Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Chance encounter in a public bathroomSo I was 19 and had no real idea what “cruising” was, I was in college and a complete virgin. No in-person sexual interaction before. I was at the mall by myself since I had the day off and all my friends had class that day, needed to use the restroom so I made it to the Macy’s and chose a bathroom in the back corner which was away from all the crowds (I always hated public bathrooms, super nervous about using them and usually can’t even use a urinal if there is another person in there).I chose a stall in the back because I was still pee-shy about using urinals. After I was done I just sort of sat down and went on my phone to pass the time since it was a long walk back to the dorms.Another guy walked in and got into the stall next to mine. Didn’t think anything of it until I saw his foot slowly start creeping sinop escort closer and closer to me. I was a little confused at first, does this guy know his foot is almost getting into my stall? I moved my foot closer just to show him that there was another person in here, but he began to tap his foot lightly on the ground. I started to come to the realization that he knew I was in here and might want to get my attention. I tapped my foot as well to see what would happen. He then put his fingers under the stall briefly and I immediately knew where this was going.I mimicked his motions back under the stall and the guy kneeled on the ground and pushed his cock under the divider. My heart nearly dropped seeing another guys cock for the first time in real life. It was perfect, uncut, nice red head poking out under the foreskin, thick escort sinop hairy thighs. I kneeled down and started stroking his cock, I was instantly hard at this point. He reached under and grabbed my cock and started jerking it too. We heard the bathroom door open as another guy entered the restroom so we immediately got back up and waited for him to leave.After the new guy left I took my turn putting my cock under the divider and felt his mouth start going down on my cock. I was amazed at how warm it was, I didn’t expect that and thoroughly enjoyed him sucking me for a few minutes before I burst in his mouth. He let it drip back down my cock and onto my balls as he finished by gently licking the head of my dick until I finished oozing cum. He pushed his whole lower body under the stall at this point and I grabbed his waist and sinop escort bayan started sucking his cock. It wasn’t huge, pretty average sized so it wasn’t a problem for me to get it to the back of my throat. At this point I realized I loved sucking cock and everything I saw in porn up until then kicked in and he burst in my mouth after only about a minute. He let out a loud deep groan right as he came and I mimicked what he did and let it ooze down his cock and onto his balls as I gently licked the head until he was soft, rubbing his slightly furry belly in the process.We both cleaned up in silence and he left first. I tried to see through the crack in the door at what he looked like as he left but couldn’t. From what I can tell from his lower/ middle section we was probably late 40s/early 50s with a nice slightly chubby but muscular build. I went back to that restroom a few times in the proceeding weeks but never ran into him again. This happened in ft lauderdale about 2011, I would love to find him but I know the chances of that are pretty much 0. Thanks for reading.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32