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Folk me sidewaysFolk Me Sideways I can’t say much goes on by way of wild living in the field of folk music. You can’t imagine The Spinnersengaged in an orgy, very easily. I could be wrong.Another factor in bands is this: If there is a woman in the band, then “fans with romantic intentions”keep away. They seem to assume the woman in the band is in some way involved with a member, and thereforeit’s all too complicated. I spent about nine years, on and off, playing with a folk/rock group with a female lead singer,and this was pretty true of those years. There are of course, exceptions. The folk rock group were engaged to play a fairly legendary venue in Kings Heath, Birmingham. We needed a support act and our drummer knew a girl, a solo singer/songwriter, who would not onlydo it, but was so keen for the exposure she’d do it for nothing. I had never seen or heard of her, but when she turned up, and she was absolutely stunning.she was five foot nothing, with a great mass of tousled copper red hair, Moll Flanders style.She stunned me on a number of levels, not least when she did Joan Baez’s ode to Bob, “Diamonds and Rust”,and because crammed into a pair of olive green combats was the most gorgeous little arse you have EVER seen. It appeared to be full, not skinny, yet toned and muscular. If you imagine Dr Who’sformer sidekick Rose (Billie Piper) at age 22, with Moll Flanders’ hair, then you would be close. The top, I can’t recall it, but I know that it was impossible to see what she had by way of tits.I mean her musical talent was obviously my first concern, but I did really want to check out hertits. Anyway she did her set, and she watched the first bit of our set, and then a bloke came in, who seemedto be her boyfriend, and they left. I went home alone and fucked her, if you get my meaning. She wasn’t actually there at the time.Anyway, a year or two later two ex members (Paul and Neicey) of my previous band were working as a duo.It turned out that Neicey who was MARRIED to Neil and was having an affair with Paul, had been unfaithful to ALL concernedwith a bassist called Matt, a lad of precisely half her age. Paul immediately broke all ties with Neicey, deleted all their DAT tapes, and asked me if I knew of any other female singers he could collaboratewith. I thought of our siren from the Hare and Hounds, whose name shall for the purposes of this talebe Joanna Flaherty.Paul and Jo did try the collaboration, and he fucked her up the arse to boot, but the musical side did not work out. He did however, become her sound technician, and it was through that when Jo and I met again.I attended a gig she did in a Fish And Chip Restaurant where she very ably went through a load of 70’s type American soft rockers for the elderly clientele, over cod and chips and mushy peas and a nice pot of tea. Afterwards, Paul and I took her for a curry. She and I got talking, and there seemed to be a mutualattraction there, but Paul told me later that the boyfriend was still on the scene, though the relationship,was in it’s death throes. I did however, invite her to my 40th Birthday party in Birmingham, and most surprisingly she turned up, on her own. I asked her to go out with me after the party but she had an early audition for something (she acted as well), and she declined, with a smile and a big kiss.This was now over a year since I’d first had her, when I was alone in my bed. After Christmas, another month at least, I received a call from Paul telling me, from Jo, that the relationship was over , and I was more than welcome to take her out.I wasted no time on getting on the phone to her, and we arranged to go to a Chinese buffet in Birmingham’sChinatown. Everyone was looking at her, in the street, in the restaurant, she was divine. Dressed up for a “date” or a night out she was ten times as gorgeous as she’d been on stage. Unfortunately, in the course of the conversations revealed herself to be a right little madam. A real prima donna. As the saying on little girls’ T Shirts proclaims: “It’s all about ME”, and it was. All about her. She didn’t have a ‘day job’, she was a professional singer and actress, but the jobs didn’t provide a living wageso she lived with her parents who in reality housed and fed and (expensively) clothed her. She was in the process of learning to drive.I dropped her back to her home at the end of the evening, and we kissed goodnight, I went home alone and pondered whether I could or should pursue it, as she was the kindof person I don’t really get on with. So….I fucked her again, while I was thinking about it. She wasn’t there, you know, it was just in my head. In my hand. whatever.The next morning, I fucked her again. She was insatiable, I tell you. This went on for several days afterwards, then I called her again, for a second interview, so to speak. I just kind of had to. I had left it a few days, as I didn’t want to seem too keen. I thought it best not to mention to her on the phone how many wanks I had had about her,so I was, you know, playing it cool. I should mention I was not going without sex at this time. I had fuckbuddies: Julie N, Julie W, Elaine, Lyn, Jane, Jo. Usually not all at the same time,but one or two would usually be in action, at any given time.Then we started dating, we would see each other a couple of times a week, as our schedules allowed. She finally got a mobile phoneso I could get hold of her directly, as she often went out of town for auditions and work. The problem was I would have to drive to pick her up, as she had not yet passed her test, so we would go out in her neighbourhood, or that (Quinton) side, and I would drop her back home. She never invited me in, and I was told her parents were very strict Catholics, I wouldnever be allowed to stay the night, or even be downstairs with her while they were in bed. I had to make do with a kiss in my car, which were getting slightly more heated, but still I was getting nowhere. During our evenings out, however, she would often tell me over a balti me about her past relationships, and how “PHYSICAL” they had been. Yeah, right, so what happened? She did have a rebellious side, She told me that when she was sixteen she was in a ferry terminal with her mother, returning from Ireland.A very polite and atttractive man, a musician, approached her, via her mother, all very properly, and asked if he could “call on her” when in Birmingham.The mother said he could, and he did.The sixteen year old Jo, whilst ostensibly being out on a public date with the man, had actually booked them a hotel room and was fucking him sideways.She may even have been a virgin to boot.Anyway, it was some six weeks from the Chinese date before she finally came to my house on a Saturday night for a meal. She was not staying the night, that much was made very clear, Mrs Flaherty would not allow, in fact I never even met the woman.Jo drank neat Irish Whiskey, nothing else, only singles, not even many of them, but that was all she drank. I had bought a bottle of the good stuff,and had drank a bit of it previously, so as it didn’t look like I had bought it in specially.She looked stunning as ever, and relaxed a bit as she got through the Whiskey. I grabbed her and kissed her, quite forcefully, for the first time not being cautious with her, and she loved it. She was dressed all in black, a thick black cardigan (more attractive than it sounds) a long sleeved body hugging t shirt, andsports bottoms. Within about a minute of the first kiss, the cardigan and t shirt were gone. She had a sleek lycra b*a on, and within a further half a minute I had that off too, revealing a pair of the most beautiful little tits I have EVER seen. But they were tiny.An A perhaps, if that, and the state of the nipples belied her casual ‘take it or leave it’ status. They were lethally erect, and most unusually had novisible a*reolae: just a nipple, mounted on a tiny breast. I took each one deep into my mouth and she groaned under the pressure. She lay back, l*gs open, but still fully clothed from the waist down, eyes closed, hands over her head, as I feasted on her breasts. “Mmmm” she moaned I grabbed the waistband of her joggers, she grabbed it too, but down they came, to her ankles, where they were stopped by way of her trainers which were those withmiles of laces. I moved in and kissed my way down her flat, ripped belly. She spent hours in the gym, every day,she was really muscly, but compact. canlı kaçak iddaa I commented on this. “You haven’t seen ANYTHING yet” she said, mysteriously.I arrived at her cr*tch, which was armoured in skin tight black lycra. I ran my thumb over her pussy”Feels very smooth” I commented “are you shaved?” (this would have been pretty unusual back then)She shrugged her shoulders”Not quite” she grinned I moved in and gently kissed her crotch, through the skintight black lycra, right on her cl*t.”hey!” she breathed”Take these off?” I smiled, hooking my thumbs into the thongShe shook her head”No””Come on, I promise I won’t fuck you, I just wanted to lick you, I want to look up at your face and watch you come” She squeezed my hand in acknowledgement. and made a sound like “Ahh”Like “Bless”…. “How sweet” YES I KNOW, you go figure.”Pull them up” she said, finally. I dutifully pulled the joggers back up to her waist”Thank you” she whisperedWe had another drink each, and talked. Not innocent chat. Not at all. We exchanged accounts of how we’d lost our virginities.Hers was, if you’re interested, in that hotel room with that Irishman, who was apparently very well endowed, and a highly skilled lover.Lucky fucking HIM.she went into quite a lot of detail as well. She progressed to sit on my lap, and she in turn took My top off, another black longsleeve tee. “Oh you’ve got a really hairy chest” she cooed “I love it”She had a good feel of my muscles, and gave my nipple a bite, then we resumed snogging. “Come on” I said, now at last becoming impatient, and I slipped my hand down the back of her joggers and grabbed her *rse. It was the most gorgeous firm little peach, gym hardened but with a quarter inch thick covering of squeezable flesh, so I gave it a good old squeezing.She moaned throatily.”Get these off” I ordered”There’s something I haven’t told you” she began”You’re a bloke?” “NO.. heh heh.. you’d have noticed my cock just now, SURELY… no it’s a ….well…I have a thing… you can order me, if you want something,you know…I can’t believe I’m telling you this…. make me…… I like it…..sorry”Her drift was got:”I am going to lick your pussy” I told her “I promise, again, that I won’t fuck you, but I AM going to lick your pussy. I won’t fuck you until you’reready to stay the night, we will need a lot of time”She gulped”Why’s that? .. Particularly?” she asked”It takes me ages to come” I explained. Well, lied. Well, it does sometimes with a new partner.”I am going out of the room for a few minutes” I told her “When I come back, I want you NAKED, and in that chair with your legs over the arms”I indicated a battered old-gold Parker Knoll reclinerI left the room. I paused on the stairs where I could see to some extent through the frosted glass of the lounge door. She was moving about. She was either getting her kit off as ordered, or she was getting her stuff together to leave. I went and made sure my cock was squeaky clean. I was hoping she would at least s*ck me off by the end of the evening. When I returned she had done precisely as I’d ordered, she was magnificently NAKED with her muscly little legs spread, but she was covering her c*nt with a hand. Modestly.I knelt and leaving the hand in place I kissed and nibbled all the way up the insides of her thighs. She played with her tiny little titties with her free hand, still covering her pussy with the other. “Finger yourself” I told her She looked at me”Go on have a little wank while I watch”She hesitated “DO IT” I said in a lower pitchShe began to finger herself, in doing so she was now exposing everything. Her ginger p*bes were razored almost to stubble, and shaped. The sides were shaved or waxed, so there was no hair alongside the l*bia,it was beautfully done, and the most fabulous pussy I have ever seen, to this day. “You shouldn’t keep this covered up” I grinned and went on to tell her how beautiful she was. She blushed, and I moved her hand (still wanking) away so I could get my tongue in.I started by pushing my extended tongue right up the hole, she murmured and tensed. I withdrew it and slipped a finger in, instead. Jees, she was tight. I think this was what she was implying earlier when I commented on her muscles “You haven’t seen anything yet” she had said. She was also S*PPING wet – oozing – and as hot as all hell. She was incredibly ar*used, but had been playing it very cool indeed up to now.I sought out her cl*t which wasn’t the biggest though it was pumped up and horny, and it was at last under my tongue. She had both hands on her tits now, looking down her toned belly at me eating her delicious pussy, while pulling her nipples. “Mmmm…. MMMMM” she moaned I looked up and locked eyes with her as a flush spread from her face down to her breasts”I’m going to come” she whispered and closed her big eyes And she did. My god she did. She writhed as the waves took her, and I lapped the increased juices as she orgasmed powerfully. I decreased what I was doing, and gradually stopped, moving away slightly, my chin gleaming with her juices. I moved in to kiss her, which she did without hesitation, she wasn’t bothered about her come. “Lick round my mouth” I commanded and she didHer able tongue swept away all the remnants of her climax. “What about you, now?” she asked I looked down at my black levi 501s. A tent was pitched, I was harder than rock. She reached and squeezed the bulge as I stood before her.She undid my belt, then stopped at my fly. “Buttons” she said ” I can’t do buttons, not with that amount of …tension behind them anyway. You will have to…..go on. Take everything off”I gulped and began the process of undoing the metal buttons and slipping the jeans down and off. Then I was just in my white Calvin Klein briefs. With my cock very evident.”I like your p*nts” she grinned “Go on though. Show me” I pulled them out down and off, like a str*pper”OOh very professional” she laughed “You’ve done THAT before” I shruggedThen she looked”God you’re very BIG” she said, admiringly “and soOO fucking HARD!! Wow! Can I ?” she venturedI nodded. She reached and held my cock round the base “It’s very WIDE at the bottom” she commented “that would hurt me. I’ve only got a little pussy”My cock twitched noticeably at this thought. She pulled her magnificent head of copper ringlets back and leant forward, licking her lips. “Do you want me to s*ck it? Or wank you?” she enquired “In your mouth … please” I croaked She smiled up at me and enclosed my thr*bbing cock head in her glistening lips. It was all too much.As she gently squeezed my b*lls, they had no choice but to give up their cargo, which powered up the shaft at double quick speed, and spurted out of the bulging kn*b straight into her unexpecting mouth. Her eyes widened, she held up a hand like “Stop”As If I could.My hips moved of their own accord, fucking her mouth. I could do nothing to stop it.She swallowed and swallowed and swallowed until the torrent stopped. “Blimey O’Reilly” she giggled, licking her lips “someone needed THAT!!””I’m sorry” I sniffed “It’s OKay, honestly, long blow jobs make my jaw ache” she sniggeredMy cock was still halfway hard even after that explosion. “There was a LOT of come” she commented, “Have you been saving all that up for me, all these weeks? Serves me right!” she laughed”Did you DECIDE not to have sex with me, or was it just circumstance?” I asked, in serious tones “Bit of both” she admitted “I have been guilty in the past of jumping straight into b*d with people, so It was a bit of a resolution of mine to … take it slower””You CERTAINLY did that” I chided her”I’m really horny after that, do you think you could …do me again?” she asked, sweetly “Sure” I smiled then and went down on her again, taking it more slowly this time, and pleasuring her determinedly clenched little ars*hole with my insistent tonguewhile I was there. She didn’t come quite so quickly the second time, but she got even w*tter on the build up. There was a pool underneath her c*nt, on my dralon.My cock was rock hard again during this, and this time I ordered her to get on her knees and wank me off, all over her face. I told her I was going to come in herhair, but she did baulk at this. She said she’d allow it as and when she stayed the night and she could wash her hair. This would not be, she was quite clear,until the next time her parents went to Ireland without her, which would be months.I come internet casino in her face, coating her forehead and nose, eyelids and lips. She swallowed some as well, she was fine with it. This was followed by sp*nky kisses,getting her own back by giving ME my own back. The third and final session of the evening was each of us sitting in turn in the Parker Knoll, m*sturbating for the entertainment of the other, whilst disclosingan unfulfilled sexual fantasy.Jo’s was a threesome. she had done a summer season in Turkey and had met two (male) American tourists who were inseparable from each other. She had b*dded the one whilst the otherwas content to watch them, and wank. She’d not had the second guy, as the first guy was “kind of in love” with her. This was therefore her unfulfilled fantasy, a proper full on threesome, her and two guys. I involved her in mine as well, as I had wanked myself off whilst imagining her in my bed, sat on my cock, with my cowboy hat on. She said this was easily fulfilled, as and whenwe had a night together.I ventured a second one, she and my ex, the luscious blonde Elaine, together, and with me joining in. Elaine, to be fair, would do it if I wanted her to. Jo admitted she’d never been with a girl, and she WAS curious. She didn’t discount it.In the course of conversations afterwards, which I won’t bore you with in full, it became apparent that she was a proper practising Catholic, i.e. she was averse to c*ntraceptionof any kind, apart from withdrawal. No pill , no c*ndoms, no IUD and therefore no one was allowed to come inside her pussy. So, eight or nine weeks later, her parents trotted off to Co Wicklow or wherever, and the infinitely gorgeous Jo Flaherty is at my door with her overnight bag.An overnight bag stuffed with nice wine, l*ngerie, and sex toys, as it happens.We sat at my table and ate a West Indian curry I had made, and it took quite a bit of whiskey to out the fire out. I was on ice cold Becks, very wise. She was a bit wobbly when I ordered her to to get upstairs, and I had to steady her, by her magnificent *rse, on the stairs. She turned to grab a kiss and I pinned her to the wall, my erection in my jeans digging into her cr*tch. She’d got a dress on, electric blue, satin, she looked incredibly magnificent.I grabbed her hand and led her to my room in which I had previously lit candles. It looked very lovely in the candlelight, and you couldn’t see all the dust.I sat on the end of the bed She turned her back to me, for me to unzip her. The zip extended down her back, past where her br* strap should have been but wasn’t, down to where her kn*ckers should havebeen but weren’t.The dress dropped to the floor and she stood with her back to me, magnificently NAKED, except for very high heels, and black stockings and s*spenders.”I didn’t know whether to put sexy undies on, for you to take off, or nothing, I couldn’t decide”, she grinned over her shoulder.”Turn round” I said with a distict wobble in my voiceShe turned She was flushed in the face with the excitement, and the the food and the whiskey. Her pale little nipples were painfully erect it looked like, and down between the s*spenders, there had been an upgrade:She was now completely shaved, not a hair in sight. “Oh christ that’s GORGEOUS” I said I pulled my shirt off, swiftly followed by my jeans and Calvins. I was NAKED and fully erect. I law on the bed and summoned her”Get on top of me, facing the opposite way. I want you s*t on my face, and you’re going to s*ck my cock””Okay” she giggled and began to climb into position “Do you want me to keep the stockings on?” “Of course” I confirmed.Her sh*ven little slit was duly lowered onto my mouth, very confidently, she’d done that before! She moaned as soon as I began to lick her insides, and she began licking her way up the sh*ft from my stomach to the top. Once she got to the top she busied herself rolling my f*reskin back, and tongueing the exposed head. There were a lot of gasps and puffing and blowing from the both of us.”Okay , that’s enough” I ordered as I felt I was about half way to ejaculating.I got her off me but kept her in the all fours position. I grabbed hold of my cock and, keeping the skin rolled back, pushed the head into the tight hole. “Oh christ” she moaned, “go easy”I nodded.I pushed the first two thirds in, it was SO fucking tight in there, unbelievable. “God you’ve got a big cock” she squealed “Don’t go all the way in, PLEASE”I tried, honestly I did.I was careful not to slam in too hard, but as regards not giving her the base, I just couldn’t help it. I just had to grab her peachy *rse and pull her onto me.”NO!” she protested “Shut up moaning” I told her “you want it”Her head nodded. “I DO” she sobbed almost “it’s just on the edge of being painful, and yes I love it. You s*d”I reached behind me to where I had secreted a little pot of v*seline amongst the pillows. I shoved my thumb in it. As I fucked her pussy, steadily, I gently opened her b*ttocks. Christ what a beautiful *rse she had, fabulous skin, firm b*ttocks, and in between the most exquisitelittle rosebud. I had a look and tried to assess if said rosebud was in the habit of receiving visitors. I wasn’t sure. I ran my thumb over it and pressed, lubricated as it was with the gel. She moaned as I pressed inward”Mmm that’s nice” she enthused “You like it?” she nodded”Have you been fucked up here?” I asked her Her head jerked round “What ??” “Have you been fucked up the *rse, do you like it?” I insistedHer hips which had been pushing back into mine, ceased moving.”Did you .. go up there?” she ventured “I thought if I fucked you up the *rse then I could come in you” I clarified “Your cock is too big” she told me “So you HAVE been fucked up the *rse, otherwise you wouldn’t know what was too big and what wasn’t” In fact I knew FULL WELL Paul, for one, had fucked her up the *rse, but I knew she didn’t know that I knew. she probably knew I knew she didn’t know that I knew.Then I recalled her revelation that she liked to be um…. instructed. Commanded. Taken CHARGE of.”Spread your *rse for me” I ordered, in that voice. She pulled a pillow into place and lay her belly onto it, so as to release both arms which had previously been supporting her upper body.And she reached back and dutifully spread the ch*eks for me, framed as they were in the stockings, and beautifully lit in the candle light. I smeared a load of vaseline on my knob and pressed the head to the hole.”Oh” she whispered I pushed”ow” (just a little ‘ow’, not a GET THAT THING OUT OF THERE NOW type ‘ow’. I HAVE had those).With a little manouvering in and out I popped through. It feels like you pushed your cock though an elastic band, if you’ve never had anal. “Oh GOD that’s so good” I told her “Oh my lord” she whimpered “that’s so big”You should keep in mind she was an actress.Her bum wasn’t as tight as her pussy, once I was in, I now had some room to move and move I did. “You have such a beautful b*ttom, it’ s a pity to waste it” I chuckledJo wasn’t chucklingShe let go of one cheek and reached underneath herself to masturbate.”Do you want ME to do that?” I offered “No , just fuck me, I will take care of my pussy… that you’re NEGLECTING!” There was a hint of humour nowLess than two mnutes later she announced, loudly :”I’m coming, you can come too if you want” I did want Together we came, she wanked herself to a huge anal-powered climax, and I wasted no time in releasing my pent up payload deep into her waiting *rse, an explosion of pleasure and relief I can barely find the words to describe. I seemed to come at least twice, and the sp*rm kept on flowing andflowing, till finally together we collapsed. Once we’d recovered we showered together, she bent over while I cleaned her bum for her, soapy fingers all inside, all very intimate. She returned thefavour with a thorough cleaning of my cock, which was a necessity, she made clear, before It could go in her m*uth or pussy.Once we had dried we went back to bed with some champagne and talked a while. We were back onto our fantasies: I delved further into her male/male Jo threesome”It’s my favourite m*sturbation fantasy” she admitted “Have you CAST it?” I probed “CAST it? You see, a lot of ..womens’ fantasies have .. .characters with blank faces” she suggested “B*llshit” I said “That’s evasion. It’s claimed I know, I have read it, but I’m sure it’s not true. You know damn well who the canlı poker oyna two men are. I mean you might vary it,but you know”She went on to ask me about how I wanked, when, where, how often, and who and what about, and I answered her fully and with one hundred percent honesty.Even those one is not proud of.She was quite taken aback. She said no one she had ever spoken to, ever, had been so open. So I, in return, demanded she be equally open. She eventually filled the faces in. She said in one version, she had a little band, with Paul on lead, and me on bass, and her. Sometimes there was a drummer who was an imaginary character, but he was a big black man, and bisexual. I started to hope she wasn’t going to be TOO honest.Anyway in her f*ntasy , in some sordid dressing room , after a great show, we all fucked. ALL of us, she didn’t go into detail about the drummer’s role. I got her sat back on my cock, WITH THE COWBOY hat on, and she rode me almost to a climax, we almost didn’t make the dismount. Just. What was left in myb*lls was wanked over her little boobs. I had to get my t*ngue involved to finish her off, as she ground her shaved pussy into my mouth.When we were again resting, I broached the subject.”I’m out with Paul next Saturday” I told her, “We’re off watching Ezio, and if you’re free, then come with us, and afterwards, well,come back here, and we will make it a reality for you!”She looked at me aghast”Gulp!!” she gulped, “What about the drummer?” “He doesn’t exist” I reminded her”Damn” she said quietlyI didn’t agree. “I mean, would you, you and Paul, how CLOSE are you? Would you be comfortable being NAKED together and all that?”Paul and I had shared Elaine one night, so the answer was yes, but I just responded “I think we’d manage. I will ask him this week. Are you IN?” I pushed “I will come and see Ezio with you, and I can stop the night, because my mom and dad are going to Aintree. I will have to take the rest one step at a time, I’m very NERVOUS” she confidedSo I raised the question with Paul that week over a beer. He was up for it, though he said she was attention seeking, as per usual.On the Saturday Jo arrived at my house and we set off by bus to the venue, we had several Irish ales during the evening, and Jo , unusually, was on pints, and it was strong stuff. Paul and I surreptitiously substituted shandies (1/2 beer 1/2 lemonade) on some rounds, though Jo always got a full strength one. At the end of the excellent gig, during which NO mention had been made of a threesome at all, we set off, by cab back to my house.Then I got the whiskey out. Jo was talking non stop, patently VERY nervous, Paul was his usual self, the very essence of suave and debonaire. Like James Bond with a Strat.Eventually after we’d played some songs and messed about I finally broached the subject. “Are we going to do this or what?” I asked Paul nodded”I’m up for it” “Jo?” I asked She looked like she was going to cry.I went and held her”Hey, it was YOUR idea!” I reminded her “It was .. is my F*NTASY!!” she clarified “The…REALITY is well scary!” I was giving her a bit of a c*ddle, and I held her hand, and in doing so I could feel her pulse absolutely RACING, I had never known anyone be so excited/stressed/scared.Paul came over and gave her a kiss as well, she turned to kiss him back. He reached round and unpopped the fastenings of her denim shirt, she had nothing on underneath so she was t*pless instantly. “No no NO” she moaned but she shrugged her shirt off, thus actually assisting us in undr*ssing her.I knelt in fron of her and unzipped her skintight jeans, again she parted her feet to assist my removal of them. I pulled her black lycra th*ng down and off, and her still-shaved and positively dr*pping pussy was there in all it’s glory.Paul had licked his way down her back, and was kneeling behind her, parting her b*ttocks. I knelt at the front and moved her feet apart slightly, so I could get at and lick her pussy.And eat it I did, she was absolutely frothing. She leant her head back and grabbed her little tits and roughly squeezed them. “Oh my …god that’s fanTASTic” she enthused, as Paul feasted on her bum, biting her b*ttocks, and tongueing her little parted *rse “Oh CHRIST you fucking D*RTY B*STARDS, I’m going to come!!”And come she did, very juicily and Paul and I had to hold her upright as her sturdy legs sagged on her. And sag she did when we tired, to her knees with us both standing in front of her.”WHILE YOU’RE DOWN THERE…..!”Showing impressive ambidextrousness she undid both our belts, but faltered once again at my 501s’ buttons, Paul she unzipped, freed his cock and it wasstraight in her mouth. She left me to unbutton, and I had to make do with her hand, to start with. Certainly my cock was not objecting, as it was alreadyramrod hard. She transferred Paul to a hand so she could take me in her m*uth where she absolutely devoured me, I gasped and stroked her lustrous hair. Paul was laughing at me.I felt a bit aggrieved, I had more of an emotional attachment, she was to all intents and purposes MY G*RLFRIEND, after all. Sl*t.Paul had a very nice b*dy, I guess. Compact, muscled, a mountaineer in his spare time. His cock was l*ng but slender, she could have done with her two little hands on it,but she was busy with my rather gnarled, bulky kn*b.Jo seemed quite taken with him anyway. Very soon I decided to interrupt the blow job – for obvious reasons – so I suggsted we all adjourn to my b*droom. We chased Jo up there, our erect cocks waving in front of us. She arrived giggling in my room, lit again by candles. We piled in after her. “How do you want me?” she asked, and seemed to be back to being very nervous again. “boys…. I’m scared. I might be pretending to be all brave and confident but I’m not. Are you two…experienced in this kind of thing?”I answered first: “Six times that I recall, 5 with two girls, and one other with me and a bloke and one girl. Paul?””Three in all, two with two girls, and shall I tell her?”I shrugged”Derek and I had a thr*some with his ex, Elaine, after they’d split up” Paul admitted “So I’m quite the novice here, then” Jo sighed “you boys are in charge then, you tell me what to do”HOW WONDERFULI went and lay on the bid”Come and sit on my cock” I told herShe came, she threw a leg over, and she sat.I was in her up to my balls. I felt she bed shift as Paul climbed onto the bed behind her.I can’t describe how he slotted into her arse, as it wasn’t my cock and it wasn’t my arse, but there was a definite ‘OOF’ from Miss Flaherty Paul and I , without any overt discussion seemed to fall into a rhythm once we started to fuck her, she was up and down on my cock, using the considerable power of her thigh muscles, Paul was in and out of her arse, taking it perfectly in turn with me, as I came out, he went in. we just managed to ‘choreograph’it that way. Jo was up and down on me, in a growing frenzy, swearing and puffing and blowing as our two full cocks powered in and out of her.”Oh Jesus” she moaned “I’m going to have the most MASSIVE fuckING orgasm!!”… and she did. Her pussy was leaking so much juice, she was producing sqeaking and squelching noises as she moved up and down, finally collapsing onto me.I had managed to resist coming in her, and although he was cleared to come up her bum, so had Paul. “Get off me and kneel down” I told herShe got, she knelt.She closed her eyes. Paul and I gathered around her, and gently wanked ourselves off into her fabulous face, and into her auburn ringlets. She was covered, DRENCHED in the stuff,dipping from her eyebrows and nose, drenched in come. She finally opened her eyes, and smiled up at us, grasping both our cocks, and wanking them into her mouth. “Mmmmm” she grinned “Even better than my fantasies” We nodded and grinned and high fived.JO went off to clean herself up, Paul and I both went and joined her in my large shower stall, with soapy fingers up bums, and by the time we all fell into bed we were squeaky clean. As dawn broke we were all horny again, and Paul and I took it it turns to fuck her, getting on top her and hauling her legs up and out of the way, we dutifully pulled out, jsut in time, and pumped it all out over her belly. All in all it was a pretty good night.Jo’s career picked up a lot after this, and I saw her less and less, and I am sorry to report, the mooted girl/girl hook up betweenJo and Elaine never happened. I did carry on doing sound engineering for her for a couple of years, and whatever she got paid was never shared with me, because I was always paidin sex, fucking her in whatever passed for a deessing room, or in the car afterwards. I wasn’t complaining.Derek
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