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Becoming femmeTIGHed at my self in the mirror.. mmmm liked what I saw Tight girls jeans.and a bra under a tank top. Looking good there Misch. Mum and I decided on Michele for a name and I shortened it to Misch. Found a pair of sexy knee high boots which fit well and then I was ready to get my new look.Mum yelled out “are you ready to go Misch, I’ve made a special appointment for you ,a private room where the girls can work on you””on my way mum” when i reached the car i stopped so she could look at meÏ think you are going to look very good honey by the time they are finished with you .Are you sure you want to do this,its a big step””I nodded….. yes I want this even if its only for a few weeks.I knew it was going to be longer, the fabric against my skin was already atakum escort making me horny.We got to the salon and I remember the owner say this was going to be an easy job asI already looked a bit like a girlMum left to do some shopping and I was left in the capable hands of the girls. They decided on a nice andro pixie cut considering my hair was not that long and went to work.While my hair was done another went to work on my nails though they were not long they were made shapely and polished.The boots came off next and my toe ails received the same feet are rather small and they said rather sexy and shapely. I blushed i rememberSoon my hair was done and I agreed that it looked rather cute.She (the owner) then led me to the private atakum escort bayan room where to get my make over compleled.”Right the jeans an the top have to come of now .,You can keep the bra and panties on for the moment but they may have come off too. “And off they came’.”You are going to make a very pretty girl when we are finished with you .You are already looking very feminine as if that’s what you should be.I think there will be a lot of boys giving you the once over and girls too I should think.MMMM Had not the thought of girls much at the moment.not that I didn’t like them.I was not more interested in getting some cock for now.A hot young dyke with a dick”” she laughed then went to work.She had me stand while she examined my body””Not much escort atakum hair on your body virtually none on your back ..none on your chest very short on your legs and underarms but a lot on your bikini line you want me to take it all off? “I thought for a moment and agreed “Take it all off make me smooth””Sit down there and we’ll start with your legs”She waxed my legs and slipping the bra off she did my back and soon I was smooth as silk.An then she slid the panties down my legs ans examined the hair on my pubes…..”We”ll have to shave this if that’s what you want'”I nodded and she went to work and in a fee moments all the hair was gone.At that moment Mum came back She had been shopping and had bought a few things for me to wear. to the lingerie i was wearing she had found suspenders and stockings to match. She got new jeans for me t shirts (Tight ones tooa skirt,blouse,cut offs .Thee was no need for moreA little bit of make up and I was ready to enter a new world .,. and this girl wanted a COCK!!!!
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32