make eye contact with her.Mr. Mills took his place by the fire. He directed me back to my seat opposite Sue.This was surreal. Three men and one woman in the same room; the woman, my wife lewdly exposed before us. I had further confirmation of my answer to the second question about being ready – Was Sue?She was. Her cunt was clearly wet. It shone with her juices and as Mr. Mills instructed her to put her hands behind her head I sensed she was letting go of any responsibility.”Take a closer look, Mr. Cash”As he approached my wife his cock was so rigid it barely bounced. “Stand between her legs”He did, his cock at eye level for Sue. His cock and her cunt were only separated through height; him being stood and her almost lying down in the chair.”Remind me, Mrs. Grant, what is your husband’s favorite fantasy.”Sue spoke for the first time in ages. “To see me fucked by a stranger, to be cuckolded.””And we could very easily do that right now, Mrs. Grant, couldn’t we? Would you like that?”She hesitated the way I had earlier but she did reply. “Yes, I would… I really would…””Do you think your husband still wants it to happen?”She didn’t look at me. Her eyes flicked down from Mr. Cash’s eyes to his dripping cock. It leaked cum which dropped onto the folds of her dress now at waist height.”I think he does…””Take your eyes from that strange cock and look at your husband.”She looked replete, legs spread over the arms of the chair, hands behind her head. She looked at me but I sensed a glaze of lust in her eyes.”Ask him.””John, shall I… do you want me to… Can we handle it?”As I nodded in affirmation I could hardly believe the response I gave as I gave it.Mills spoke, “Prove it, John. Go to her.”I didand#8232;”Get hold of his cock”The shock of this instruction was nearly too much to cope with. Never in my life had I even considered the thought of touching another man’s penis.It’s impact effected Sue too. A moan escaped her lips.As I held it I can’t deny it felt good… hot, hard, slippery and alarmingly bigger than mine!Mr. Cash seemed impassive to me. He just continued looking down at my wife. His view would be his cock, my hand, her cunt. I saw too. Her clit; it stood proud of its hood like I’d never seen it, like a small penis, so stimulated as to almost vibrate and yet all that had touched her so far was the pre-cum that now dripped off the folds of her dress onto her lower abdomen.”Wank him and aim for her cunt.”What was I doing?I obeyed, Sue moaned again. I saw the canlı bahis siteleri tell tale signs of impending orgasm and yet still no touch. I tugged him back and forth as gently as I could. I was impressed that he didn’t just shoot his load… he’d been hard since we arrived with no relief that I was aware of.Mr. Mills spoke to my wife. “Use your left hand to caress his balls.”Her right hand stayed behind her head, the left descended as instructed. As she brushed the underside of his balls I knew he would shoot. He reminded me just in time.”Aim for her cunt.”When it came I felt it pulse through his shaft and jet onto my wife’s cunt. Her reaction was instant. As one of the pulses streamed onto her clit I saw the orgasm begin. Calmly but assertively Mr. Mills told Mr. Cash to move away, quickly grabbed both of Sue’s hands and pinned them over her head in a single one of his. He slid the other down the front of her dress and I guessed pinched and caressed her nipples. More groans from Sue.Mr. Mills began talking again. “Are you enjoying this, Mrs. Grant?””Oh, oh, mmmm… oh!””Talk to me Mrs. Grant. Is this nice?””Oh, yes, yes!””Look at your husband, Mrs. Grant, look how stained his pants are. Do you think you’ve succeeded in helping him with his fantasy. He’s enjoying it isn’t he. So is Mr. Cash, look he’s hard again.”I looked and sure enough his cock was at full mast again. Mr. Mills went on and my wife was still cumming.”Use your left hand and rub some of that lovely spunk into your belly.”Everything he demanded she did. And Mills was right, my own pants were wet through.Sue rubbed the sperm into her tummy whilst Mills continued with her breasts.Then something happened. Without warning Mills released her hands and walked away from her. The mood changed.”Make yourself presentable, Mrs. Grant.”Embarrassed and perplexed Sue closed her legs and tried to sit demurely. Quietly, Mr. Cash was directed to leave the room In seconds it was like nothing had happened. With passions apparently spent Sue and I sat in bemused confusion.”Now, you’ve sampled some of what I offer. You, John have shown your wife what a wimp you are and you Mrs. Grant have enjoyed a little sexual interlude at the hands of other men.”I was outraged at the tone and content of his outburst and spluttered to my own defense.Sue stepped in though. “He’s helping us role play, John. It’s okay, it’s okay.”Mills went on, “How can you possibly call yourself a loving husband when you’ve come in your pants whilst jacking off a stranger onto your wife’s belly and cunt.”I still didn’t like this. Sue saw my discomfort and came over to calm me.”It’s okay John, it’s just fun, it’s what we came for.”She knelt down beside the chair I was seated in and stroked my hand as it lay on the arm of the chair.Mills spoke again, “Perhaps we should call it a day. Maybe this weekend is going to be too much for you both.””Could you leave us for a while,” Sue requested.”Certainly, but when I return it’s time to surrender to me completely or to leave immediately.”He left.”Did you enjoy it, Sue.”She hesitated but only momentarily.”How can I deny it, it was exhilarating, breathtaking but I love you John and we’ll stop if you want. Let’s go now.”She held out her hand in a “come on” gesture and I couldn’t take it. She still loved me and I supposed that’s what I was looking for …reassurance. I looked at her wrinkled dress, I looked at her hand, her left hand and saw cum on her wedding band. I thought about the cum on her cunt under her dress, that dress, the one I was looking at now. It was still there and it was another man’s cum. My cock rose hard and fast. Sue smiled.”If we stay you’ve got to remember the head games he’ll play. Its why he’s so expensive, he’s good at this.”I knew she was right.”Are we okay?”I nodded.Chapter 3: Drawn Further In…In moments he was back. Sue was stood beside my seat.”If you’re staying get his pants off. Stand up and help her.”Alarmed but resigned I stood and Sue pulled off my pants revealing an erection soaked by my earlier ejaculate.”Get the rest off.”I stripped. Fortunately the fire set by Mrs. Cash earlier was now fully ablaze. I was naked now, the more so as I stood in the room with my dressed wife and host.”Sit on the sofa.”I did. He directed Sue to her seat and went to the bell on the wall by the fire. Again I heard the distant tinkle and again the door opened. This time it was Mrs. Cash. Still in her maid attire still looking shy and embarrassed.”Turn round and bend over, Mrs. Cash.”Obediently, she did.”What do you see, Mrs. Grant?”Taken aback Sue stammered.”Her bare bottom.””Don’t be coy, Mrs. Grant.”She brazened up.”Her pussy, it’s red and wet. She’s… she’s… she’s just been fucked… that’s cum oozing from her…”I could see. It certainly was. “Who fucked you, Mrs. Cash? It wasn’t your husband was it?”She spoke quietly, “No… it was the men you sent to service me… Carl and James…””Tell Mr. and Mrs. Grant when you last fucked your husband.””I can’t exactly remember, three weeks ago, maybe more.””Do you love your husband, Mrs. Cash?””Very much.””So why is it so long.””It’s the rules… and we like it here.””Fuck John for me, Mrs. Cash, now as he sits on the sofa.”My cock was like iron. She straddled me and I slipped into her easily as her cunt was so well lubricated with spunk. Her beautiful breasts were in my face.”Now slowly up and down, Mrs. Cash.”God, this was heaven. I heard him speak with my wife. Again he went to the bell.”Come here Mrs. Grant and sit on the floor with me.”They sat behind Mrs. Cash as she gently rode me. In seconds the door opened and Mr. Cash came in.”Mr. Cash, Mrs. Grant and I can’t get a very good view of your wife being fucked. Could you hold up her skirt so we can see her ride his cock.”How I didn’t come as he spoke I don’t know.”Yes, sir.”Now he spoke to me, “Lick her nipples.”As I did I felt a gush off female dew bathe my cock anew. She was loving this.”Watch now, Mrs. Grant as your husband shoots his load into Mr. Cash’s wife… and Mrs. Grant, please, stop masturbating without my permission… are you watching Mr. Cash… anytime now… there, there you go… your wife’s a sloppy mess again… look, look. Isn’t it nice to fuck another man’s wife, John especially whilst he watches you”I exploded. I felt like I came buckets. It came forever and I felt the hot liquid run down my shaft onto my balls triggering another spasm.”Get up, Mrs. Cash. Now bend over and show your husband what a dirty little slut you’ve been.”As she did we all saw her soaking gaping cunt and I felt immense pride. I looked at Mr. Cash with some contempt but was then distracted as I realized from the noises that my wife was lying on the floor masturbating.Chapter 4: A Seed Is Planted”Now, your attention please.” Mills was calling us to order.”Off you go, my dear.” he addressed Mrs. Cash.”Back to your room, someone will be there to fuck you shortly”Turning back to us he spoke again. “Mrs. Grant, Mr. Cash is now going to take you to your room. Make yourself comfortable, it’s your base for the duration of the weekend.””Mr. Cash, John here has just fucked your wife. If you were to fuck his he could hardly complain, now could he. Take her…oh and remember my dear you must enjoy yourself or hubby here is going to feel he’s wasted a lot of money. John, kiss your wife goodnight. The next time you see her she’ll have had a cock other than yours in her cunt and she’ll be awash with another man’s spunk.”I kissed Sue. She winked at me in affection and reassurance and left with Mr. Cash.I was left with Mr. Mills, feeling foolish and uncomfortable as I stood before him naked.”I think you enjoyed Mrs. Cash, John, didn’t you?”I nodded.”It’s probably put you at ease a little?””A little””Sit, I have something to tell you.”I sat in my original armchair with a sense of foreboding.”Your wife has tried to reassure you that everything’s okay. But it isn’t. Not for you at least. I’m going to spoil your wife, the woman you love so much. She’s a slut and I’m going to show her she is. I’ll have her fucking anyone I care too before the weekend’s out and she won’t dare fuck you without my permission…and that won’t be forthcoming. I’m going to keep her as a plaything and I’m going to use her to humiliate you.”Good grief he was good. He was pushing my buttons but only because I felt sure Sue was right about his mind games and I was in the “zone”. As he spoke my cock sprang up before him. He smirked.”Look at the mirror.”I turned towards the large gilt mirror I’d seen on first entry. Now it was a window. A window into a bedroom and I heard sounds, voices… Sue, Mr. Cash.I heard another sound, the thud of a deadlock. A momentary panic grabbed me.”Calm down John, you’re locked in. It’s a precaution I’ve found necessary when I tell you what’s next.”Through the mirror I saw Sue. She was facing me, it was as if she could see me. Mills spoke, “She can’t see you but she knows you’re there, watching and she’s going to give you your money’s worth.”Cash, naked, came up behind her and put his hands around her waist. Slowly he unbuttoned her dress. He slipped it over her shoulders and it fell to the floor. He cupped her naked breasts and held each nipple between thumbs and forefingers something I knew she loved. His cock had to be hard up against her buttocks. A look of ecstasy overtook her expression.”Oh Mr. Cash, that’s good, don’t stop.”As she moaned in delight I was transfixed but realized Mills was talking to me.”I’m sure she’s enjoying that but she has been instructed to play up for your benefit… to heighten the torment so to speak. Trouble is she doesn’t know the truth. She doesn’t know I’ve trapped you both into being my sexual slaves, playthings for my amusement. She doesn’t know she can’t have you again or indeed that she isn’t going to want you again.”I heard him but was entranced by the scene in the mirror. One of Cash’s hands glided down over her soft flat belly to her cunt, her sopping wet cunt. He found her clit and she writhed before me.”That clit, that cunt was once yours to play with, not anymore.”I jerked my hard cock.Slowly and gently Cash dragged her backwards a few feet until he was sat on the edge of a bed. Sue sat too, on his lap, each of her legs over each of his. She was spread before me, her cunt obscenely displayed. With an uncomfortable wriggle and adjustment Cash’s cock sprang from behind her and rested flush with her pussy lips. Sue’s hands followed, touching the large bell end against her belly with one, cupping his balls with the other. A look of utter lust and joy on her face. I saw Cash nuzzle her neck, kiss her and whisper. The kiss startled me. A loving gesture isn’t what I expected. What had he said to her?She groaned and threw her head back against his neck in rapture, a reciprocated show of affection? She raised her arms to reverse embrace him. Her breasts thrust forward, her hips gave little gyrations forcing his cock to rub up and down her sopping snatch.She addressed me through the glass between us.”I want this, John, I want it.”Their mutual shows of affection had made me less sure but my cock had a mind of its own.I looked at Mills.”It’s going to happen,” he smirked. “There’s nothing you can do about it. If you screamed and raged now she couldn’t hear you. Relax and enjoy.”Scream and rage was exactly what my mind was doing but the sight before me was exhilarating, outrageous, awful. Cash spoke now.”Watch, John, watch as my cock teases your wife’s cunt. She wants it, my cock, not yours. She wants it because she’s seen It’s bigger than yours. It’ll spread her wider and reach deeper than you’ve ever been and once she’s had it nothing less will do.”Sue groaned and writhed at his words.”Tell him, Mrs. Grant. Tell him it’s true.””It is, John. I love this cock, look at it.” She slid her hand up and down his cunt dampened cock, massaged it against her flat belly.I saw now the wedding band on her finger, wet with his pre-cum as it continued its sensuous slide along his shaft.”Magnificent” she breathed.She spoke to Cash, “Put it in… put it in… now!” Her writhing became more frantic.”Beg me and make me believe you want me and not your husband.””I do… I want you, not him. I want this big cock in me, now please… I’ll do anything!”She held his cock head against her clit and tried to masturbate herself with small rapid movements of it. His self control was masterful.”Please, Mr. Cash… please fuck me. Let my husband see how much more of a man you are… I beg you!””If I do you’re giving up claim to your own cunt, it won’t be yours or your husband’s, it’ll be surrendered to whoever they see fit.”Sue moaned again and once more I saw the beginnings of an orgasm and he wasn’t in her yet.”Yes I give it up… please… now… please!””Mr. Mills may share you with his friends, my wife, anyone he thinks fit.””Yes, I promise, whatever you… he wants… just pleeeease fuck me!”I watched as she raised herself in readiness. He lined up his cock as she lowered herself.Again he addressed me through the glass.”This is what you paid for, John. Hope you’re ready.” If he saw this as revenge for my fucking his wife he made a good job of exacting it. The tip of his cock was at her cunt lips all shiny, red and wet. It was going to happen. Sue glanced in my direction then lowered herself gently. Then it happened, the head disappeared effortlessly into her. For the first time in her life she had another cock in her; not mine, someone else’s. She gasped and he asked her to hold her position. With admirable restraint she obeyed and then he let her slide slowly onto him. I watched his cock disappear. I watched Sue’s face. She wasn’t play acting; she was in rapture.Fully embedded in her he held her still and whispered to her. She sensuously caressed her own tummy, looked towards me again and spoke.”He’s in here, in me, deep, deep in me, filling me.” A dreamy glaze in her eyes told me she was being totally possessed by him.I was entranced by the scene and wasn’t aware of Mills movements until he was at me.As I stood before the glass wanking he grabbed my hand from my cock and in a swift movement cuffed it to my other hand behind me. Distracted, he ordered me to pay attention to the scene in the mirror.”Watch whilst I tell you what’s happening”My cock was demanding attention. The scene before me was too much to bear and I was so hard it hurt. Without my hand to massage the pre-cum into my cock-head and shaft it pulsed issuing continuous wet strings. “He’s whispering to her. He’s telling her the truth. We told you contraception wasn’t an issue here, we’ve told her Mr. Cash has had a vasectomy.”What the fuck.”We told her that. We told her he was safe.” He smirked.I looked at Sue as Cash continued his intimate whispering. Then I saw from Sue’s startled reaction, her shocked round eyes, her hands to each side of her face, that the truth had registered.There she sat with this man’s thick, rigid cock firmly embedded in her, about to eject its life giving, life changing potent spunk into her fertile womb but she was still wriggling, almost imperceptibly, but moving nonetheless.”Well, John, seems like not even the prospect of conceiving a bastard c***d can stop your slut of a wife from getting her thrills.”Mills watched her and then me. He seemed to be enjoying my discomfort immensely.Sue’s movements became more definite. If her mind was struggling, her body wasn’t.”What do I do, John? What do I do?”She knew I couldn’t answer, that she was on her own. Cash smiled smugly. He need do nothing, just wait and watch my beautiful wife gradually give in to the mind sapping pleasure she was so obviously in thrall to on the end of his cock.”I can’t stop… oh, god… I can’t stop… oh sweet lord…oh…ohh!”Now she was clearly lifting herself off him and plunging down, a grind, a groan, a lift off and another deeper press down, another deeper grind.”Oh, John, what have we done? I can’t stop, this is so… so… ummm…”Another grind, another lift, this time till his cock almost left her, then a sharp hard drop, then again, his cock shining lewdly as it emerged from my darling wife’s cunt and then disappearing again as her cunt greedily swallowed it up.Cash spoke, “Ready to take my load, Mrs. Grant. Ready to bear my c***d?” He taunted her, stoking her. His words acted like an accelerator, she was speeding up, shouting no, no, no but plunging onto him harder and harder, faster and faster.”Pretty, smart wife on the outside, breeding slut on the inside. You’re a slut, worse than a whore, you love this and we’re going to breed you for fun, to ruin you…and you” he looked at me through the glass laughing whilst my wife fucked herself on him.”Tell him what you are.””Please no… no… oh god… ummmm… oh!””Tell him he has to bring up your bastard c***dren or you’ll leave him. Tell him your cunt belongs to Mr. Mills and that he will never fuck you again without his permission.”As she began to speak her pace of fucking became ferocious and she didn’t get the words out before her rolling orgasm began.Her moans, shouts, incoherent words. His sneering, leering look at her… and me.And then I saw. As she lifted from him this time the unmistakable sight of his cum covered shaft, glutinous white/grey strands clinging to his shaft, then into her again lining the walls of her womb with the same gooey residue.And as I saw this, my own cock pulsed, untouched and issued forth rapid-fire spurts of cum splattering the wall and carpet before me. The mirror became reflective again. Instead of seeing my wife in prolonged orgasm I was faced with the sight of my own reflection, naked, handcuffed and cock still dripping.Chapter 5: Preparing bahis firmaları DinnerMills left me. I stood alone in the room contemplating what I’d just seen and now feeling ridiculous in my nudity and bondage. Several minutes later Mills returned.Unceremoniously, he ordered me to follow him as he made to go for the door. I hadn’t left the room since we arrived earlier in the evening but the prospect of wandering around this enormous building in nothing but a pair of handcuffs horrified me.He saw my hesitation and addressed it immediately.”It’s only difficult because you think you have a choice. You don’t. I can leave you here for the weekend without any food or toilet facilities whilst my friends and I fuck your wife or you can obey me.”He smiled.”Staying in here for the weekend would be such a waste of your hard earned money.”I followed him.As I left the room to follow him I was acutely aware of the helpless and vulnerable state I was in. I sheepishly looked up and down the corridor to see if anyone would see me and then scurried after Mills who’d disappeared into a room 3 or 4 doors down.The room was a beautifully appointed bedroom. I heard the sound of a shower from behind a door in the corner of the room.”Make yourself as comfortable as you can. You both have an hour before dinner is served in the dining room. Please don’t be late.”There was no eroticism in this situation. It seemed so normal. Here I was having been shown my room as if in a smart hotel, taking on the information a porter might offer having dropped my bags, my nakedness the only indication of anything untoward.”And the cuffs, Mr. Mills?””Oh you’ll get the hang of them… along with the other toys we’ll expose you too”I felt my cock twitch. There was a frisson of eroticism after all.As he left the room I heard the shower stop and momentarily Sue emerged from the en-suite with a towel wrapped around her.”Sue, my love, are you alright? Are we still okay?” I wanted to embrace her, love and hug her but my tied hands prevented me. “Oh, John, wasn’t it fantastic? Did you see?”I was a little taken aback at her enthusiasm. I had enjoyed, kind of, what had gone on but I did feel real unease and I’d expected Sue would too.”Yes, I did, love, but are we thinking through the consequences? Pregnancy at our age?””Oh that’s just the game, John, they wouldn’t do that. Doesn’t it really put some nastiness into the weekend. That suggestion of being here to be bred. I get flustered and hot at the thought. It’s so wicked.”My thoughtful, intelligent wife was like a giddy schoolgirl. I was shocked at her acceptance of all this. I couldn’t deny the sexual kick I’d got from this so far but I was having serious doubts about its effect on my emotional wellbeing. I was feeling hurt, vulnerable and jealous. How could that be? I’d been complicit in all this, more than that I’d been positively proactive.”What a magnificent cock he has, John. I’ve never been so full and when he came it felt like, well like… gallons. It’s the best sex ever…”She seemed unaware of the hurt she was causing me, so wrapped up was she in her recent experience.”And what did you think of Mrs. Cash. How humiliating was that, her being forced to show us her freshly fucked pussy.”That image provoked the stirrings of another erection. Sue saw and took that as shared enthusiasm for our escapade.”I’m so glad you’re into this too, John. It would be awful if you hated this when I love it so much. Come on, let’s get ready for dinner.”She disappeared behind the door I took to be the en suite bathroom and I stood bewildered and suddenly feeling very lonely. I glanced around looking for the clothing I was meant to wear for dinner. Dinner would at least be some kind of relief from this relentless sequence of sex. If only I could lose these cuffs.I scanned the room seeing no sign of men’s clothing. I checked the wardrobes. Nothing. I called through to Sue.”Sue, can you see anything to wear in there?””Yes, dear, but just leave me to get ready. I’ll be out shortly.”I sat on the bed wondering what had been left for me to wear and how exactly I would dress with wrists chained behind me. I’d be dependent on Sue helping.It seemed ages before Sue reemerged from the dressing room and when she did she looked stunning. She wore a black dress that hugged her shapely body, cut to mid thigh and with a plunging neckline that held her bosom up and out. Her cleavage tantalized. She wore black 31/2″ heels. More than this she had an assured, happy bearing, a sense of strength and assurance.My cock rose again.”I look that good?” she teased.She did. Right then I wanted her badly. I wanted to possess her, reclaim her as mine.She saw this and continued teasing.Stood face to face, just feet apart, me naked, her dressed to kill I felt frustration bordering on rage. She looked at my straining cock and smirked. Never was I more aware of my restraints. The cuffs were beginning to hurt as I u*********sly tested them in my anger and frustration.My head was exploding in confusion. I wanted relief for the all consuming sexual urge that was beginning to overpower me and I hated the lack of control, the jealousy, my subjugation. With overwhelming humiliation I asked my wife for hand relief. She replied intensifying that humiliation.”No dear. I have my instructions. I’m theirs now. I couldn’t possibly.”Open mouthed I stared at her. Struggling for some composure I stammered.”But that’s just a game. They’re not here now, come on, Sue help me here.”I tried approaching her and she backed away. “Keep that leaking cock away from my beautiful dress. We’ll be in big trouble if you stain it.””Sue… Sue…” I pleaded without finishing and still trying to process my confusion.She ignored me. No eye contact. What’s happening?I backed down, reluctantly. “At least help me dress.”She seemed to relent. “Where are your clothes?””You said they were in the dressing room.””No, this dress was in the room and these shoes, but no men’s clothing.”After a quick double check Sue became a little more sympathetic towards my predicament.”I’ll pop down and find someone to help.”At that there was a knock on the door and without waiting for an answer the door opened.A small man, a midget, dressed in evening suit came in. Embarrassed at my nakedness I hid behind the dressing room door.”My name is Carl. I’ve brought John’s attire for the evening.”Without expression he handed Sue a small package.”Please dress him.”Sue opened the package. It contained a black collar and chain. Sue handled it and looked at the midget quizzically.”Please dress him” he repeated.Then to me he spoke even more commandingly.”Come away from the door, NOW!” he barked.His diminutive size in no way diminished his authority. I stepped from behind the door and stood before him.”Here, now.”I obeyed, again surprised at my own timidity.”Dress him,” he said again to Sue.She approached me with some trepidation. I sensed her discomfort for me but quickly she put the collar around my neck and the chain fell loosely down my chest, past my cock and down to my ankles.”Hand me the lead.”Sue bent down, picked up the dangling chain and handed it to Carl. Carl sneered. He struck me as a bad man and not one to cross for all his stature.”You, my dear may go down to the dining room. Down the stairs and to the left.”Sue glanced at me with some concern… and excitement… but left without protest.Carl tugged on the lead bringing me closer to him and didn’t ease off until he had me bent and stooped so that I was nose to nose with him. As I stuttered an objection he hushed me putting a finger to his lips. Why did I let this gesture stop any protest? Holding me there he took something from his pocket and swiftly pushed it into my mouth, a tablet or pill, and insisted I swallow. He roughly grabbed and nipped my nose forcing my mouth open so he could check I’d swallowed it. Assured I had, he stuffed a large black ball into my mouth effectively gagging me. By now I felt panic. Here I was, naked, hands fastened behind me, chained and gagged and with an erection which totally belied my true feeling. This situation did not arouse me but a rock hard cock sprung out in front of me. Carl spoke to me, “That’s the d**g I’ve given you.” He had loosened the lead a little and pointed at my cock. God it was hard, painfully hard.”By now we’re calculating you may have serious misgivings about this weekend in sexual heaven. We’ve seen and heard your conversation with your wife and she may just be wondering if you’ve both gotten yourselves too far in.”I tried far too late to agree but all that came out was a muffled sound. It was still only Friday night but right now I would just have liked to take Sue home and cuddle her.”But we like your wife and I think she’s enjoying herself. The only thing holding her back from becoming a totally willing slut for us is her love and concern for you. She needs reassurance that you are enjoying this.”Of course we know you’re not. You’ve enjoyed fucking Mrs. Cash and you’ve enjoyed watching Mr. Cash fuck your wife but that’s all it was for you. Now, though, there is an emotional aspect to all this that’s creeping up on you and beginning to consume you”I didn’t know where he was going with this but his assessment was true and him articulating it made me more conscious of it.”So some coercion is going to be necessary from now on.”The smile he gave me was cold and I knew my earlier assessment of his character was fair. This was one bad mother.”Everything you and your wife have done here since your arrival earlier this evening has been recorded. We have sound, video and stills, all explicit. If any of it were to fall in the wrong hands I suspect it might have catastrophic effects on your professional and social lives not to mention your family lives…”My god, what on earth had we gotten ourselves into. Any thought of sex or eroticism collapsed under the weight of this sudden reality check. And yet my cock was as rock hard now as it was before. His smile didn’t waiver.”…so it would make sense to cooperate, John. Don’t you think so?”He knew I couldn’t reply but I stood chained, bound and mute and had I been able to speak I would have had to assent. My family was too important to me.”Now, John, when we’re fucking your wife, abusing her, teasing her, using her as our plaything you will not fail in your encouragement of her. When she looks for reassurance you give it; when she looks for help you withhold it and encourage her acceptance of what we do to her. It shouldn’t be hard to convince her. That good, hard erection we’ve helped you with should help”As a full understanding of my predicament raced into my brain a strange feeling overtook me. I don’t know if it was a kind of madness but I seemed to shed any care. I was helpless, without power and responsibility. Nothing was in my control, yet I sensed a kind of liberation. A rush of sexual energy overcame me and again, without physical aid I ejaculated. A stream of cum shot forth and as the midget Carl guffawed with laughter the stream became an obscene string hanging from my still rock hard cock.He continued laughing evilly as he tugged my chain forcing me to follow him and as I did I knew that madness hadn’t left me. 6 Dinner and SeparationAs we entered the large dining room two things struck me. Its old world opulence and grandeur would have impressed me immensely in different circumstances. High ceilinged, wooden floored and with another large and fully roaring fire it looked like an old gentleman’s club. In the centre of the room, placed on top of the lavish Persian rug, was a large dining table. The second thing that struck me was my lack of embarrassment in front of the dining coterie.At the head of the table sat Mr. Mills. On one side sat Mr. and Mrs. Cash, facing them but with their backs to me were Sue and another man, who I could see even in the subdued light and his seated position was tall and broad and dark. I was to learn this was James. I’d heard Mrs. Cash refer to him earlier as Carl’s partner in her fucking.Carl left me by the door and went to take his place at the table, completing the diners as he sat facing Mr. Mills.I felt awkward. Naked, gagged and cuffed with a raging, leaking hard on I didn’t know where to put myself but I was seemingly being ignored. Then I realized the murmur of dinner conversation was about me. I strained to listen.”…think it’ll be ok…” “he’s enjoying…” “…likes being a wimp…” “…happy we’re doing such a job on you, my dear…” The all seemed to be contributing and then I heard Sue’s voice, hesitant and nervous.”Are you sure? I think… I think I’d just like to check with him,” she seemed unaware I was in the room.Mills barked instruction to me. “Here, John, now!”I walked towards his position at the head of the table. I was suddenly the focus of all their attention. “Closer!”I moved a step forward to the edge of the table at which point my erect cock was displayed across its surface. Embarrassingly it gave a little pulse, issuing forth another string of pre-cum.I looked at Sue and caught her eye as it did so. A question I detected in her eye disappeared as she saw this. It was replaced with lust.More confidently now she spoke, “I understand from our friends here that you really are loving this, John, and that you really want me to continue.”As she spoke James lifted her left hand in his and took it to his lips, kissing her wedding band tenderly. As he did so she gazed at him lovingly and as she looked back at me my cock pulsed again.”They’re making me feel so sexy, John. It’s such a relief you like it too. They really know how to make this work. You’re such a darling for arranging it all.”Mills spoke, “Do remember to tell him some of what we’ve arranged for the rest of the weekend, my dear. I’m sure he wants to know that we’ve told you of all the desires he’s never dared tell you. As you can see, he can’t speak for himself.”They all chuckled.Infuriated, I tried to object with what of course were unintelligible grunts. “Tell him… tell him what delights you’ve consented to for his gratification.”Now Sue spoke to me. She feigned coyness. “Well,” she paused for thought.”I like the idea of everyone here fucking me for your pleasure… I think I’m less sure about lack of protection but I suppose that’s a chance we take and if it pleases you.”What? WHAT? My mind raced. These weren’t my fantasies. What had they told her?”I’m just surprised you’ve never told me…”Unable to speak and still sporting a rock hard cock that seemed somehow separate to me my head was spinning.”And this thing of showing love not just lust… I thought that would hurt you… but… if that’s what you want I’ll try to feign love too, or at least affection.”She turned to face James who still held her hand in his.”It shouldn’t be so hard,” she said coquettishly. My cock, still projecting over the corner of the table, twitched again. I silently prayed this was all part of the mental game but doubts began to plague me again.”I had no idea you wanted to suck the cocks that were going to fuck me… that’s really…” she shivered before she could finish.The madness rose in me again. I’m not gay. I’m really not gay but reason was leaving me, and some a****l force was taking over. The thought thrilled and disgusted me but also the thought, “Don’t leave me, Sue, don’t leave me.”Sue was watching the reaction her words were having on me. Unable to speak she had only my wide eyes and my rampant cock on which to base a judgment and I saw it was my cock that caught her eye.Mills interjected.”Bedtime for you, John.”I looked at him startled.”Take him.”He was addressing Mrs. Cash. She blushed. I’d still not heard her speak more than a few words. She pushed back her chair and stood. I saw then that she was dressed just as she had been earlier, as a French maid, but this time breasts covered, only becoming obvious as she stood revealing the ridiculously short skirt, stockings and what looked like heels too high for her comfort. She stood to her full height, a petite 5’1 or 5’2. “When he’s in his room uncuff him and remove the gag. Leave on his collar.”She looked hesitant, nervous.”Relax my dear. After tonight remember you’re free to go.”She did, slightly.”Lead him away.”She picked up the trailing lead and self consciously gave it a tug. I caught Sue’s eye. I saw lust, meanness even but felt the tug and followed meekly. As we got to the door I managed to catch a final glimpse of Sue in a passionate clinch with James…and to hear vicious laughter from Mills and Carl.Once in my room, a plain beige walled cell-like space with a single bed against one wall, Mrs. Cash hesitated again. I didn’t understand at first. I raised my arms behind me offering my cuffed wrists for release. She didn’t respond. I turned and grunted. She removed the gag and I inhaled deeply.”My hands” I said. Still hesitation.”What’s wrong, they told you to uncuff me.””I-I… know what they’ve done to you.””What do you mean?” I was genuinely puzzled.”They’ve d**gged you, you’re… aroused to a point of madness, you’ll **** me.”What was she talking about. I’d already fucked her once. Then I thought. Madness. That’s the word I’d thought of myself. She now saw my unease.”When you… had me… before… it was against my will, it was to please my husband. I wish I’d never agreed to come here.””But you DID enjoy it, you were…” I didn’t need to find a euphemism for her excited sexual state as she anticipated what I was going to say.”I can’t help my body’s response. I’m human, I’m wired to respond, and I’d been d**gged too, so don’t you think it was anything but following instructions to please my husband.”We were silent for a few moments.This fragile, bahis firmaları sensitive woman should have had my sympathy, but she was right. Right now I wanted to fuck her. My cock said so, my mind said so. But I still had some wits about me.”I understand. Take the lead and tie it to a bed leg. Then uncuff me. That should give you time to get out of the door.”Slowly, I saw the sense of my proposal sink in. She looked towards the base of the bed and tugged me to it. I had to get on the floor for her to fasten the chain around the leg. Then she stood above me. As I looked up at her I saw the most delightful sight. From this angle her skirt no longer covered her beautiful naked cunt. I was foolish enough to comment.”Is that still the d**gs?” I said sarcastically.Momentarily she was puzzled. Then when she understood I was astonished when she began to cry.”The things they’ve done, the things they’ve made me do. They’ve turned me into a slut. Why is my body doing this to me”Gently, like a wolf, I pounced.”If you’re body needs something I can help. Look what they’ve done to me, a permanent raging hard-on. We’re both victims here.”I wanted her and her body wanted me. Whatever the reason I wanted to fuck her right now. That wet pussy wasn’t lying. d**g induced, conditioned, whatever the reason, I didn’t care. She wanted it and so did I.”Do you know what they have planned…you don’t, do you?”In my haze of lust I almost didn’t care but I must have detected just enough of a genuine warning and I responded.”We’re just here for some fun. They’re providing our entertainment. We’re just here for an old fashioned dirty weekend.”As I said it, I knew we were already past that and that I was deluding myself. She knew this.”Don’t be stupid. You… we… are their entertainment. And it’s not just for the weekend. That’s what they told us. Here we are three weeks later and because we’ve done as they asked we can leave tonight, but not you. We’ve heard their plans for you. It’s so… depraved, so filthy and amoral. I’m so sorry you’re caught in this but it’s too late now.”A cold chill of fear went through me.”Oh, God, just thinking about it.”Whatever it was made her groan with unwanted pleasure.”This is what they do to us. How can I be so wanton, they’ve done this to me!”She released the lead from the bed and without hesitation this time, unlocked the cuffs.She laid on the bed, knees up, legs apart, cunt lips open and shining with wetness. “Do it to me… now… please!”Feeling invigorated by my liberation I took control.”I’ll fuck you, damn right I’ll fuck you… but this is how I’ll do it.”I flipped her over, lifted her skirt, and seeing her perfect ass and shiny cunt plunged my raging cock into her. The tight hot feeling was almost too much to bear and after waiting so long in a heightened sexual state I thought I was going to cum immediately. Fucking her earlier and then ejaculating twice “hands free” must have helped my staying power as I was able to keep powering away at her. She kept talking, like her mind and body were fighting over possession of her soul. Her body responded to the fucking I was giving her. She met my thrusts and her cunt bathed my cock in hot wetness. But she spoke of other things as I did so.”You think you’re their customer, but you’re their slave. They d**g you, manipulate you, condition you and blackmail you. You’ll do what they want. They’ll make you want it too. And your wife, if I told you… if I tell you… you can’t let them know I told you.”Her speech was punctuated by grunts and thrusts. I wanted to know but only because it fed my lust for the woman I was fucking. Dreams and nightmares filled my mind as I thrust deeper and deeper, delighted that I was able to maintain such a prolonged performance.”I heard them… they’re going to breed her. It’s a game for them. They’re betting on the c***d being theirs, each of them. She’ll know by now… they’re doing her now… in the dining room. They’re telling her as they do it. And that’s not all… it doesn’t stop there by any means”This story far from shocking me fired my lust further. I knew she was telling me the truth but it felt like the recounting of some deep dark fantasy.Without stopping my grinding I spoke back.”Go on, tell me everything””The branding… the family… the…”From nowhere I felt a punch to the back of my head. I fell, untied from my fuck mate and landed on the floor stunned. In seconds I felt my wrists cuffed again.I heard Mrs. Cash groan.”Oh please, I need to come, please help me… fuck me… hard!”Shaking off the stupor I saw now it was Mr. Cash. He dropped his pants and took my place, fucking his wife and berating her at the same time.”What are you doing? After everything we’ve been through this past three weeks, how could you jeopardize it now? You shouldn’t be telling him.””Just fuck me. Make me come and then we can go. Fuck me just fuck me”I watched them fuck. I had seen his cock was bigger than mine when he fucked Sue earlier and it seemed to make a difference to his wife now.”That’s it… just a bit more… yes… oh yes… again… harder! YES! YES! OH YESSS!”He’d nailed her good and quick.This quiet and dignified lady quickly became just that again. It was as if some madness, the same madness I’d felt, had left her.As she stood her short skirt dropped to give her a little modesty so that were it not for the shiny cum I saw on her thighs she’d look just as I’d seen her in the dining room. Mr. Cash was quickly dressed. Man and wife spoke with each other as if I wasn’t there.”We’ve helped find our replacements, so let’s go. When it took so long for you to come back they sent me to get you. They’re so into their game with her they’ve said to just go.””But the recordings, the pictures?””These two so meet all their needs I don’t think we need worry. We’ve kept our side of the bargain. Let’s just go and get out of this hellhole.”I interjected, “Please, tell me what you know before you leave.””She’s already said too much,” he replied, dragging his wife to the door.”What did you mean, ‘branding’ and ‘family’?””That’s not half of it. You’ll see soon enough.”He pushed his wife through the open door and as he left himself quipped,”Anyway from what I’ve seen you’ll probably both enjoy it.”He closed the door behind him.I sat, alone and forlorn. Their words sent questions racing around my mind and the speed with which they’d left created a real sense of danger.After a moment of bewilderment I approached the closed door and tried clumsily to turn the handle. Though my wrists were still tied behind me, with careful maneuvering I was able to open the unlocked door quietly.By now I was losing myself consciousness about my nudity. I crept along the corridor stealthily as possible eager to find Sue so I could try to end what was rapidly becoming a nightmare. I didn’t understand the references the Cash’s had made but ‘branding’ had a clear implication of permanence, not a weekend dalliance and the very mention of ‘family’ terrified me. That, notwithstanding, I was still sporting a rock hard cock. Whatever they’d given me must have been very strong.I made my way to where I remembered the dining room being. The door was slightly ajar. I listened carefully. I heard nothing so pushed the door open gently and peered inside. The table was still laid, with empty plates and wine glasses. The fire still looked lively. As I ventured further in I quickly realized the room was empty.I had no plan but I had expected to find my wife there with our tormentors and now ungagged I could have tried to warn her. Now I was at a loss. Where in this vast house was she. If I shouted they would find me before I warned her. I looked around the dining room looking for clues and inspiration. None were to be found.I decided I’d have to wander the house listening at doors. I’d barely got to the next room when I heard a telephone ring. Panic stricken I tried to work out where the sound was coming from. The first ring startled me but I needed the second one to help me locate it. A third ring might be too late if someone came to answer it. After the second ring I still couldn’t work it out. Panicked into action I dashed back into the dining room where to my horror I was faced with the midget Carl heading to a sideboard on which stood an old fashioned hook telephone stand. He saw me as I saw him. He was cool. I was not.He let the telephone ring. Caught like a rabbit in headlights I stared at him. Swiftly he approached me and grabbed my defenseless naked testicles with a vice-like grip. I fell to the floor, screaming in pain. As I writhed on the floor he stuffed a handkerchief into my mouth and I was back to square one. As I continued to roll in agony I felt cold metal on my neck and the sound of a click.This was worse than square one. I’d had half a chance to extract my wife and I from some unspecified horrors, failed and was now likely to find out what those horrors were.But not just yet.Carl led me not to Sue but back to the room I’d just escaped from. He left me there and I heard the door lock. I sat on the edge of the bed suddenly very weary. From somewhere outside my door I heard a clock chime and realized how late it was. As I counted the twelfth strike I surrendered to tiredness and lay down on the bed and despite the discomfort of cuffs and gag quickly fell asleep.7 SaturdayIt was very late when I awoke the next morning. Daylight flooded the room. I looked around me and realized simultaneously I was uncuffed, ungagged and without a lead. Clothes lay d****d over a chair in the corner. My ferocious erection of the previous evening had subsided. Normality? I had to mentally reconstruct the events of the night before to convince myself I hadn’t dreamed it all. Tell tale red bands of sore skin on my wrists assured me it had been real.I rose and was able to dress in the casual clothes clearly left for me. I approached the door tentatively and tried the handle. It opened. With no specific plan I wandered to where I knew the dining room to be.As I entered Mills was sat by the table, legs crossed and seemingly immersed in a broadsheet newspaper. I took a step further and Mills looked up.”Morning, John. Come and have some breakfast with me.”He gestured to the chair adjacent him.Still slightly bewildered by the normality of the situation after last night I did so.”Morning,” I responded.”You slept well, I hope you’re suitably recovered.””Yes…yes I am, I feel very well thank you.”He raised the coffee pot and poured the black liquid content into a cup.”Help yourself to toast, there’ll be a cooked breakfast with you shortly.” He smiled reassuringly and a moment later Carl entered with a tray full of breakfast. He didn’t speak and left immediately. Last night, in the intense mood of the evening he’d seemed intimidating. Now as he waddled away his short stature seemed comical and I wondered how I’d been so frightened of him. I began tucking into the lavish breakfast realizing how long it had been since I’d eaten.”So, John, have you enjoyed your stay so far?”Whether out of a misplaced sense of courtesy or because I was still bewildered I answered.”Yes, yes I have.””Good. Today should be even better if you enjoyed last night.””But what about Sue… my wife… is she okay? Where is she?”I felt the first rise of panic as I realized I hadn’t seen her since last night.”She’s fine. I saw her and James only an hour ago. She seems to be enjoying his company immensely.”Indignant I spoke again, “I want to see her now. I insist you take me to her””No, John. Not just yet. I’m not sure she’ll want to see you straight away. She’s somewhat preoccupied at the moment. Let’s see how the day goes, shall we?”Now my earlier calm was evaporating.”NOW, Mills,” I said. He saw my anger and couldn’t have missed my failure to address him by his surname.He didn’t lose his cool though. He smiled again, calmly and reassuringly but I wasn’t reassured.I stood up and shouted again.”Take me to her, now or so help me I’ll…” words failed me. What exactly would I do? I’m not a fighter. I couldn’t storm off and find her, the house was too vast.””SIT DOWN, JOHN” His tone brooked no dissent.I did, somewhat chastened by my realization of how helpless I was. I tried reason.”I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. It was rude of me. I think you’ll understand though, I’m very concerned for her. I haven’t seen her since last night, I’m responsible for her, I brought her here.””That’s okay, John, I understand but do remember why you brought her here. Tell me why again.”I blushed deeply.”To experience… enjoy our fantasies.””What kind of fantasies?””Sexual fantasies.””That’s right, John and that’s just what she’s doing now. Let me reassure you she is physically fine, if a little tired… hardly surprising in the circumstances” His smile this time was more sinister.”So, please don’t be concerned on that count.”I knew he hadn’t finished.”Emotionally, however, she does seem to be getting very attached to James.”A cold chill of fear ran up my spine.”When I last saw her they were more like lovers than … well there were displays of affection, shall I say. I’ve run many of these weekends. They’re about sex, not love. I’m not used to seeing this.””You’re lying. Sue would never betray me like that…and I know the mind games you’re playing with us. The Cash’s, they told me. They told me your plan…”I came to a spluttering incoherent end.and#8232;”Ah, the Cash’s. They played their part well. I’ll give them a break for a few months now that I have you to play with. I’ll have them back though. I particularly like her. Such innocence and such a sex drive.”He seemed wistful as he recalled her but my mind was working overtime.After a moments thoughtful pause he spoke again.”You have the day free, John. Don’t worry about your wife, who she’s fucking, who she’s loving. Forget about the Cash’s and what they’ve said. There’s nothing you can do about any of it. You and your lovely wife are mine to do with as I see fit so relax and enjoy. Go out, enjoy the fresh air, walk in the park, have a coffee at Starbucks, read a book. Whatever you like. Then come back here for 6 tonight and we’ll see where we go from there. Maybe I’ll introduce you to James’ new plaything?”He grinned evilly, got up and left the room.As I sat, stunned, I tried to work out what to do.I stood up, realizing as I did that again my cock was rock hard and tented the front of the pants I was wearing. d**gged again. That damned coffee. Trying to ignore it I left the dining room, entered the hallway and at the top of my voice I shouted.”SUE… SUE… WHERE ARE YOU?!”There was no reply… from anyone or anything.I climbed the stairs and shouted again. No response. I ran the length of the landing trying doors. All locked. Beaten I went back to the top stair and sat head in hands. He’d said to come back at 6. I had no option. I left by the grand front door we’d entered only the evening before. As I closed the door behind me the symbolism caught me. Was I abandoning my wife to these bastards?I could see the day dragging by. I didn’t do anything Mills had suggested. Too self conscious of the permanent erection I was sporting I went home. Maybe there’d be something there to take my mind off the predicament. I checked the post. One or two bills and flyers but nothing of real interest. There was an answer phone message from my daughter Nicola to say she was coming home next weekend and to let her know if that was okay. I ignored it. Sue would call her in due time. This erection was getting on my nerves. There was no one home so I stripped off the pants to give my cock some freedom.I switched on my computer hoping again for some diversion. There were several email messages, some spam which for some reason I always checked the title of and two from people I knew. As I went to delete the spam one caught my eye.”John Grant as you’ve never seen him.”Fucking hell. I opened it but simply found a link to another site with a long incomprehensible address. I followed it.”John and Sue Grant, fucking and being fucked, but not by each other.””Slave John Grant sucks cock.””Slut Sue Grant fucks midget.””Slut Sue Grant goes black.””Slave John Grant bound and gagged.””Slut Sue Grant impregnated.”For each a click would show a picture to match the description. The list went on. All the pictures were of high quality and as I studied them I felt my hand go to my cock. I masturbated furiously until I got to a second page.”Slut Sue Grant branded.””Slut Sue Grant chained and enslaved.””Slave John Grant feeds black cock to wife’s cunt.” “Slave John Grant sucks black cock”and#8232;These weren’t true. Frantically I clicked. No picture appeared.Another page.”Slut Sue Grant does Dogs.””Slut Sue Grant with Snakes.”My God!!”Nicola Grant Helps Slut Sue.”There was no consolation in the absence of supporting photos. We were clearly in serious trouble here.But I couldn’t understand this. I thought I’ll tackle this later and flicked back to those captions with pictures. My cock pulsed again. A picture of Sue fucked by Cash, I remember it, the rapture on her face. I masturbated furiously, ejaculated, masturbated again. My erection was never ending. The pictures fascinated me, the unsupported captions should have consumed me but I masturbated and masturbated. I did this for hours. My cock was red roar and sore. Eventually the erection left me. Presumably the d**g wore off. Exhausted, I came away from the computer and dressed again. I was staggered to see the time was approaching 6:15.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~you can find that story here asstr.org/~Kristen/81/amarriagemarredinheaven.txt

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