Lesbian teens 4

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Lesbian teens 4?Teenage LesbiansBy Doria LyonsChapter 3Shooting had been delayed for an hour because of some equipment problems. As everyone headed for the commisary for a bite to eat and a drink, Jo felt someone grab her by the arm.”Hi,” said Sue, nervously.”Hello,” replied Jo, noticing a young girl next to Sue.”This is my sister, Jan. I brought her along today to watch the shooting,” Sue explained.”Hi, Jan. I’m Jo,” she smiled.Smiling shyly, the young girl extended her hand politely.”I’m very glad to meet you,” she said.”Is this the first time you’ve ever seen a shooting?” asked Jo, cheerily.”Yes, it is. I’ve been taking a course on film in my high school and I’d like to major in it when I start college so I thought it would be a good idea to see the real thing,” she explained.”I certainly agree with that,” Jo smiled. “What aspect of film do you want to major in?” asked Jo.”The actual filming itself is what I’m really interested in, but I’m also curious to find out all the aspects of it. You know, editing, lighting and everything else,” she explained, sounding very knowledgeable.”Well, this is the place to do it! When they start shooting I’ll ask one of the camerman if you can sit up with the crew while they shoot the scene. How’s that?””Oh wow! That would be great! Thanks a lot!” she exclaimed. ‘That’s very nice of you, Jo,” spoke Sue, quietly.”Oh, do you think so?” replied Jo, mockingly. “Oh, I guess I’m just a nice person.””Well, I have to get back to the costume department. One of the extras needs a dress for the next scene,” said Sue.”Jan, why don’t you come and have some lunch with me and then I’ll take you over to the set and set you up with one of the cameramen?” Jo said, temptingly.”Oh, Sue, could I? I really much rather do that then go to the costume department right now. Please?” she pleaded with her older sister.”Okay,” replied Sue, looking at Jo as if she were reading her mind. “I’m sure I can leave you with Miss Ross,” she said, looking directly into Jo’s eyes.As Sue headed toward the back of the Studio lot, Jo and Jan walked towards the commissary. Jo looked at the young girl and noticed that she looked quite a bit like her older sister. They had the same build and features, except that Jan was just a bit smaller than Sue.Entering the large room, Jo directed the young girl towards a table in the back of the room. There weren’t too many people seated back there. Finding an empty table, Jo sat down and pulled the seat out next to her for Jan.”Well, leave your bag and things here and let’s go up to the counter and get ourselves some sandwiches,” Jo ordered, placing her jacket on the table.As the two ladies ordered their various sandwiches and drinks, they picked up their trays and walked back to the table. Walking past the line of people, Jo suddenly eyed Tim Scott.”Hello there,” smiled Tim. “What’s the matter, was her sister too old for you, honey?” he asked, smirking, under his breath.”Go fuck yourself, Scott,” she whispered, continuing to walk to the table.Sitting down, they started eating their sandwiches quickly.”So, you’re interested in films?” Jo asked. ‘That’s very interesting for a girl. Don’t find too many girls interested in filming. It’s usually the little boys,” Jo laughed, winking at Jan.”I’ve always been fascinated with film. Ever since I was about seven-years-old. Finally, when I got into high school, I discovered they had a film course. That was my first step towards learning about the technicalities in filming,” Jan explained.”Are there other girls in your film class?””There’s about three other girls in the class. The majority of the class is boys, of course. But to tell you the truth, the girls are doing much better!” Jan laughed, taking another bite out of her sandwich.”Well, I have quite a few friends who are camermen. There’s one boy specifically that I think you should meet. He’s the cameraman working on this film we’re doing now and it’s his first professional job alone. He’s only a young boy and he’s an excellent cameraman. He might be able to give you some pointers and suggest what you should do about obtaining experience in the field.””Great! I really appreciate this!” Jan smiled, sipping her coke.”If you’re free this weekend, why don’t you come by my place and I’ll give Jim a call and see if he can stop over,” Jo suggested.”Super,” exclaimed the young girl, smiling as if she were just given a job on the film.”Let’s go to the lot now and I’ll see if I can find Jim so you can at least meet him today,” said Jo, getting up from her seat.As they headed toward the front door, Tim looked over at Jo and gave her a big smile and a wave. Continuing to walk and ignoring his gesture, Jo could feel the anger rising to her head. That bastard!When they arrived on the set, Jo spotted Jim up on a ladder, adjusting a light where the next shot was taking place. Taking Jan by the hand, she walked over to the ladder and tapped on the side.”Hello there, Mr. Gore!” she smiled. “I want you to meet a friend of mine.”Looking down, Jim broke out in a big, happy smile when he saw Jo’s face below him.Climbing down the ladder, he quickly rushed to the bottom.”Well, how are you, lady?” he asked, kissing Jo on the cheek.”What kind of a hello is that, my friend? The cheek? Is that all I rate?” Jo teased, coyly.Looking rather shy, Jim looked into Jo’s eyes and reached over to give her a big, warm kiss on the lips.”Now that’s much better. Thank you,” she smiled.”Who’s your friend?” asked Jim, smiling over at Jan.”This is Jan, Sue Palmer’s sister. Jan is a film buff. She’s taking a course in high school right now and intends to major in film in college, she wanted to meet a real, live cameraman. The guy who puts all that action on the celluloid,” explained Jo.Extending her hand, Jan smiled at Jim, slightly blushing. “Hi, I’m very happy to meet you,” she said, sweetly.”I told Jan canlı bahis siteleri that if you had some time this weekend, maybe you could stop by my place and give her a few pointers. That’s if you’re not busy.””Well, how about you and Jan coming up to my place in Topanga on Saturday afternoon and having some lunch and spending some time with me? I’d like the company,” Jim smiled.”How’s that sound to you?” asked Jo, turning to the young girl.Not believing that all this was happening to her in the course of an hour, Jan smiled and shook her head in astonishment. “Oh, wow! Fantastic!””Okay, that’s all set then. Jan will come to my place Saturday and then we’ll head up to Topanga and spend the day with some horses and real country living,” Jo confirmed.”Right. I’ll expect you Saturday afternoon then. Call me before you leave and I’ll give you directions,” said Jim, resuming his climb back up the ladder.”Good. Hey, listen! I’m having a little bash Sunday night for the cast and crew at my place. A sort of ‘End of the Film.’ Party,” Jo laughed. “Are you free?””Oh, I heard about that from a few of the other guys and for some reason I thought maybe I wasn’t included,” Jim teased, looking down at Jo and smiling.”You fool!” Jo laughed. “Then I expect to see your little body there or I’ll come up to Topanga and drag you down your mountain!””Of course, lady! I’ll talk to you Saturday morning.”As the two girls left the set, Jo heard Pete yelling through his megaphone announcing that they were ready to roll. Jo sat Jan near the set and headed for the costume department. She started to run when she realized that she was late and Pete got crazy when he was ready and his cast wasn’t.”Sit here, Jan. You can see everything from here,” Jo said, and took off.As Jo reached the door to the costume department she saw that all the extras were dressed and heading out the door. As she reached the door and walked in, she saw that Sue was hanging up some costumes that weren’t being used.”I’m late, Sue! Hurry up! I had no idea I was hanging around for so long! Why the hell didn’t you come look for me,” she reprimanded.”I was too busy!” screamed Sue, anger building up in her voice.Jo turned around, quite shocked by this outburst. She looked at the girl and saw tears running down her face. Suddenly, Jo was overcome with sympathy. She realized what she had put the girl through, but if Sue knew how Jo felt about Tim Scott how could she even talk to him!Slowly turning and looking at Jo, Sue wiped away her tears.”I’m sorry, Jo. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that. Please forgive me.”Jo walked over to the girl and put her arms around her gently. “It’s okay, Sue. Maybe I’ve been unfair. I know how bitchy I can be. I just hated to see you even talking to him, Sue. It killed me!” she confessed.”I’m sorry,” sobbed Sue. “I love you, Jo. I need you! Please forgive me,” She pleaded.Taking the girl’s young, pretty face in her hands, Jo reached down and kissed her on the lips. Sue threw her arms around Jo’s neck and passionately threw her tongue into Jo’s mouth, pressing her lips against Jo’s as if she needed her mouth for air. Jo realized that Sue really meant what she had said. She truly did “love” Jo and it suddenly hit home! This young, sweet girl was in love with Jo Ross. The girl needed her and Jo suddenly felt responsibility. Something she really didn’t want! Freedom was something Jo had always cherished, but she never wanted to feel any responsibility to anyone.The old phrase, “Love ’em and leave ’em,” was Jo’s guide to life. She didn’t want anyone to cling to her. It stifled her! Now she suddenly felt afraid because she was faced with the responsibility of dealing with this young girl. She couldn’t hurt her, but she also couldn’t give too much!Holding Sue’s face in her hands, she looked at the girl and gently kissed her on the forehead. “Please, Sue! You know how I am. Don’t put yoursef in a position where I’ll hurt you. I care about you and I don’t want to see you get hurt by me or anyone else,” Jo explained, taking the girl to her breasts and hugging her.”But I love you, Jo. What am I suppose to do? Stop!” Sue screamed, desperately.”Look, I have to get dressed. Pete’s going to be in here with a whip in a minute if you don’t get me ready and out on the set. We’ll talk about this later, all right?” she smiled, rubbing Sue’s long mane of blonde hair.”Okay,” she agreed, releasing herself from Jo’s grasp and moving towards the dresses.”I want to see you smile, Sue,” Jo ordered, sternly, then suddenly let a wide grin spread over her face. “I care about you, Sue.”Walking out onto the set, Jo suddenly heard Pete’s voice bouncing out of his megaphone. “Where the hell is Jo?””Coming!” Jo yelled, running. “I’m sorry, Pete. I got hung up and didn’t realize we were ready to shoot. Forgive me, love,” she smiled, coyly.”Okay, let’s get rolling! I want this scene to be perfect and I don’t want to take the entire day shooting it!” Pete announced, rather firmly.Jo looked over at the spot where she had left young Jan and she saw the young girl sitting there looking quite fascinated by all that was going on round her. She was a lovely looking young girl and appeared to be much older than she actually was. As a matter-of-fact, she looked even older than her sister.Getting the camera in position, Jim looked down at Jo and gave her a big smile and a loving wink. Jo really liked Jim Gore. He was a so sweet and gentle and she felt very comfortable with him.Tim Scott walked onto the set and over to his mark, looking quite sullen. This was the first time since they started filming that Jo didn’t see a big smile or grin smeared across his face. She almost felt concern for the actor, but tried to control her feelings.”Quiet on the set please!” sounded a voice from the back of the set. “Take one! Roll ’em!”Mid-way into the shot, tipobet güvenilir mi Pete walked out onto the set and held up his hands. “Cut!” He walked over to Tim Scott and whispered a few words into his ear.Tim stood still, his head looking down at the ground and his foot digging into the ground. Jo knew that something was wrong.”Okay, let’s go! Take two!” Pete shouted, walking back to his seat.Again, they started the scene and mid-way into it Pete cut for the second time. ‘Tim, what the hell is wrong?” Pete shouted, unintentionally, but obviously annoyed and under great pressure. Tim kept his head down and didn’t say a word. Suddenly, Pete realized there was a problem. “Okay, everyone take five and get yourselves something to drink.”As Pete walked over to Tim and directed him onto the side of the set, Jo wondered what the hell was happening to Tim. She’d never heard of Tim Scott not being able to get through a scene with flying colors. He was a bastard, but he also was one of the best actors in the whole town, and as professional as they came. A scene might have been delayed for a co-star, or even a cameraman or a bit player, bug never for Tim Scott!Jo suddenly found herself walking over to the two men on the side of the set. She saw Pete shake his head and suddenly walk away. She couldn’t figure out what was happening.”Tim? Anything the matter?” she asked, sincerely concerned.Looking up, Tim tried to feign a smile, but failed. “Oh, I’ll be okay in a minute. I’m really sorry for fucking up the whole scene, Jo. I’ll get it together. I feel like a shit for doing this to the whole cast and crew,” a look of anger spread over his handsome face.”Hey, something’s wrong. Want to talk for a while? You may feel better if you get it out in the open and not try to bottle it up,” Jo suggested, tenderly.”Oh, shit, Jo! My wife walked out on me last night! She took my k**s and left me a note. I got home and the place was empty! She took some furniture and packed her clothes and my k**s’ stuff and she took off! I don’t even know where the fuck that bitch took off to! My k**s!” he cried, his voice starting to crack.”Oh, no, Tim!” Jo sympathized. “Don’t you have any idea where she would go. Or to whom?””I called her mother in Florida last night, but she hasn’t spoken to her in almost two weeks. Where the hell could she go with six k**s?””Look, she has to get in touch with you! I mean, she can’t just take off and not ever get in touch with you! If anything, Tim she’s going to need money, right?””Yeah, but who the hell knows! She’s such a bitch, Jo. She’ll stay away as long as she can just to drive me out of my mind! I don’t give a shit about her, anymore. Really! It’s my k**s. I love my k**s!” he cried.Grabbing him by the arm and pulling him off the set, Jo took the strong, handsome, actor, who looked like a little, lost boy at the moment, and took him in her arms. He cried like a helpless c***d and Jo rubbed his head and tried to console him. Tim Scott was not the hard-ass he pretended to be. He was an emotional, feeling human being who’d just been hurt in a way that was totally uncalled for.”Go on, cry and let it all out, Tim. You have a right to cry. You’ve been hurt and she’s taken away the people you love most in the world,” Jo consoled, rubbing his sandy, blond hair.”Oh, Jo, how the hell could she do that to me? We haven’t really been too close the last couple of years, but she’s still my wife and those are our k**s! How could she use them to get at me like that? It’s just fucking evil. She’s a witch. I swear!” he cried, sobbing hysterically.”Look, I think you should pack it in for today and go home and try to he down. You can’t work anymore today, Tim.””No, I have a job! I’ve got to get that film finished on schedule and no one is going to delay filming because of me! No!” Tim yelled, his voice filled with anguish.”But you’re falling apart! How the hell are you going to maintain your concentration and take directions, Tim?” Jo asked.”If I’m any kind of a fucking actor, I’ll do it and well get that shot on celluloid today. I’m not going to hold up the works because of that bitch. She would love to know that she fucked up production on my film.””Let me go get you something to drink. What do you want, a shot of something or just a soft drink?” Jo asked, sitting Tim down on a chair.”Just get me a coke for now, Jo. After we finish shooting today I intend to get rip-roaring drunk!” he answered, his head in his hands.As Jo walked to the commissary to get Tim a coke, she saw Sue approaching her. “Jo, what’s wrong with Tim?””Oh, shit, Sue! His old lady walked out on him with his six k**s and he doesn’t know where the hell she is. What a shitty thing to do to a man! She sounds like a nice lady!” Jo spoke with anger in her voice.”Oh, wow! How horrible. What’s he going to do?” Sue asked, quite concerned.”I don’t know. What can he do? Call the people he thinks she might have gotten in touch with and wait to hear from her if no one knows where she is.”Pete Henry was walking across the set towards Jo as she reached the end of the lot.”Pete, did you talk to him?””Yeah, I told him that before when I asked him what was wrong and he laid that whole thing about his wife and k**s on me. I told him to go home and take it easy because he wouldn’t be able to work with that shit on his mind today. But he got crazy and refused,” Pete said, shaking his head.”You know Tim. He’s got this thing about being professional. The only thing that would cause him to delay production on a film would be if he croaked on the set,” Jo laughed.”Yeah, I know that. If anyone should get nuts about delaying production, I should. But this is obviously weighing on his brain right now and I just think he should take a good, stiff drink and try and calm down for now.””Well, he won’t. So let’s forget all about Tim tipobet giriş going home and let’s get rolling! that’s what he wants, so there’s no reason to delay production,” Jo said, sounding like a football coach.”Okay with me. I just hope he can get through the scene okay,” said Pete, walking back towards the set.”I’ll be right back. I’m getting him something to drink and then we’ll start shooting,” said Jo, walking into the commissary with Sue at her side.”Poor Tim. What a bummer! I feel so sorry for him, Jo,” explained Sue.”You know what? I do, too. My heart really goes out to him. I’ve never seen Tim like this and it hurts me to see him just break down and cry like a baby. It’s so unlike him, but it proves how human we all are,” sighed Jo, walking to the counter to order a coke.When Jo returned to the set, she found Tim sitting in the chair she had left him in, with Pete Henry kneeling at his side, patting his hand and talking to him.”Here you go, Tim,” Jo said, handing him a can of coke.”Thanks a lot, love,” Tim replied, guzzling down the liquid as if he hadn’t had anything to drink in days.”Now, you’re sure, Tim. I’m telling you, there’s no problem if we pack it in for today. Really, Tim,” Pete explained, consolingly.”No, Pete! I want to shoot that scene today so that it’s in the can this weekend. I’m fine. Let’s go!” Tim took the coke can and crushed it in between his two hands and started to walk towards the set.”Okay, my man. Anything you say!” said Pete, trailing behind.When everyone was in position, Pete put the megaphone to his mouth and started yelling out his directions. “Right, quiet on the set please! Take three! Roll ’em?”Amazingly enough, Tim Scott did a beautiful job in the scene. Jo could certainly understand why. It was a very tense scene in which Tim finds out he’s been betrayed by one of his best friends. Whatever emotions he had felt earlier, he suddely used and let out in his scene. It was absolutely the best scene in the whole film.”Cut!” yelled Pete, stopping the cameras. “Beautiful scene, Tim. Fantastic!” commented Pete, as Tim walked off the set and sat down.Jo walked over to Tim’s chair and saw that there were tears welling up in his beautiful eyes. “Hey, Mr. Scot:, that was some fabulous acting out there! You’d better watch it, you’re making me feel inadequate!” Jo smiled.”It wasn’t acting, Jo! It was just an outlet for what’s inside of me right now and the camera just happened to be rolling, that’s all. The best acting is always the real live stuff, anyway! The best acting in the world is all around us, every fucking day, on the streets, in houses!” Tim spoke softly as the tears started to run down his cheeks.”I agree with that,” Jo said, taking hold of Tim’s hand and holding it. “But it keeps going on. It doesn’t stop for anything or anyone. Life is a stage. That’s so true. But we have to keep going and we can’t ever look back, Tim. We have to deal with the problems of the moment and get through them no matter what it takes to do it.”As the crew started packing up the equipment and taking down the set, Jo turned and saw young Jan Palmer walking over to her.”I want to thank you, Miss Ross. I had a terrific time and it was really interesting. Thanks a lot,” Jan smiled, extending her hand.”It was my pleasure, Jan. Give me a call tomorrow before we come over,” Jo smiled. “Oh, Where’s Sue?””She’s in the costume department putting away some of the dresses.””Tell her to call me in the morning. Also, tell her not to forget about the party Sunday night for the cast and crew at my place. I think I’ll need her help setting everything up. You will come along, won’t you?” Jo asked, politely.”Oh, super!” exclaimed the girl.”Good. You’ll get to meet some more cameramen,” Jo smiled. “You might even get to meet a few directors. How would you like that?” she asked.”Great! Oh, thanks, Miss Ross,” the girl smiled, turning and running towards the costume department.Tim, still sitting in the chair, staring straight ahead as if he were in a daze, suddenly picked his head up and smiled at Jo. “Well, we did it, k**. It’s in the can! Another one for the masses!” he smiled.Quite happy to hear anything come from his mouth, Jo walked over to his chair and kneeled down next to him. “Yes, Mr. Scott! We did, indeed, do it. Through the blazing sun and the broken cameras, we got that film in the can!” she smiled, patting his knee.”Hey, how about going for a drink?” Tim asked, rising from his seat.”I can certainly use a drink right now,” said Jo, grabbing hold of his arm and walking across the set as the crew started banging away at walls and sidewalks.She realized that she was seeing a different Tim Scott. The man she was walking with right now was not the Tim Scott that she had known all along. This wasn’t the same man that she had started this picture with.Jo felt a warmth towards him that she never in her wildest dreams thought could happen. This was the actor she couldn’t stand and the only reason she agreed to work with him was because she knew he was a damn good actor and working with him would be good experience for Jo.When they had reached the parking lot they decided to use Jo’s car and come back later for Tim’s Mercedes. There was a bar only five minutes away from the Studio that was a very quiet little hideaway.When they’d reached the bar and they pulled into the lot, they realized that the place was going to be packed. It was six thirty and this was the businessman’s drinking hour. They decided to have a look first and see just how crowded the place was. Opening the side door, all you could see were wall to wall heads. Tim let out a painful sigh, and Jo turned around and gave him a sorry shrug.”Well, we can go back to the Studio Lot, pick up your car and drive out to my place. I’ve got every kind of liquor you can possibly want and a great, big ocean rolling outside my back door,” she smiled, temptingly.”Sure,” said Tim, closing the door quickly. “I just can’t handle crowds tonight. That’s the last thing I need,” he sighed.”Right, well we’re off to Malibu and the rolling waves,” said Jo, grabbing hold of Tim’s arm and guiding him to her car. 4 of 9

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