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Lessons in Self-ControlI’m waiting again for my boyfriend. He’s been enforcing a self-control rule that he feels I need practice in. Evidently, it’s a poor show of self control if I touch myself throughout the weekend I have been strictly forbidden from it. And as a part of the exercise, I am expected to confess my private affairs everyday to him. My confessions are especially difficult as I am required to stand in front of him and take down my pants or lift my skirt and drop my underwear and spread my legs while I answer his probing, personal questions. He says that this exercise produces more honest results as he feels as though I appear more ashamed when I confess my failure to obey his prior command to purity and self-control, or that I appear more guilty when I attempt to lie to him in this revealing, vulnerable display. If he discovers that I have failed, or I confess to it, he has promised a severe punishment. His requirement for purity and self-control has been unrelenting this week. Additionally he extended the requirement for my obedience into a new command that I was now being denied even his touch to teach me better control. So I’ve barely had the touch my body is craving and this morning in the shower it was just too much. It was the tiniest, most innocent flick of my fingernail through the washcloth and the next thing I knew desire had taken over. It was a complete, and terrible act of disobedience and rebellion without a doubt. From the moment I plunged in to fully produce the fullest extent of hatay escort bayan pleasure to the heights of climax and release of satisfaction, it was clear that I had disobeyed. But it was only after the act was over that I realized the extent of the punishment I had incurred. My butt tingled and my clit tingled, and not in a good way. I knew I was in for it unless I could convincingly lie to him. A thing I’ve never tried, but a risk I felt would be worth it since his demands seemed unreasonable. I’m an adult. Why should I have to be denied touch, mine or his, for a self-control exercise? So, with resolve, I set about keeping my voice calm, and remembering to make eye contact when confession time came.So here it is, near dinner time, and confession time has come. He looks expectantly at me as I lower my pants and then my underwear. This process regardless of how well I’ve acted in accordance with his wishes, never stops being humiliating. “How did you do today?””Fine, Sir.””Did you act as we discussed you were to act?””Yes Sir.””Lil, did you touch yourself? Did you climax and did you cum?”I blinked and exhaled, “No Sir.”He looked at me hard and put his fingers between my privates and felt my clit, which had stayed quite a bit more swollen then usual. “You’re lying,” he said with finality. Of course I am but I don’t want to be punished. My heart starts to race and the tingle returns. “What?” I asked. “You’re lying. You rarely call me Sir. You would’ve just said yes or no if you were telling the truth. escort hatay Plus your privates are swollen like you broke the rules, so I know you’re lying,”My heart sunk. It didn’t work. He handed me a knife.”Go outside to the Ash tree and cut yourself three switches.”I was crying and I reached down to pull up my pants when he commanded “Leave them down!”I was crying as I went out the door. The pleasure wasn’t worth it now, and the butt/pussy tingle were bad now. I was going to be whipped for this and I was going to hate it. I selected my switches, and I walked back in. He sent me to hunt down my paddle and the strap. I came back with them and he instructed me to remove all of my clothes and bend over the arm of the couch. Reluctantly I obeyed. I felt the heavy weight of the paddle on my butt as he prepared to swing. I was unprepared for the pain in that swat that I jumped up and grabbed my cheeks. He picked up the switch and laid three in such fast succession across the front of my thighs I could barely react fast enough, but when I did I bent back over with my butt pointed in the air like I was supposed to.”Don’t make me have to tell you to stay in position,” he warned. Ten serious swats later he stopped and told me to go drink some water to replenish some of the water I had just bawled out and come back for the rest of my richly deserved punishment. After the quick glass, he bent me over for ten severe stripes from the switch over the back of my thighs. I kicked and cried, my naughty, swollen, disobedient hatay escort privates lewdly displayed to him. He stopped whipping my butt and thighs and stood me up and looked at me soberly and reminded me that my butt whipping was for my lying. But that my pussy whipping was for my disobedience. I went weak at the knees. I cried, begged and pleaded but he wouldn’t hear it. Maybe self-control will be easier if it hurts to touch was his logic. Gingerly I laid on the floor and spread my legs as he whipped my legs and the outside of my pussy with the belt until everything was a nice shade of red. Then he instructed me to spread my pussy lips, and I knew this would be one the worst punishments I would ever endure. The switch came down on the inside of my privates and on my clit ten times and I was hysterical with pain. I barely knew it was over. He pulled me to my feet and sent me to the bathroom demanding that I pee. I was hiccuping from my punishment that I thought it was because maybe I had had a small accident, but as soon as I started to go I realized this was part of the punishment as the urine caused the most horrible stinging that I started to cry hard all over again. He stood there watching me and when I was done, wiped me with baby wipes, which did nothing to abate the tears. He pulled me into his arms then and finally and reminded me that he loves me and it is for my own good that he does this to me. That I should seek my pleasure in him only, and if he is requiring that I wait, that it is for my best. I nodded. All I knew right at that moment was that I would again fail someday, but I hoped I would never fail this badly again. He carried me to our room where he held me and caressed my hair and I carressed his body until I fell asleep.
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