Blue Eyes

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Blue Eyes
Her, what made her so special to me. Could it possibly be the hips that adorned her god like waist or the only hair that one could tuck behind her ear. Perhaps it was the voluptuous chest and or the perfect smile that grazed those soft lips that made her all the more an object of desire.

She was already an object to some but she didn’t want that to be the way that she was seen. She wanted people to see her for who she was. The person behind the pretty face and those bright blue eyes that are still burned into my mind each time i think of her.

I knew she was scared and wanted nothing more then to be single for awhile but it took the leap, the chance of a lifetime and i was luckily not rejected by the pleasant succubus that lies beneath the surface as she began bahis siteleri telling me all her little secrets all the little things that made her tick and I….I did likewise.

The first time we met i felt her heart irradiate beside me as she sat. we were not alone so we had to keep things low key but the slight hand on my knee and the look of pure innocence from her was enough to let me know she wanted me as much as i wanted her. Those eyes so blue so pure could bring me joy and pain with a simple word that she is afraid to speak. The words that keep me up at night wanting to hear her utter them as that’s the way i felt about her. ‘I love you’. A simple phrase as many would agree but to her it was the meaning of subsiding to her beliefs. To give herself away to bahis şirketleri me completely resulting in her falling for me even more regardless of how many times she had done so already given the sexual nature of our relationship.

Could she possibly see me as nothing more then a pawn that she could play with whenever she felt desire knowing that i would not do anything unless i knew and verbally heard her ask for it. Could it possibly be that paranoia, greed, lust can be the downfall for me yet again as i go too far and end up losing yet another person but with her….with her it was different. She already knew i had almost fallen for her and told me that the nature of our relationship could be nothing more than ‘friends’…. Strange way to treat your friends illegal bahis when i’m kissing down your neck and holding you tight wanting nothing more then to tear the flimsy clothing you ware and caress every inch of your body with my tongue.

The amount of times i wanted to hear her moan in my ear each time touch her but she keeps those feelings suppressed for when we are alone. Yet so far we can never be alone. There will always be people around looking our way as i wish for them all to disappear each time i yearn to kiss those soft lips that i had only felt once before from her. Blue eyes, a perfect smile, long hair and a body that would make any other man say she was OK. For me….For me she was my everything.

Only time will tell if this foul seductress will let me have my way with her and perhaps her way with me. I don’t know why the fever dreams wont stop when i’m with her but if the time comes when i want to break that smile and see those lips parted i already know exactly how she wants them to be parted.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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