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Knee troubleI write these as stories as they’re easier to edit but I thought I would share an experience from a couple of years back. A close neighbour in her late 50’s had lost her husband and just seemed to put her efforts into her grandk**s and walking her dog.I knew from chatting to her she walked mile and said it kept her fit. She would often stop to take and always seemed happy. She was attractive short and very voluptuous. Always wore tight black leggings and I liked to look at her arse and hot thighs not to mention a nice pair of tits.One day service was returning and I said hello but she didn’t seem as happy as normal. Then she said she was getting a lot of knee pain and knowing I knew a little about fitness asked what it was. I’d had the same a few years back and told her not to worry mine cleared up with some exercises and a little physio. I had the exercises somewhere if she wanted me to dig them out. She said she would call back after visiting her son but I said I old come to her as I needed to find them. She agreed and I watched her arse walk off Ellington her to maybe try some new trainers too.We that afternoon I found the papers and also used the Internet to research further. I wanted to appear the expert.That evening I went round to visit she answered the door still in leggings with a tight white top showing off her tits nicely and the trainers replaced for scrappy high heels. aksaray escort She looked like she’d put some make up on and looked hot. Was this for me or the fact she’d been out?We read through the papers and she seemed confused (I did try to our complicate it) so I offered to help show her. First were some boring stretches but then she needed to lie down and she took me through to her bedroom.Lying on her back i told her one problem was tight quashed and I touched her thigh just above the knee and massaged her . See said it was a little painful and I said it did feel tight (I didn’t know really) but carted on massaging and she said it felt good. Talking as I did it my hands going a little higher I then touched her tummy just above her grin which made her jump a little. But I explained one of the quad muscles extended right up ad she relaxed. Here pussy mound look so good in those tight leggings After a while I told her to roll or to let me show her a quad stretch. Lying face don’t her arse was very tempting. Grabbing one of her ankles I pushed it gently towards her arse stretch her. She said that seemed good and then I did the same with the other leg.However she struggled to stretch and hold her ankle on her own when doing it alone. I adore a think and asked if she had anything to tie round to hold. When she said no I suggested a pair of tights and jumping off the bed moving to the escort aksaray wash basket a pair lying on the top. She was so embarrassed they’re not clean she said. Don’t worry lolTaking hrs ankle is to the tights around hrs ad she pulled her leg back. The combination of her hot arse those heels and red painted toes with the tights tied around got me so hard. She rolled over to switch legs untied the tights but I noticed her nipples were so erect through her to pass she lay back down. As she carried on she said she should have removed her shoes .I offered and slowly removed the first one. I asked if the underside of her feet hurt as this was also connected. She was impressed and said they did. Reaching to her bedside table I took some hand cream and offered to show her how to help. She said I better not as she had sensitive feet. I laugh and said you mean they tickle and she replied no they’re very sensitive!I ignored her and with he leg between mine I’m sure she could feel my hard cock in rubbed her feet gently. She actually gave out a little moan. Holding a hand up half protesting she then gave up by I noticed rather than putting it back over her head she put it under her body near her crotch.I could see her fingers against the black leggings she was touching her pussy.Moving across I changed legs but spread them a little wider and this time really pushed my cock against her. She moaned aksaray escort bayan again into the pillow and was definitely rubbing herself as she said my feet are my weakness. I asked her about anywhere else she needed me to look at hoping she’d open up by she said the back of her thighs. The hamstrings. Damn!!Let me take a look i said knowing at least I could get my hands on her arse. Opening her legs I knelt between them and she over to help but somehow got her hand into her leggings!Rubbing her thighs up ad own the bottom of her buttons so hot and soft. I was so hard now and it was obvious she was openly playing her arse starting to grind on her fingers I asked her to stretch by rising on her knees.In for a penny……… I eased her leggings down and she didn’t resist. What a sight her hairy pussy with her panties to one side her fingers so deep. Wonderful thighs pale against the dark leggings. I said she didn’t need to use her fingers if she didn’t want and I took my cock out.The leggings by her knees her arse was magnificent as we’re her thighs. OK not a young woman but I loved the see her cellulite contract as my cock sid into her hot cunt. Pushing he face down I realised the mirror and watched her taking get me. Pulling her top up her tits dropping out of her bra and swinging I reached forward to pull on her hair. Then looking down I saw the tights around her ankle. Removing it is wrapped it around her neck pulling tighter as I rode her .Not lasting too long my cock thick with her juices I started to cum exploding deep inside her as she pushed her arse back onto my cock taking every inch. We collapsed in a heap and then……..
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32