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Blackmailed Couple Ch. 07-09Chapter Seven:Husband must hear ‘fantasy’.Monday night wasn’t right; she couldn’t get past her own nervousness of what she was suppose to do. And things didn’t quite feel right with the way the evening was going, so she chose to not even attempt what she was suppose to do.Tuesday night was different though. I’d been aroused, and in the mood to be with my wife, my mind all worked up from what she’d done with me over the weekend. Anna saw that things were going to go in a sexual direction, and set her mind to getting her task done. She gathered the items she was going to need; rope, a bandana for a blindfold, the camera, and of course the paper that her Master required in one of the photos. When it came time to go to bed, she had her mind in the right frame, and dressed up in a sexy teddy with matching panties.Once I was in the bed, she began working on me, getting me into a state of need that was near to unbearable. With one hand on my hardened need, she got close to my face, kissing me seductively. “You want me, don’t you?” she asked without needing an answer. “Do you trust me baby?”Of course I answered yes. “Then I want you to prove it. Let me play with you; I want to do things my way tonight.” Her words were strong and confident; she was taking control, and I couldn’t help but want her to have the control.She pulled up from under the bed a handful of rope, and looked at me with a sly smile. Wordlessly, she proceeded to tie me to the bed, propping my head up on pillows. I had no clue as to what had prompted this wild side of my wife to come out, but was loving every minute of it. I was surprised at the helpless feeling I genuinely had once she had me bound. My cock was standing straight, my need making me so hungry for her. She leaned back to survey her handiwork, studying my situation slowly, as if trying to decide what to do now that she had me like this. A smile slowly crept onto her face, and she pulled out the camera. My face reddened, and I started to protest; she raised an eyebrow as she shut down my objection. “What, it’s okay for you to take pictures of me naked, but I can’t play when I want to?” I didn’t answer, and she took a couple of pictures, slowly, from different angles.”I’m missing something” she stated… and then she brought out the blindfold with a mild smirk. “Yes, this is what we need.”She blindfolded me quite efficiently, and I suddenly couldn’t see a thing. I was very aware of the helplessness, and my cock rose higher with arousal. I didn’t see her next actions, which included laying the paper down next to me that read “For My Master”. She took a few more photos, and teased my need between shots by suddenly wrapping her warm wet lips around my cock.I knew she disappeared from the room for a while, during which time she quickly downloaded the special pictures onto her laptop and removed the evidence of the paper. The long delay only enhanced my hunger, making me wonder what was going to come next.The rest of the evening was incredible from my point of view; she’d never taken such strong initiative, showing a dominant side that I didn’t know existed. By the end of the night, I was exhausted… and she was completely satisfied as well.Wednesday morning, she took the initiative to email her Master; she wasn’t sure why she did it, but there was a satisfaction of some sort inside of her for completing her task early. It was a simple email: “It’s done, as you wanted.”Mark waited until Thursday to reach her back, and he instructed her to meet him at the hotel for lunch. The walked in together, to the room that he’d already reserved. “So. You have accomplished your task, have you.”She fell into her role of the lesser almost automatically now. “Yes Sir.””Good girl. Before we go any further, I need you to strip down completely.”Feeling the wetness building between her legs, she was almost glad to be removing her clothing. She stood there quietly, naked, her hands clasped behind her back submissively as he sat on a chair and watched.After a mild pause while his eyes took in every inch of my beautiful wife, he broke the silence. “You’re a very attractive woman, Anna. I’m enjoying the way you’re giving in to me, giving me your body. Now get me the pictures, and kneel right here before me.” With her face burning from shame, but her body aching with need for this inside, she pulled the photos from her bag and handed them to him. She knelt before him, and he instructed her on the stance before continuing. “I need you to spread your legs further..yes, that’s it. I want to see the swelling of your need between your legs.” His words were making her body hot with the shame and lewdness of it all. “Hands clasped behind your head; yes, good…this shows off your bare breast beautifully. Mmm, you have no idea how vulnerable you look; so submissive… just like the little submissive slut that you are, isn’t that right.” It was a statement, but still she nodded her head slowly in humble agreement.He began going through the photos; there were 5 shots that she’d selected for him; one of me lying on the bed without the blindfold, shortly after she’d tied me up. Two of them were of me blindfolded, with the paper beside me, the specific shots he’d demanded. Another shot was of me after she’d been working on my need for a while; I was arching off the bed, begging for her to touch me. My arousal was plain as can be, with my cock standing straight up, aching for release. The last shot was of me after she’d used me; I was almost completely flaccid, totally exhausted. All were printed on glossy paper, 8.5×11 in size, and very good quality.He questioned her in detail, gathering all of the specifics of each photo, how they were taken, what went on, how long all of this took… and he wanted great detail on my reactions to what she did to me. He also focused on her own reactions to what she did to me, and spent some time making pointed comments to her regarding her actions….how she was doing things to her husband at the bidding of another man.She knelt there, very aware of her nakedness, very aware of her vulnerability. The words came out of her mouth, answering his questions, taking the humiliation in stride. It was becoming a part of her, a part of her own lust. My wife was beginning to feel the need for this. When he was satisfied with the information that he’d gathered, he unzipped his pants.”Now, my little cocksucker, come show me that you’re my whore.” The humiliation made her face burn, but the desire was still there to do as he told her. Just as she was about to take him into her mouth, he stopped her. “Ask for it, Anna. Ask if you can suck my cock.”Her face on fire, she knew to look up at him, to look into his eyes as she pleaded. “Please Master, may I suck your cock?” With a cocky smile, he didn’t answer; his eyebrow raised, indicating she wasn’t done. “Please. Please let me suck your cock. I want to please You. Please let me satisfy You, let me please You.” Even she didn’t know if this was put on or if she was really begging.With a slight nod of his head, he gave his approval for her to service him. She moved in reverently, aware of her position, aware of what she had become. She sucked him, reverently, worshipping his cock with her mouth. Inside, she knew that this felt right, despite how it was being forced on her. She did it to please him, trying to take comfort in the fact that she had no choice. She didn’t want the guilt; and yet the humiliation was strong for her, knowing that she was naked, kneeling before a man who was not her husband, not the man that she was in love with…but she was wet with arousal for doing it. As she sucked him, he stated a new task for her with a detached coldness.”You’ve done well again, and you will continue to do so. You’ve gone too far down this path Anna, too far to back out. You must do as I say, and I expect nothing less than your complete obedience. Do you understand?”She paused in her service to look up at him with her big blue eyes. “Yes Sir, I understand.””Anna, you will do anything I say, won’t you? Say it.”She paused, knowing the intensity behind what he was making her say. But she knew it was true, she really had no choice. “Yes. I will do anything you tell me. I have no choice.” Her voice was humble.He laughed out loud. “No choice? Yes, you have a choice. It’s just that the alternative doesn’t look so good, now does it my little whore? For the man you love to see the pictures of you fucking me, to see the video of you seductively crawling into bed with me, kissing me and making love to me…. That’s an alternative you do not want.”She felt the heat on her face, even as her lips continued their work on his large shaft. Shame was eating away at her; and the newest development that was coming to surface in her mind tore at her even more…. That she wanted this. That this aroused her, and that she didn’t want to stop.”You’re doing a very good job, my little slut. I think you genuinely enjoy sucking cock while naked before your Master. Keep sucking, taking your time; but listen to me very carefully, because I’m about to give you a task that will be a challenge for you.” She almost paused in her service, as fear and trepidation sank into her. But she kept her mouth busy, using her lips and tongue to provide every pleasure possible. He continued on…”Your husband is reacting exactly how I want, and so are you. It’s time to push the envelope now. I’m confident that by the end of this weekend, you will have time to be with him again, sexually in bed. You are going to tie him up again, pretending to be the dominant little vixen. You’ll tie him, just like he was in the pictures you gave to me, and blindfold him. And you’re going to take this….” He pulled from his shirt pocket a small device about the size of a lighter on a string, placing it around her neck. She paused for a moment iskenderun escort to look at it, and then held her head still as he placed it around her neck. “This is a small digital recording device. It’s very simple, with an on/off switch on the side. You will hang this on the headboard, close enough to record your conversation with him. It has a 30 minute capacity, so once you start, you will need to be sure to complete what I want.”He paused for a moment, leaning his head back to enjoy the warm wetness of her mouth that was still continuing to work his shaft. She kept her pleasures going for him, but inside she was heating up with fear and shame. He kept bringing this back home, making all of this a part of her home life. She realized how much he was incorporating thoughts of him into her bed at night with her husband, and her face was burning with shame….but also burning with lust. It pained her inside to recognize her own arousal in this.”What I want to hear on this recording is you…. Telling your husband a fantasy. One in which you fuck another man, or other men. Work him up to it, work on him…make him so full of sexual need that it won’t matter what you say. Be strong about what you say; you can reassure him, if you need to, that this is fantasy…..even though we both know it’s more than fantasy.” He chuckled as he threw that out, a cocky and condescending laugh. “But keep it going. Keep talking about it, make him visualize it. Don’t stop talking about it until he releases. I recommend fucking him good, while you throw these fantasies at him. And Anna…. Don’t try to fake this, by recording it alone. I want to hear him on the recording as well, even if it’s just his groans as you fuck him.”Anna was taking all of this in as her mouth stretched around his hard cock. Her stomach was turning inside out, and she could feel her hands trembling. Again, the realization that she had no way around this was hitting her like a brick, and she knew that her life would be destroyed if she didn’t do what he wanted. Her eyes started to fill with tears, as the shame became so overwhelming; yet she didn’t stop sucking his cock.”Finish it.” His voice was suddenly hard, and full of need. A simple command, telling her what his desire was.She increased the tempo of her sucking, and brought her hands up to assist; he was primed and ready, shooting into her mouth quickly. The quantity of his release surprised her a little, as he flooded into her mouth, some of it escaping the edges of her lips. Swallowing hard, she gulped all of his release down, almost physically feeling the violation as it flowed down her throat into the depths of her body. She knew better than to stop; she kept her mouth on him, slowing down the strokes, milking him of all that he had. Eventually she stopped any real sucking, just resting her head in his lap, with her mouth around his now softened cock, only swallowing once in a while without removing her lips from him. She must have been in that position for 5 minutes before he moved or spoke.His hands lifted her head from him, and he leaned down to look into her eyes. “Did you understand everything I said to you?” She nodded a humble yes. One of his hands reached up to stroke her cheek almost affectionately, but his tone was firm. “Do as I tell you, Anna. Make it happen.” With that, he reached down to explore the bareness of her chest for a moment, then stood and zipped up. “It’s time to go.”Chapter Eight:Fantasy recorded.She was in turmoil, and couldn’t get any of this out of her mind. She was terrified, and yet it was so…exciting. She couldn’t stop thinking of how she was going to accomplish this next task, what she was going to say. There was a lot of fear in her too; how would her husband react? She knew from the way he’d been reacting to her recent ‘games’ that he was enjoying the control, but this… this was something so much more. It could really mess with his mind. She loved him so much, and the last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt him, and cause their marriage to fail. She was on a rollercoaster of emotions, from excitement and arousal, to fear, then to guilt over how she’d gotten to this point. Over and over, she played everything out in her mind over the next few days, until she started to settle into the mode of taking care of things. She knew this had to be done, and she thought she knew how it could be done. By Saturday night, she had formulated a plan.I didn’t know what had gotten into my wife, but all day that Saturday she was all over me. She was teasing me with need, making me know that we were going to have one hell of an evening. She kept coming up to me, kissing me, telling me how much she loved me, often grabbing my crotch and saying that she wanted to have that, badly. Closer to evening, she made it clear that she was going to tie me up that night and have her way with me.We stayed up late, watching TV and drinking; she was getting me intoxicated, and she was pretty lit up herself. I’d taken a shower earlier in the evening after mowing the lawn, and around 11pm she told me she was going to get ready; I wasn’t to come up until she told me. At her call, I went up to the bedroom to find it dimly lit with candles; she was lying partially back on the bed, propped by pillows. She had on a black teddy with matching black panties. She’d showered, and had put on fresh makeup. In her hand was some rope that she was idly playing with; she had a very mischievous smile on her face. Her other hand had a glass of wine that she sipped from just before speaking to me. “Do you like what you see, Eddie?”I started toward her and had my mouth open to tell her how beautiful she looked when she stopped me. “No. Stand right there, and take everything off. I’m in the mood to have the control tonight, and I want to do everything my way.”My eyes narrowed, and a smile came to my lips even as my face flushed a little. This strong behavior from her was becoming intoxicating; I wondered briefly if it was the alcohol that was affecting me in this way, but I didn’t really care. What would it hurt to play along? I stopped where I was, and stripped down… after pausing at my underwear, I was completely naked once she gave me the look that meant “everything”.She moved to sit on the edge of the bed, and whispered for me to come to her. Stopping in front of her, she used the hand with the rope to bring my face down to hers. She kissed me, softly, lovingly. “You’ll do things my way tonight?” “Yes” was all I could say. Taking another sip from her wine, she told me to kneel down; she wanted me to lick her. I was so shocked to see that the panties she wore had a slit in them, crotchless. She laughed a little at my surprise, but then used her legs to pull my face in. This is something that has always been arousing for me, to pleasure her in this way. I don’t know if it’s just the idea of what I’m doing, or the scent, or the taste, or what…. But she’s always been very aware of the affect it has on me to lick her. She sat on the edge of the bed, her legs spread, sipping wine casually while I serviced her for the longest time. I was raging with need by the time she stopped me.”Mmmm, you always do such a good job when you do that.” Her voice was almost a purr. She slipped off the bed to a stand. “Now you know what it is I want; at least some of what I want. You may assume the position.” Her tone was driving me insane; she’s always been a very sexual woman, but she rarely took a dominant style, usually preferring a submissive stance. I climbed onto the bed as she set her glass of wine down; she proceeded to tie me to the four corners, making sure I was in a comfortable position with pillows behind my head to prop me up a little. My head was almost spinning, from the combination of drinking, licking and smelling her scent, and from the adrenaline rush that was flowing through me from such strong sexual arousal. Once she was satisfied that I was bound in a way that I couldn’t escape easily from, she picked up her glass of wine and straddled me. Her crotch was wet, and she planted herself right on top of my hard cock; I wasn’t in her, but her wet arousal was engulfing my hardness. She sat there silently admiring what she’d done to me, sipping her wine slowly. “You like this, don’t you Eddie.” Her tone was smooth, confident.”You know I do.” I couldn’t hide how much she was turning me on. “I like this too.” She stated matter-of-factly. She leaned in and kissed me, her lips still moist with the taste of wine. She took another sip, and leaned in to transfer it from her mouth to mine. My mind was whirling. What had gotten into her? God, she was so sexy, and it was driving me insane. She chuckled again, seeing how what she was doing was driving me to an unbearable arousal. Setting the glass down, she leaned over me, slowly working her warm wet crotch over my helpless cock. “I’m in the mood to be dirty. So dirty.” Her voice was a whisper, and I could see the lust in her eyes. “You don’t mind, do you?” I was speechless, and could only move my head sideways, a cautious ‘no’. She opened the front of her teddy, revealing her beautiful breast; but then she blindfolded me quickly with a solid black blindfold that I’d never seen before. What I didn’t see was that she hung the recording device on the headboard right above my head; with one flick of the switch, it was turned on, and suddenly everything being said was being recorded.She leaned in close to me, so that her hard nipples were rubbing lightly against my bare chest; her breath was warm on my face as she spoke. “I don’t want you to mind. I want to be dirty. I’m in the mood to explore fantasies, just fantasies. I want you to open up your mind, to let it all go, so that nothing is taboo. You have fantasies, don’t you?”I was in a state of lust that I’d never been in before; I didn’t know escort iskenderun what to say. “I..I don’t know.” Her lips were on mine again as she spoke, nipping at my lower lip.I’m sure you do, I have no doubt about it. But that’s ok. I have fantasies, and I’ll share them with you. Fantasies aren’t bad, Eddie. They’re just thoughts.” The whole time she was half-whispering to me, she was kissing my neck, nibbling on my ear, and still grinding her wetness against my now raging cock. “Do you want to hear things that I think about sometimes? Hmm?”Of course I did. I think. “Yes.” My reply was a whisper.Her breath was in my ear, her voice so sultry. “I wonder. I have such dirty thoughts, so many bad things in my imagination.” I know she felt my cock pulse; it was starting to worry me, the way she was talking, but it was also arousing me in ways I’ve never felt. “Yes, I can feel that you want to know.” She let out a small chuckle, feeling much braver than ever before. She could tell from my reactions that she had control, and she suddenly knew that she was going to be able to do this without hurting our relationship.Leaning up on her knees to lift her crotch off of me, she reached down between her legs and grasped my cock, stroking it for a moment; then she worked the tip of it against the opening between her legs, the wetness and warmth making me want to beg to enter. Her tongue was on my lips, tracing them before she spoke.”I want your cock in me; you want it in me too, don’t you?” My reply was fast, hissing a yessss that was almost pleading.”What if this wasn’t your cock? What if it was someone else’s cock, hmm?” It was the moment of truth. “Can you picture me stroking another man’s cock, a stranger…holding it like I’m holding yours, slowly working it into me, opening myself up with his cock?” She slid down over my cock as she said that sentence. The relief of finally being in her was mixed with the shock of what she was saying. I groaned out loud, just saying one word: “god”.”Does that bother you baby?” she was grinding against me, working me in her deeply as she was speaking. “Another man’s cock deep inside of me, while I’m grinding like this against him. His cock so deep, reaching all the way, pulsating inside of me. Picture it baby, can you see it? Can you see his pleasure as my pussy is all around him, as I’m riding him?”I don’t know what it was; normally, I think I would say that thoughts like that would send me into a frenzy, full of anger. But the way she was talking, and fucking me, I suddenly felt as if I could shoot my load right then and there. My mouth was open, panting; without knowing it, my arms and legs were genuinely straining against the ropes. I was wanting, needing to have my arms around her; but I was bound well.”It turns you on, doesn’t it baby. He’s fucking me, fucking me hard, using me. Now he’s on top of me, plunging into me; my nails are raking his back, my head back, mouth open…. He’s violating me, fucking me, using me like a whore.” Her nails were digging into me as she spoke, accenting her words.Anna didn’t know how strongly this was going to affect her. She suddenly found herself aroused beyond control as she said these things that she’d thought about earlier. The words were flowing out of her mouth, and she realized that this fantasy was real to her, that she wanted this. She was craving this feeling, knowing that I was hearing it.She kept going, her voice no longer soft, telling me things that should have made me furious, stating fantasies as if they were fact. Talking about being used by several men, me watching her as she was taken from behind, with another cock in her mouth. She called up images of porn that I’ve seen, gang-bang style photos. She was out of control, riding me hard and fast to the mother of all orgasms; when she came, she was crying out loudly, out of control. I’d never seen her like this, and it was too much for me…I let go inside of her with a yell of my own. I felt the power of my release, something stronger than ever before. She continued moving slowly for a short time, our mixed juices flowing over my cock as it softened, dripping down my balls. Finally she collapsed on top of me, her lips against my shoulder, kissing it softly every now and then. “Oh my god. I can’t believe that.” I don’t know if she was talking to me, or just talking. Then it was directed to me. “Eddie, I actually felt you shoot into me; I literally felt two of your pulses letting go into me.”I was still exhausted, and still in shock. I only managed to grunt a reply. “huh.”She was moving around a little, and I didn’t know that she was taking the recording device down and hiding it. Then she leaned in close to me again, kissing me with a passion of newfound love. “I love you Eddie, I hope you really know that. Tell me, please, that my talk didn’t anger you. I was just talking, wanting to play….”I love Anna with all of my heart; I don’t think she’s ever realized just how much I love her. As shocking as her words were, there was no denying that something so taboo aroused both of us in unbelievable ways. I needed to reassure her. “I love you too Anna, with all that I am. I’m not angry. You surprised me a little, but I think something about playing with fantasy really set us both off. I love you, it’s ok, okay?”She kissed me again, and I thought I even felt tears on her cheeks. “So are you ever going to let me loose so I can put my arms around you?”She laughed and then struggled to release me; we spent a lot of time cuddling, and even made love again before it was morning.Chapter Nine:Ultimatum.On Monday morning, Anna was feeling the best she’d felt in weeks. She wasn’t sure if it was the fact that she’d accomplished her task, or if it was somehow related to the fact that her husband had reacted ok to the fantasy.She received a call from the man who now owned her so fully; he gave her the instructions to go to the hotel at noon and that he would meet her in the lobby. She still felt the sensation of fear inside, when she knew that she was going to be meeting him soon; but it was strongly mixed with arousal now, an excitement that made her want.He was in the lobby when she arrived; without a word, he lightly grasped her wrist and led her to the elevator. The sensation that left, his grasp of her wrist as opposed to holding her hand, it made her feel so much the lesser. By the time they reached the room, her mind was settled back into the submissive stance fully; she knew her position. At the door of the room, he stopped.”Give me the recording.” She reached into her handbag and handed it to him silently. He took it, then pulled out of his own pocket a blindfold which he promptly put on her. She felt butterflies inside, being treated like this in the hallway where others could potentially see. She also wondered why he did it outside the door, instead of in the room.Again he grasped her wrist and led her inside. She walked slowly and carefully, pulled along by him until she felt that she must be standing at the foot of the bed.His voice was low, and close to her ear. “I want you to strip naked, and stand there; you know the position I like. Arms behind your head, legs spread very wide. I am going to sit and listen to the recording; you had better hope that I’m pleased with what I hear.”She stripped, still blindfolded; very aware of her nakedness, very aware of her vulnerability. He must have been across the room, because the sound of the recording seemed far away; but she could make out parts of it, and felt the warmth of swelling between her legs as she made out certain parts that included hearing herself losing control on the recording. She could feel her breast heaving as her breathing increased, very aware of how she must look to him right now.The recording stopped, and he was back beside her now. “You did very well, Anna. I’m actually very impressed. Now, tell me more details; tell me about the conversations after all of this, because I know for a fact that he needed to talk about it.”As she told him of the conversations that followed, he stood beside her touching her. His hands roamed her bare breast, down her back and through the crack of her beautiful ass, even further to the front to tease the wetness that was swelling from her need.When he was satisfied with the information that she provided to him, his hand focused solely on her slit. “Now Anna, tell me…. Do you want me to fuck you? I want the truth out of you, not what you think I want to hear.”She was trembling; her arousal was so strong, from all of the words that she’d just revealed to him, from his constant touching of her bare body, from the simple knowledge that he’s been using her as a slut. She needed to be touched, needed to feel him use her. Despite the reality of the blackmail, she’d come to want and need this for real. Her reply was soft and humble, but accented with need. “Yes. Please. I want you to fuck me, please.””I’m not making you say this; do not say it if you don’t mean it. Tell me, do you want to be fucked?”She felt he was dragging this out, and she needed it, needed it badly. “God, please. I do want it, I want to be fucked, right now, please…””And your husband? What about your loyalty to him?”Her head dropped for a moment as the pain inside shot through her; why did he have to remind her of her failure? “Please.” It was all she could whisper out.”Anna, you know I’m recording this; it’s on video tape. Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want to ignore the fact that you’re married, do you want to say ‘to hell with it’ for this moment, to fuck another man behind the back of the man you love?” His hand was working between her legs furiously, making her body squirm with so much need.The anguish inside of her was overwhelmed by the physical need. “Please, I don’t care, please just fuck me, fuck me right now. Please, oh God, please iskenderun escort bayan how I need it. Please.”Suddenly he bent her over the bed, his hand on the back of her neck pushing her down, and his other hand guided his cock deep into her. This was how she loved to be taken, from behind, roughly, being used. He fucked her hard this way, taking her further and further until she was crying out with orgasm; and it kept going… she kept releasing, and with each release her mind softened further into mush. Eventually, he released into her, flooding her pussy with his cum, filling her to overflowing with all that he had. She felt it flood into her, the liquid heat sealing her position with him. He rested on top of her for a moment, catching his breath; his voice was exhausted in her ear. “You liked that didn’t you. It’s what you want.”She was so far gone, she replied honestly. “Yes. God yes. It felt so good.””Do you want this to end? It can end, if you want it to end.”She had to pause. Reality was slowly seeping back in, and she was remembering the man she loved, remembering her infidelity. “What…do you mean?”His voice took on a bit of a harshness, but he was still on top of her resting, with his semi-hard cock still firmly inside of her. “I mean exactly what I said; this can end, if you want it to end. Answer the question. Do you want it to end?” He emphasized each word.She buried her face into the bed, frustrated with the sensations that were rolling over her mind. “I….no. I mean… I don’t know.”He seemed to get angry with her. “Fuck that. You know what you want.” His hand grasped her hair, pulling her head back. His cock was hard again, and he pushed it deep into her, splitting her open again, making her feel the violation. “You know exactly what you want; look at you, you’re a fucking slut. You’ve been loving this, getting to be fucked and used like a whore, with no responsibility for it. Fucking behind your husband’s back, doing it because you felt that you had no choice. But you have a choice now, and you have to make that choice.” He was fucking her hard, pulling her back against his cock. She was moaning out loud, tears slowly streaming down her cheeks because his words were ringing true. She knew she wanted this, she knew she was being a slut, and wanted to be a slut. Even with the anguish inside that was making her cry, she felt another orgasm coming on.”You’re a fucking whore for me, and you love it. You don’t want this to stop, it feels too fucking good. You love my cock inside of you, you love for me to violate you. Fucking slut, you have no idea how far down this can go, how far I would take you. But you feel it, and you want it…. Don’t you slut? Don’t you?” he was angry, his words hard and strong, just like his fucking of her. And she wanted it. “Yes. Yes, please, God, I want this. Please don’t let it stop.” She was crying hard now, tears streaming down, soft wails coming out between her words. She felt her orgasm hit, even as his filled her yet again to overflowing with cum. As he release, he struck her ass, hard, several times….it almost seemed in anger. He pulled out of her, and she felt the void with an intensity. He wiped his cock on her ass, then pulled his pants up quickly. He stood by the bed for a moment, looking at her as she lay there bent over so lewdly with her ass in the air. Reaching into the pocket of his slacks, he pulled out a wad of cash; he crumpled it up and threw it on the bed at her face. “For being my whore.” He explained. Then he pulled an envelope out of his jacket and set it on the bed. “If you wish to continue with me, read what I have in this envelope. Follow the instructions to a tee. I will call you on Friday; if you haven’t done exactly what’s in the envelope, then you will never ever see me again.” He opened the briefcase that was sitting beside the bed, and he dumped all of the contents on the bed. It was all of the blackmail material; the pictures, video tapes, and even the recording from the weekend.He leaned in to her face briefly, giving just a hint of softness to the attitude he’d been showing her. His voice was soft and low, and very serious. “Anna. I know you’ve come to want this badly. Trust me, and follow my instructions; only then can this continue. And I will take you so far down, I’ll open new doors for you. I know you want this, I know the need is inside. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity; you will regret it if you pass this by. Trust me, and do this.” He kissed her gently on the cheek, then turned and left her there. She stayed in the bent over position for the longest time, with her face buried in the bed, crying until she could cry no more.My wife finally stood up, wiping the wetness of tears from her cheeks. As she stood, she could see herself in the full length mirror of the closet; her eyes were puffy and red from crying, and her cheeks were flushed. Her body was naked, still half sweaty from the hard fucking; her ass was red, from where he’d struck her. She could even see cum that had flowed out of her and run down her legs. She kept looking at herself, seeing an attractive woman that looked like she’d been rode hard and put away wet. And strangely, she had a warmth inside, almost feeling good from the way she’d been so used. She looked over the items on the bed, seeing all of the pictures that reminded her of all of what she’d done. She knew how lewd all of this was, even just the image of her standing there now, naked and looking at all of the pornographic shots of her. For some reason, she sat down on the bed and reached between her legs to feel the wetness that was left from being fucked and used. She stroked herself for a moment, feeling so open and slutty.Then she came back to the moment, seeing the money that he’d wadded up and thrown at her. They were twenty dollar bills, and there were quite a few; at least several hundred dollars worth. That made her stomach lurch a little; the analogy of her being a whore was suddenly real. She felt so low; but she was also aware of the fact that she felt warm inside, with thoughts of being treated like a whore.Then her attention focused on the envelope. That’s when her nerves were attacked again; what could be inside? What kind of instructions would he have that would follow such an intense outburst by him? There was only one way to find out.”Anna – If you’re reading this, then I’ve chosen to give you a way out. I am no longer blackmailing you, no longer using a threat to control your actions. The only threat I give to you now, is that if you don’t comply with what I ask of you, then you will never see me again. I’ve left all of the material there for you to destroy, if you so choose. There are no copies of anything anywhere, and your secret is safe with me. You can step away now, and nobody will ever know what you’ve done behind your husband’s back.But…If I’m leaving this note with you, then I have good reason to believe that you do not want this to end. I know you’ve enjoyed it, the freedom of being used, without any responsibility. I know how you are inside, and that you desire this in some very dark ways. I have the knowledge, and the ability to take you farther; it’s rare to find someone that you can connect with, with someone that you can trust. And by my own actions, of sticking to my word with you, protecting you from the possibility of being found out…. And by giving you all of the material that was used to make you adhere to my rules…I think you know that you can trust me. I have never hurt you, or done anything to threaten your health. I also have the inside information that leads me to believe that if you follow my instructions, you will be pleasantly surprised.With that being said, here’s what I demand of you, if you wish to continue.You need to repeat the performance with your husband that you’ve just done; only this time, you tell him of the reality. You tell him exactly what’s happened; and you prove it to him with some of the material I’ve just given to you.I have no desire to destroy your marriage; I never did. It was all just an idle threat; I would never want to ruin something as beautiful as what you have with him. And I wouldn’t ask you to destroy your marriage either; I wouldn’t be asking this of you if I didn’t have solid reason to believe that this can genuinely progress with his knowledge. I have no idea if you will have the strength to really do this; but I hope that you do. My recommendation will be to tie him, to blindfold him, and to do everything in your power to make him need sexual release. And that’s when you can tell him of the things that have happened to you. You will know right away, if this arouses him or not; if for some reason I am wrong, and he reacts badly, you can just tell him that it was just another fantasy that you were trying to make real for him. But if he reacts with need…. Then keep taking it further. Convince him verbally that it’s real. Convince him….and make him admit that it arouses him. Continue to tell him that you will show him the evidence, and make sure that he continues to be aroused. If he maintains his arousal, then show him. Show him the pictures, maybe even show him the videos. But keep his arousal going the whole time; don’t let him soften. And don’t let him release, until the very end.That is my recommendation on how to do it; but of course, you may choose to go back to your vanilla world, hiding the desire that burns so hotly inside of you. It’s up to you. I will call on Friday, with a simple question. I’ll expect a yes or no; if you confirm that you did not do it, then it’s over. I will hang up, and you will never hear from me again. If you say that he knows…. Then expect me to require confirmation. I will require a conversation with him. So do not try to lie.Until Friday, my slut.”She had to read it all over again. This seemed impossible; as simple as he made it sound, it was not simple. She sat there on the bed, naked, used, and feeling defeated; it was late in the afternoon before she finally managed to halfway clean up and get back to work with all of the items safely locked away in her trunk.
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