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Lesley part 9Lesley was up early, and in the shower by six. She had slept like a baby and seemed to have had a dream free night. She checked her bum hole and it was back to its previous shape. No after affects from her training last night. She had got the clothes she would wear, out last night, in preparation for her day of expectation. She tried not to think to far ahead, just concentrating on tasks at hand. She pulled her black stockings on, attaching them to a delicate black suspender belt. The panties she had were not her newest pair and she would leave it up to Rob if they were ok. She had a nice mainly white blouse that was see through on the sleeves and not quite so see through in the body. She had a shortish summer dress which was a wrap really, and showed a lot of leg with a split up the side. She felt and looked pretty good. The k**s were shocked at how mum was dressed, as they were used to seeing her in either jeans or her uniform. She dropped them at her dads, not even going in. She didn’t want the inquisition as to why she was dressed as she was. The five minute drive to Robs was uneventful and she parked next to Robs car, and walked up to the front door. It was eight o’clock. She knocked at the door, opened it and walked in. Rob was sitting at the dining room table drinking a coffee and reading his morning paper. “Good morning Lesley. I trust you are full of the joys of spring!!! My…you are looking good enough to eat. Haha” he bellowed. “Now give me a twirl…..that’s it. I like the dress….shows plenty thigh too. I like that. Now…I can see you’ve no bra on. What’s the knicker situation then. Lift it up and show me..girl…nice and slow…ah…not keen on those. Big knickers are so 80’s. Hear… lose them..chuck them in the bin…that’s my girl. We’ll get you new things today…don’t you worry about that. “Lesley hadn’t even spoken a word let and she’d lost her knickers. There day had started. “Make yourself a cuppa..that’s the way girl!! We’ll be off soon, got a few calls to make before we get into town. Hope pop will be ok with the k**s coz it’s going to be a long day…ok sexy girl. Hope your up for it??””I’m looking forward to it” she said, not very convincingly, as she drank her tea. “Now, I’m going to get dressed, won’t take a minute, why don’t you come and help me…..after all, girl, you are my carer and it is your job. Hahahaha. Come on.”They went into Robs now familiar bedroom and he stripped off his dressing gown. He was naked. Lesley noticed his swinging flaccid cock hanging a good 5/6” with his heavy ballsack behind. Rob saw her looking and said “Lesley my friend….are you checking me out. Hahaha. I thought it was only men who did that. Hahaha. You are a little sexy minx aren’t you….come on then…..I’ll let you suck me off before we go out..I can see your gagging for some of Robs big cock. Ok…take off your clothes..don’t want any marks on them so early in the day.”Lesley undid her blouse and put it on the back of the chair. Her wrap summer dress she undid and put it on the same chair. “By god what a sight you make Lesley. In my day stockings were the norm….nothing as sexy as a girl with the full regalia on. Now bend from the waist and get to work girl…we’ve got 10 minutes..”Obeying instructions to the letter, Lesley bent at the waist and had Rob nearly erect in two minutes. Her skills were so much improved now she could take seven inches and stick her tongue along the underside of his shaft and touch his ball-sack. He loved that. Only the best cocksuckers could achieve this. Rob had instructed her to bend at the waist for two reasons. He could bent down a play with her small swinging tits… And, he could see her arse and cunt in the bedroom mirror he had her standing in front of. He reached down her back and gave her a playful slap on her arse…not too hard unless she bit his cock. Then slipped two fingers in her cunt and his thumb into her rectum. She moaned and said…”Fuck Rob….can’t you fuck me….please…I need it…I’ve been wanting this in me all morning. Pleeease “”Sorry girl…no time…don’t you worry though you’ll be getting your fill all day. Now….get sucking…five minutes and we’re off.”With a concerted effort, she gripped the base of his cock with one hand, and güvenilir bahis siteleri his balls with the other, she wanked his cock and rolled his balls while sucking on the bell end, swirling her tongue over the cock head, blowing and sucking, wanking and playing. She really was trying and he appreciated her effort. However time wasn’t on there side, so he took her off his cock, and started wanking furiously, holding her face in position and told her through grated teeth to open wide. He felt the familiar tightening in his balls as he held his cock in her mouth and unleashed jet after jet of cum to the back of her throat. She had her tongue underneath his cock so as not to spill a drop. This pleased Rob immensely as he liked a slut who did a good job. And Lesley was shaping up to be one of the best he’d ever had. She stood up, opened her mouth, let Rob see the cum on her tongue, and swallowed…..opening her mouth to show him it was all gone. She then dropped to her knees and cleaned him, using her tongue. Perfect. “Well Lesley….if I was to tell you that you are fast becoming the best cocksucking slut I’ve ever known, what would you say…?”It was put in a way that made her know he expected an answer. “I love sucking your cock Rob. I need it. I really need it. If you think I’m good at it, I’m really pleased because I really want to please you. I don’t know if I’m a slut…but if you say I am…I must be…I’m happy to be your slut. Rob…happy”Rob beamed with satisfaction “good girt…what a day we’ll have. What a day …right..Now then. Shirt…this’ll do nicely.” as he pulled a Gant button down collar checked blue shirt from his wardrobe, followed by smart cream trousers and brown deck shoes. Very elegant indeed Lesley thought. No underpants on though she noticed. They jumped into his bmw and sped off, joining the motorway and traveled North. “First stop the golf club. They want me to be vice captain next year and I’ve got to see the professional. I do like being captain of vice…eh Lesley…haha. you get it. Hahaha”Lesley smiled and said she did…..And laughed along with him. All good sluts laugh at there masters jokes…They pulled into the car park and he parked in a reserved bay for captains guests. “Come on girl…look lively, I’ve people to see and your my eye candy…” He winked at her. Lesley had been called a lot of things in her time…a lot of new ones this week…but never eye candy. She looked a lot better since her hair was cut and styled properly but she would never turn many heads..except if they noticed her arse of course which was her best feature. She also had an air of confidence which she had only gained this week, and that made her appeal more sexy. They went into the pro shop and Rob started talking to a man in his 50’s all dressed in ‘ping’ golf apparel. He introduced the man to Lesley as Mike and introduced Lesley as his new friend and ‘carer’ putting plenty inference on the word carer. Mike it seemed knew of Lesley, as he said Rob had told him all about her. She blushed. Rob laughed and said Lesley had been a godsend to him since his fall and couldn’t have made such a recovery without her. Lesley thought to herself that it must be a new nhs practice to get patients well again by sucking and fucking them all day. She smiled. “Mike…she’s a little cracker though isn’t she…do a spin Mike that arse of yours…that’s it girl…stop there..that’s it…now lift your dress show him…go on. He won’t bite..hahaha.” Lesley’s heart was beating fast but she had no hesitation in lifting her dress up and showing Mike her naked arse. She turned her head and looked at Rob,mwaiting for the next instruction. “Told you Mike..nearly 50 and she’s got the fittest rump I’ve seen in years. Have a feel..go on. Lesley loves it. She’s my slut..aren’t you Lesley. Tell Mike what you are” “Robs my friend and I’m his slut, he’s helping me gain confidence and it’s working. I’ll do anything he says.” She said looking Mike squarely in the eyes. “Ok Lesley. I understand. So if Rob said ‘suck mikes cock’ you’d do it?” “I’d rather suck Robs cock, but yes, if he said so, yes, I’d do it.””Rob I admit it. She’s the best you’ve had” he put his hand in his pocket and gave Rob a handful of notes. tipobet “Lesley!!!!!”She walked over in front of Mike and lifted her dress up exposing her bare bottom. He caressed it for a minute or two, allowing his forefinger to run over her wet pussy and puckered arse hole. He gave her a playful slap and said thankyou. “Come on Lesley…one more call here and we’re off. Thanks Mike..I’ll buy this sexy little bitch something nice…see you soon. Keep it quiet mind. Can’t have every fucker wanting to poke my sluts pussy eh?” Mike smiled, and off they went to the committee room. It was a short walk from the pro shop to the main building where there next appointment was. Lesley walked along side Rob who strode out purposefully towards his goal. “The man we are meeting now is the current club captain….he’s a grade A prick but unfortunately carries a lot of clout. I’ve just got to sign some papers and then we’re off”The club house was a very old building with grand traditions and the inner sanctum very aloof and pompous. Neither Rob or Lesley were dressed for these corridoors of power but Rob seemed totally at ease with it. “Hello Rob you old goat…heard your after my office. Bout time too I might add. You’ve escaped the dreaded chair for too long. Now who’s this young thing on your arm. Bit on the young side for you…she a hooker or something. If she is you could have got a prettier one. Hahaha.””This Captain is the young lady who has nursed me back to recovery after my fall. She is worth her weight in diamonds and worth a thousand of you any day. You insult her once more and I will rip your head of and shit down your I make myself clear. Do not insult this lady again!!!!” “Bit strong old boy…just a joke..””Bit strong old boy……..fuck right off you jumped up prick. If your going to call anyone a hooker go and have a look at your wife. Without her spreading hers legs for all the committee you wouldn’t be standing there in your Armani suit looking like a small world dictator. Again….fuck off””That’s him told eh sexy Lesley.””I’m shocked…I don’t know what to say…..but thankyou for defending me…it was lovely.” She was nearly in tears. “Don’t worry it’s my intention to get him sacked. Then I’ll get his job sooner.” Lesley just didn’t realise that by taking her in to the office he knew the captain would make some derogatory remark which would provoke an argument. Rob had used Lesley without her even realising it. They drove into town and Rob said he was hungry. Lesley felt peckish too. There was a bar just outside the precinct that Rob said he knew of where they did amazing chilli burgers….rob fancied one right now. They pulled into the car park and Lesley was impressed by the impressive frontage. She’d never seen this place before and stored it as a place to take the k**s for a treat. The owner greeted Rob like a long lost brother. They hugged each other as though they hadn’t seen the other in years. Wang, as he was introduced, was of Chinese origin but had lived here all his life. “Luigi I would like a special table for Lesley and myself. We are having a special day so we want to he treated ‘special’. I’m sure you can manage that. “”Certainly Mr Rob. Anything for such a special man.”Rob explained to Lesley that he helped finance renovations because Wang was having money problems after the death of his father, whos business it was. He had two brothers who wanted there money out so as to return to China and basically Wang was skint. Rob put the money up because he had eaten there for years, and that they had huge potential as well as a large customer base. It wasn’t traditional Chinese food but was very popular and people loved it. Rob put the money up and was joint owner for a while until Wang raised capital and bought Rob out. Now he had two more restaurants and was doing very nicely. All thanks to Rob. Wang showed them to a table, from away the others where there was plenty privacy. He brought them the lunch time menu, and two bottles of sparkling water. He kept looking at Lesley and saying “velly beautiful lady….velly beautiful lady”. The split in her dress was showing a lot of leg and his eyes flitted from her face to her chest to her legs. Both Rob and Lesley noticed this. “Lesley Lesley tipobet güvenilir mi Lesley. Poor Wang here has got the hots for you.,,,don’t you think? He works that many hours he probably hasn’t seen his wife’s tits since she breast fed there last c***d….and that was 20 years ago. Hahaha. Give the man something to smile about….there’s a girl!!!”Lesley looked around and said. “Wwwhat….in here…””Yes…be discrete no one will see.”Lesley’s heart was racing. Rob wanted her to expose herself to this dumpy little chinaman, here in broad daylight in a busy restaurant. …….Wang returned and started laying the table…never taking his eyes of Lesley’s chest. The position he was in he was blocking the view of Lesley to the rest of the room, basically meaning that no one could see Lesley. She started to undo the buttons of her blouse,, right in front of the watching Wang until both breasts were visible to him. He was open mouthed and smiling both at the same time. He looked over at Rob who was also smiling, and shrugged, as if to say, go ahead..touch. “Oooh Mr Rob….lovely lady has lovely leetle teeties and gold bar in neeple sexy as fuck Mr Rob sexy as fuck”Lesley’s heart was racing but, again she had the same feeling as when she had exposed herself in previous times. She looked down and saw how hard her nipples were and raised both hands and tweaked her hard little buds. “Mr Rob Mr Rob….what a sexy lady you have….heeheehee. You fucky fucky…..lovely teeties.”He leaned over and stroked her breast with the sleeper in the nipple, Lesley dropping her hands to the table. Wang stroked and squeezed her breast then did the same to the other one. Rob watched and enjoyed the scene in front of him. He knew Lesley would do anything he asked. She had ‘fallen under his spell’ he laughed to himself. “Mr Rob…you lucky lucky man… order meal…Wang happy to pay…heeheehee. Leeesley you one sexy fucking lady…Wang would happily like fucky fucky wif you. heeheehee”Rob ordered two chilli burgers along with some salad and a Chinese beer each. They weren’t staying long. Lesley fastened her blouse up leaving a couple more undone. The burgers were magnificent. She had never had her taste buds dancing as much as they were now. She tasted so many gorgeous spices that when she finished she could have eaten another one it was so good. When Wang returned to see if everything was ok….on Robs instruction,,she stood up and gave him a big hug. He dropped his hands down to her arse and pulled himself into her….when she didn’t stop him, he pulled her dress up and had a good feel of her bare backside, running his hands over her suspender belt and straps to her stockings. Rob thought Wang was going to throw Lesley in the table and fuck her in front of him, which Rob would have been happy to watch, but may have upset the other customers. All this was played out with Wangs back facing the other diners. All they would see, would be the owner giving a customer a hug. Rob was having a good day so far…as planned. He’d got £100 from the golf pro after he’d bet him he could get this little slut to flash her arse at him and she would let him feel her up……. He knew if he could get Lesley to flash her tits at Wang, he would give them a freebie meal….. So far so good. All going to plan. Having finished groping Lesley’s bare arse, Wang thanked them, and holding Lesley’s hands he said to her “Mees Lesley. You special vewy sexy wady. You always velcome in my westawant. You come back here…wang looky after you. Fankyou”Rob shook Wangs hand and they left. In the car Rob thanked Lesley for being such a ‘sport’ and slipped a hand up her dress…her cunt was soaking, in fact it was so so wet, he could smell her musky odour. Lovely. There’s no smell on this earth that’s better…Rob thought. They drove into a multi-storey car park and parked on the level where the shops are. Lesley walked over and got a ticket from the machine and off they went to spend some of Robs money on Lesley’s empty wardrobe. She thought of herndaynso far and it had been fantastic. She’d sucked Rob off, been groped and stared at..then…. fed a fab burger… What more could a girl wish for, thought the easy pleased Lesley. But….hold on…. now she was going to be treated to some new clothes….and Rob was paying….What a day.!!!!! She’d forgot about the pay back of course…and there’s always payback. ….9” of hard cock was going to be fucking her arse hole in about 6 hours and it was gonna hurt like fuck!!!! Too the shops!!!
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