Busty Mom watched by son

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Busty Mom watched by sonI’m 19 had horny for my 44 year old mother.On a warm summer evening my mother was sitting in a shorts and t-shirt on the back patio, enjoying the good weather. She sat facing our my room. Our house was a ranch in the shape of a U. I sat down briefly with my mother and we talked. I quickly noticed that she’s not wherein a bra and i could see her nipples through the fabric. After a lengthy conversation about my sister who was away at collage i leaned in for a hug , I could feel her large breast pushed up against me I was getting hard I peaked her on the cheek and wished her a good night. ” Well some sure is affectionate today” she said. On the way to my room I had an idea. My dick doing most of my thinking at this point. I wanted to show my Hard Cock to mom. So I went to my room, turned on the light and looked at the patio. I could see my mother well sitting looking at her phone . She had a clear line of sight to my window. With a deep breath I try’d to suppress this nervous sick to my stomach felling, my pants were quickly off and my hard cock in hand. My erction was like no one I had before and I stroked my rock hard cock. I could tell my mother was looking at me. I was naked and standing sideways düzce escort too her beating off wildly. Wtf was I doing. She had to see everything, after a sort while . I noticed my mother no longer sitting there. I thought I was dead any minute shed wake up my father and he’ll knock the shit out of me or worse call the cops. I quickly turned off the light. I could her the grandfather clock ticking in the hallway 1..2..3.minetues no dad no screaming nothing . Then I hear moms bedroom door open and her going down the hall I peeked out of my room to see she her up and disappeared into the bathroom . I hear shower start running and I went into the hall she left the door open a mom always shuts and locks the bathroom door, I can hear dad snoring away so I didn’t need to worry about him I peer into the bathroom. She was naked looking her self up and down in the mirror. I looked at her my mom naked! Her voluptuous body mad my mouth water her massive pale tits they where large I knew that but these are huge, with pink nipples pointing slightly downwards areolas like silver dollars and nipples almost as big as dimes they were clearly hard .I became hypnotized by her round heart shaped ass and beautiful shaved pussy her lips where escort düzce plump and swollen she ran her hands down her tits and over her stomach around her hips and slapped her ass slightly and hopped in to the shower pulling only the clear shower certain shut. My cock was pulsing I jerked slowly to my mother she was humming a 80’s rock song. Then she bent over to grab shampoo her ass was up and facing me her pussy was plump and youth full. I stared at her pussy soon it was much my cock shot cum all over like a hydrant I grab my sock and try to mop it up but try was little time. She shut off the shower head and pulled back the Curtin and got out. She stood almost motionless as if she was presenting herself to me she wasn’t looking at the door thank god she ran her and down again stopping at her pussy she rubbed it softly as she toweled off with the other hand her eyes closed with a slight grin on her face. She dryed off briefly and motioned to the door that was my cue. She stop suddenly staring at the floor a puddle of cum I missed it “O shit” I thought. She had a wide smile on her face and fro a minute I think she was looking right at me. I bolted down the hall peeking around a corner. She walked out naked!! no düzce escort bayan towel nothing not even her robe or nightie and went in her room. I listened at her door at which she left wide open. She ran her hands slowly over her body, moaning softly rubbing her pussy and squeezing her breast. She licked her lips and pulled the bed sheets off the bed she sat down pulled her hair up and leaned over . At closer listening slight sucking sound could be heard. She was sucking my fathers cock, the old jerk himself ……She sat ass slightly facing me her breast shook and wobbled as she pumped his cock. I imagined licking her pussy. She lick longingly up and down the shaft her lips sucking the cock head then squeezing then head she mounted him but she was facing the door not him “Ooh FUCK ME” She said slow rocking back and forth. Then she open her eyes and look directly at the doorway. “GIVE ME IT ALL” she moaned bouncing on him I was shocked and wildly turned on by this sexual side of my mother . The bed was creaking her tits where mesmerizing as the bounced up and down loudly and they moaned “DO IT” She said without regard of her voice ” Fuck me like you me it” . I pounded My cock into my other sock. I watch her ride him has she squeezed her tits a was moaning” Yes yes…yes” she grinded her pelvis wildly. My cock was already twitching again. Fathers toes curled and mom sighed and dish mounted . I quickly went to room a furiously jerked my self to sleep.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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