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Fusion – Sexual Experience DesignWritten by Dominic Dale Hughes : RosaRailing beyond energyThen a direction lay powerfulCoordinated by different typesFusionWelcome to an experience which recreates the concept of fusion in reality as a sexual scene through the use of highly detailed sexual related techniques and of course many others as well.Please be aware that your customer must know they can not interfere with the experience dramatically without prior warning first to the assistant before it starts.So lets get started !Chapter One :The BlastThis requires the performer to act very swiftly to give the impression of fast pleasure please make sure that your customer is already fully naked before starting this experience for obvious reasons please speak to an assistant if there is any issues prior to the first step.1.) Start by sucking his lips in very random directions preferably outwards ever so bilecik escort swiftly then rubbing his bum in outward directions petter and pattering so fast with your hands every few seconds or less on his left and right bum cheeks and press your boobs against his chest moving them in outward directions all at once.Diagram :NONE YETIf your customer is enjoying it greatly try and randomize it up more by spreading out wider or even going inward a slight bit or going in and out with each direction but don’t over due it.Now for the actual blast portion of this2.) Literally after 1 to 2 minutes of “step 1” start by pushing more aggressively on all areas that you are moving on including bum cheeks, chest and the lips.IMPORTANT :When pressing hard on the lips if he doesn’t react negatively push a little harder but only alittle to give extra effect if and only he is applicable.Once the tension starts escort bilecik to drag and your customer almost looks just a slight bit bored now is the time to surprise him.Make sure he is hard by this point by making innocent noises and hinting better feelings.3.) Within seconds thrust your labia minora and majora over his glans penis and let the glans penetrate the vagina very quickly as the glans penetrates your vagina wall start shaking your hole body and moving your head back and keeping your eyes closed for added effect grasping onto his bum cheeks with tremendous force.Make sure to warn the customer not to freak at this point and stay stillMoving AwayChapter Two :4.) Whilst standing up focus on penis penetration make sure your riding him standing up like this as the diagram shows:NONE YET5.) Then every few seconds move away further and then come back in harder and do it more and bilecik escort bayan more dramatically every time till it requires him to move to get near youTell him to stop and wait 5 seconds6.) Count to 5 in your head and then get closer and closer to him whilst walking as if you were doing a catwalk without the severe elegance like this :NONE YET7.) Grab him ever so suddenly and squeeze him digging your fingers into his back very vigorously whilst moving your hands up and down and inserting his penis into your vagina and once again vigirously stimulating it squeezing his body quietly whisper into his ear we have become fusion , reunited , once more then quietly bite his ears and pull on them.If he hasn’t orgasmed by this point you may if desired ask him to continue having sex how ever he wishes please be make sure to tell them to be gentle unless otherwise stated by you somewhere within the experience directly.Note that you may follow these as rough guidelines so feel free to get creative if you feel like it just keep within the theme of fusion if possible.Thank you for reading my next sexual experience hope you all enjoyed it!
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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32