Creampie Fantasy Becomes Reality

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The text message read, “I want to help you make and eat your first creampie tonight!”

I was very lucky not to be one of those drivers who thinks it is necessary to check his cellphone every time he stops at a traffic light, or I might have crashed my car on the way to work that morning.

My wife’s text came as a complete surprise to me, despite the plan I had put into motion days earlier with that intended result.

Well, almost…

I should probably go back to the beginning.

About a month or so ago I submitted my first story to Literotica, entitled, “Dreaming of His First Creampie.” Part truth and part fantasy, my story told how I wanted to make and eat a creampie with my wife, something we had never discussed but had been a dream of mine for some time.

I wasn’t sure how well my story would be received, but it got a lot of positive feedback from other Literotica readers, and that gave me the idea to try to make it really happen. So I started formulating a covert plan of action.

First, I printed a copy of the story with the intention of leaving it someplace my wife would be sure to find it. But where? It had to be the perfect place for my plan to work out as intended. I considered many possibilities and finally concocted a foolproof scheme. Or so I thought.

Because my wife and I both have full-time jobs, it is not uncommon for us to go all week with only a couple of quick sexual liaisons, just to whet our appetites, and then really let our lustful desires go wild on Friday night.

Our weeknight trysts are typically oral sex, our preferred method of satisfying ourselves and each other. And I have to admit, I absolutely love bringing my beautiful wife to orgasm with my mouth, which is undoubtedly my most sensitive sexual orifice! I am so aroused when I bring pleasure to the woman I love, it is the ultimate turn on for me, even more pleasurable than my own orgasm. And I love the way my wife tastes, and by that I mean every part of her. I love to taste her lips and tongue, her ears, neck, breasts, feet, and especially her labia, clitoris and vagina. I am totally addicted to her, I can’t get enough, and it is difficult for me to stop once I get started.

Yet while it is pointless to deny my own insatiable appetite for my wife’s sumptuous taste, I would also have to say we are equally adventurous in our quest for oral satisfaction. We both revel in exploring previously uncharted avenues of sexual pleasure, for ourselves and each other.

We have been snowballing for some time, which I really enjoy since my wife usually gives me very little to swallow when I bring her to orgasm with my mouth. When we snowball, I feel like I am swallowing her orgasm rather than my own, and this turns me on incredibly! Her passionate kiss during the exchange of my semen from her mouth to mine lets me know she enjoys it just as much. In fact, as one thing typically leads to another, our love of snowballing initially piqued my interest in eating a creampie.

So to get back to my description of the nearly perfect plan I hatched to turn my creampie eating fantasy with my wife into a reality, I decided to leave my story where she would be sure to find it on Friday morning, after I had already left for work. I figured, or at least hoped, she would find it on Friday morning, read it, think about it all day at work, and then be so hot by the time I got home that night, she would be burning with an unquenchable desire for any new sexual adventure I might suggest. Either that, or she would laugh at me and call me a pervert. Such are the risks one takes!

My scheme really could have worked.

Here’s a little background on how I formulated my plan.

I have been known to explore my wife’s panties drawer on occasion, rearranging them so a favorite of mine is on top, or counting the days until she will be wearing a certain pair. Sometimes, though, I just touch her panties, rubbing the fabric between my fingers or holding them to my face, fantasizing about her intoxicating aroma and addicting taste, but that is a story for another time.

In this particular instance, I stayed on task as I rummaged through my wife’s panties drawer, and it was very, very hard. Staying on task, that is!

To set the table for my first creampie, I visited my favorite drawer in my wife’s dresser and hid my story underneath the pair of panties I estimated she would be wearing on Friday, a flimsy black thong I had given to her for our anniversary a couple of years earlier. I decided it would be unusual for her to wear a pair of thong panties to work any day except Friday, since she always said they made her feel very sexy, and as I mentioned, we usually wait until Friday night to really give in to our lust for each other.

So imagine my surprise when I got my wife’s text on Wednesday morning! As I navigated my way through rush hour traffic, my creampie eating fantasy had been the furthest thing from my mind. After I got to work and read her text message on my cellphone, casino şirketleri it was the only thing on my mind!

My heart beat furiously with anticipation as I replied to her text with the emoji of the little smiley face with his tongue sticking out. I could hardly wait to bury my own tongue in my sexy wife’s succulent vagina!

Needless to say, most of that day at work was a blur. I could have been fired or gotten a promotion, and it would not have made any difference in my one track mind. I was so hungry for my beautiful wife, nothing could have stopped me from thinking about her, and her sexy black thong panties, and the savory delights awaiting me when I got home from work.

Well, five o’clock finally arrived, but I won’t pretend to remember much about the drive home. I was as excited as a shoe salesman in the Australian outback!

OK, I made that one up; I figure there must be a lot of barefooted people running around in the Australian outback. Not as though I find anything wrong with that, of course!

I didn’t even take the time to pick up the newspaper on the front porch as the bulge in my pants lead me through our front door. I was on a mission! Without a moment’s hesitation I dropped my briefcase in the foyer and engulfed my beautiful wife in a passionate hug, inhaling her sensuous female musk en-route to kissing and nibbling her neck and earlobes. She smelled and tasted fantastic, and my pants strained at their seams just trying to contain my enthusiasm! Before either of us had even spoken a single word, I was on my knees with my arms wrapped around her waist and my face buried between her legs. She lifted her skirt, and my tongue got hard at the sight and scent of her black thong panties, which I kissed fervidly as my hands found and caressed her bare bottom. As a secretary in a small office, my darling wife spent a good part of her work day sitting at a desk, and my imagination swelled with the thought of her bare cheeks pressed against some lucky leather chair.

She rolled her fingers through my hair as she pressed my face firmly into her pubic region, grinding herself against my hungry mouth and curious tongue.

“I’ve never wanted you more,” was all I could manage to say between heavy breaths and wet kisses.

She pulled my face up to hers and practically sucked my tongue completely out of my mouth, then used hers to explore my mouth the way I would soon be exploring her wet vagina.

“I love you so much,” she panted.

We left a trail of clothing as we hurriedly dragged each other to our bedroom, where she had already lighted several scented candles and turned down our bed covers in preparation for the evening she had in mind. I could tell we were equally excited to begin our nocturnal festivities. The message was very clear to me, dessert would be consumed before our main evening meal!

We tumbled onto our king-size bed in a tangled pile of naked limbs and torsos, my wife’s sexy black thong panties being the lone article of clothing between us. This was always such a huge turn-on for me, to totally ravage my beautiful wife’s supple body while she was clothed only in her sexy panties.

I don’t suppose I am alone in being aroused by the sight of women’s underwear, in fact I know for certain I am not. Just take a look at the incredible variety of styles and colors of women’s intimate attire on the market, and in all sizes! If men were not enamored by women’s undergarments, stores would have one small rack of women’s white cotton briefs in the corner, and the rest of the store would be devoted to sporting goods, furniture, and televisions.

But back to our lovemaking!

As I mentioned previously, I love every taste and every part of my wife’s body, so it was my pleasure to lick and kiss my way to her sensuous mouth as we untangled our legs and arms. Our hands explored the places we like to touch and be touched as we breathed on each other and whispered amorous words.

I began kissing and licking my way down my wife’s neck and torso, giving special attention to each of her pert breasts before nuzzling the soft skin of her stomach. I tried in vain to take my time, but her luscious nether regions beckoned me. With one hand on each of her thighs, I used my mouth to divert her black thong panties from her cleanly-shaven mound and separated her labia with my agile tongue, entering her deeply and tasting the exquisite bounty of flavors I have known and loved so much over our years together. While my tongue was still inside of my sexy wife, I rubbed my nose back and forth across her clitoris, eliciting from her a soft whimper.

Every sound my wife made while I performed cunnilingus on her sent me into stratospheric arousal, whether her breathing, or moaning, or whimpering, as she had just begun, or softly whispering my name as she guided my head with her hands to the places she most wanted my undivided attention.

Have I mentioned that I love giving pleasure to my wife with my tongue?

Letting go casino firmaları of her thighs, I reached my hands behind her, pulling her vagina and clitoris closer to my hungry mouth, while simultaneously increasing the tempo of my attention until her legs tightened around my head and she released a monosyllabic utterance which told me she had reached the summit. She tasted so fantastic I did not want to stop, but I knew the smart money was on pacing myself. I kissed her labia and vagina gently through her black thong panties, which were now drenched with a combination of my saliva and her female secretions, and she ruffled up my hair, as she always liked to do at such times. She pulled my face up to hers and we shared a passionate kiss. Then she licked my chin and cheeks, tasting her own female juices, before returning her attention to my lips and tongue.

“My turn,” my darling wife said softly with a mischievous grin, then kissed her way down my trembling body to the part most in need of her expertise.

I am not sure if I mentioned already that my wife and I both enjoy giving as well as receiving oral sex. It began as a natural progression of our mutual exploration of our individual and shared sexuality, before we were married or even engaged, and became our preferred method of achieving orgasmic bliss even after we tied the knot. We also enjoyed intercourse, don’t get me wrong, and not just as a novelty. But there was always something special about using our mouths and tongues to take each other to that wonderfully transcendental place where we float weightlessly in an aura of orgasmic nirvana.

We had both developed our oral skills quite a bit in our years of practice, and I don’t believe there could be anyone on earth more patient, or tender, or in possession of more fortitude than my talented wife when it came to licking and sucking and fondling me into submission. I would also like to think she could say the same about me!

On this particular Wednesday evening, as my loving wife kissed and nibbled her way to my throbbing member, I reached down and liberated her from the only article of clothing she had not already shed, her moist black thong panties, and held them to my face, inhaling her intoxicating scent deeply.

Between the pleasure she was providing with her lips and tongue, and the insanely erotic female musk permeating my favorite pair of her panties, I knew I could not last long.

So I tried to think about baseball!

Well, not really, but here’s an interesting tidbit. I read one time in a photography elective I took in college that the best pictures begin six inches behind the lens of the camera. What is meant by that statement is, the best pictures begin in the photographer’s mind. If this is true, which I have no reason to doubt, then it is also true that the most intense orgasms begin in that same place, and I was already primed and ready to have a tsunami! It started with my wife’s erotic text that morning, and increased rapidly and exponentially throughout the day, right up until the moment I filled her talented mouth to the point of bursting.

Even after my floodgates had erupted, I continued to shake and spasm for what seemed like several minutes while my wife kissed me softly and licked me gently, breathing slowly through her nose.

I had finally calmed down a little from the powerful orgasm my wife had instigated by the time she began kissing her way up to my face. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth in anticipation of the snowball she would share with me, but when she finally got to my mouth, hers was empty.

I opened my eyes, and I knew she could read my mind, because she smiled her mischievous grin again and said, “The next one is all yours!”

I smiled too, imagining the creampie I would soon be making and eating in my beautiful wife’s vagina.

We kissed again and held each other tightly, allowing our naked bodies to fit together as one body, as we often did in bed. Although she was not heavy, the way she was laying, with her full body-weight on top of me, made her seem very powerful, and this, along with the lustful thoughts inside of my head, turned me on incredibly. I felt so submissive, and wanted to be her sex slave, to please her in every way imaginable. My heart raced in my chest in anticipation of my long-time fantasy actually becoming reality right there in our bed that very evening!

I held her close and log-rolled in our king-size bed so I was on top of her. We both knew what was next.

As I licked and nibbled my way down her lithe body, she whispered, “Are you sure you really want to do this?”

“Oh yeah!” I replied with enough enthusiasm to let her know the game was definitely on.

I reached my destination and showered her entire vulva with passionate kisses, spreading her labia with my fingers and attempting to tickle her tonsils with my curious tongue.

Yes, I do realize that would not be possible. It is an exaggeration to indicate I was inserting my tongue into güvenilir casino her vagina as deeply as possible!

I could never get enough of her taste, but my intention at that time was just to get her wet enough for the next round of our lovemaking. Her amazing sapidity and scent already had me ready. I knew I would be back soon to devour my first creampie, but oh, she tasted so delicious, I could hardly force myself to stop!

I returned my attention to her mouth and shared some of her taste with her, then whispered, “Are you sure you really want to do this?”

“Oh yeah!” she replied with enough enthusiasm to let me know the game was definitely on!

“I love you so much!” I said, reaching my hand down to hold hers as she guided me inside of her slippery wet jackpot.

And it felt so incredible, unlike anything else I had ever experienced! It was at that moment I finally understood why people are so fond of sexual intercourse! I had never before entered my wife’s vagina without wearing a condom, and I think I could just about cripple the next person who says condoms don’t reduce the sensitivity during intercourse, what a bunch of hogwash! It felt like I had a thousand little nerve endings which had never been stimulated before, now awakening for the very first time and shouting in unison, “WOW!!!”

I wanted to lie still for a moment and just enjoy the feeling of our bodies being truly one, but even the slightest movement by either of us sent a lightening bolt of electricity through my entire being! I wished that sensation could last much longer, but at the same time I felt like a freight train was speeding through my body and the only way out was through my most vital organ!

I think I must have set some kind of dubious world record for the fastest orgasm ever, yet I felt like I was filling my wife up to her eyeballs with gush after gush of my hot semen, and the thought of the creampie I would soon be eating from her sexy vagina only caused more gushes!

Again I tried to lie still, another orgasmic gush of semen! I moved a little, another gush! And there was a squishing sound with every movement, like wet boots walking in mud. I had no idea where it was all coming from or if it would ever stop, but it felt so amazing! I was in a state of orgasmic euphoria as I held my sensuous wife’s face in my hands and sucked her tongue from her mouth the way I would soon be sucking the creampie from her vagina. She dug her fingernails into my lower back and bucked her hips up and down a couple of times as the gushes of orgasmic flow finally subsided to a manageable trickle.

I reduced my suction on my wife’s tongue, and she drew mine into her mouth. She was so precious to me!

We held our position for what seemed like an eternity as I felt myself softening from the extreme sexual workout. When we finally broke our kiss, my wife opened her eyes and looked directly into mine, smiling radiantly and rubbing her nose back and forth across mine.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” I replied softly.

“Now clean me up!” she said. It sounded like an order.

I withdrew from her vagina as a small amount of semen leaked onto her labia and thighs. She held my head with both of her hands and pushed my face down to the slippery mess I had made, not that I needed any coaxing. I wet my lips with my tongue and sucked some of my semen from her swollen labia. It tasted much different than I expected, not like the snowballs I had previously consumed, if I can claim to have tasted my semen in those instances. When my wife shared a snowball with me, I was always lying on my back, and gravity, plus her agile tongue, forced the load down my throat in one gulp before I really had a chance to notice the taste. The semen I sucked from her external genitalia was warm and stringy, and tasted a little like sweat, if I had to compare it to anything. And there was a lot! Fortunately, about ninety-percent of my massive load was inside of her vagina, and it didn’t take me very long to get my tongue between her labia and into the real prize.

It was fantastic!

I put one hand under my wife’s bottom and used the other hand to spread her labia, sucking and licking her like I hadn’t had a meal in days. The taste of our combined sexual juices was even better than I could have anticipated, and as I have stated, I love my wife’s every taste! I began varying my technique by cleaning up my slimy mess both inside and outside of her vagina alternately, savoring our unique flavor and cleaning her up and down from her belly button all the way to our bed sheet, which surprisingly showed very little evidence of our recent activity.

As I sucked and licked my wife’s vagina and the adjacent areas, her breathing let me know I was not alone in enjoying our new endeavor. Soon she was bucking her hips and holding my face to herself with both hands, her quiet squeals like a symphony to my ears. I wanted to stay right there for the rest of the evening, and could have continued much longer, but there was another part of my fantasy which I hoped my wife remembered.

I kissed and licked her a few more times as I inspected my cleaning job, then worked my way back up to her mouth to share the taste I had so thoroughly enjoyed.

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