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LOve gaylove between teenagers And here we are … in his bed, under the covers I hugged him .. no, I could not let him .. it was stronger than me … I would not leave for no reason at all. It felt so good, so safe in his powerful arms. 15:00 am o’clock in the afternoon and as usual I was there in front of my computer trying desperately for some beautiful boy, my city to love, kiss have it all for himself. After all everyone wants, right? I was looking at all possible sites and unimaginable … forums, blogs, chat, face book pages. Until finally one afternoon on a chat I do not know a guy named Daniel. Let’s talk about this and that … The usual things that are said in the chat to begin to know each other. Discover that we have many things in common and above all he is my own city. Days go by and we still chat but we decide not to show our respective photos. I find also that comes to my school … you can imagine my amazement .. In my school we are few and each year a friend of mine in class organizes a pool party and he is among the guests. I could hardly believe that I had finally found someone. Days go by and we still chat every second, every minute, every hour, every day of my life with him. It was sweet, funny, serious enough. We had decided to meet at the party that would have given my friend .. Click here for more. a pool party at his house 20 minutes away from our city. How to know who he was? Well we gave ourselves a time, a place and a specific time. When we would come out of the pool and then all went to eat .. after all bahis siteleri canlı they were distracted we would meet at 13:00 at the pool.So the long-awaited day arrives. I go to the countryside from my friend .. I see all my classmates and schoolmates. Did not see them as a bit ‘of time .. We withdrew May 28 we had finished all the questions and tasks in the classroom. Arrived in the country I began to talk a little ‘with everyone and after a dip in the pool with friends. I could not stop thinking about my Daniel .. there were so many in the midst of them. At least a dozen. I looked back at them constantly stared at all .. just that he did not know my name. I’m very private and I did not say my name in case of some rip-off .. if I had stuck * I know I make so many mental movies * It’s the time designated finally .. I pluck up courage and go to the pool. I see it. Impietrisco. It could not be he was the last of which I would have suspected. High 180 .. quite a few physical .. brown hair .. green eyes .. beautiful .. zac efron long hair * at * 1.75 .. But I am dark in the standard physical, brown hair and green eyes fired air. Too bad that he was the person who took me most of the time around and insulted me by calling me gay. I see that he is in the same condition: still pale and disbelief. He told me: > I, fortunately having the phone in hand I told him> I called and left in a hurry. I do not know why I behaved so .. I just know that I was upset. He stood there waiting and never returned anyone else. We continued canlı bahis to have fun in the pool but I kept staring at the MY Daniele .. but it could not be him. It began to be late and left a little ‘people. We are now 10 and we meet everyone at the table and begin to talk about this and that and every now and then some part of glances between me and Daniel .. at some point into the house and see that he is following me … I’m going to get in bathroom but he stops me and says: > I at that time began to tremble but it was useless to hide it and I told him the truth. > I told him. Then Daniel answered me> In that moment I could not help but forgive him … there were two minutes of silence and looked deep into her eyes .. it was so beautiful … slowly approached me, placing his hand on my neck .. and kissed me. We stayed like that for about 10 seconds .. the kiss was more beautiful than I could get >> After walked up to my ear and whispered:> At that moment I burst … I was prey of his love. I did not understand anything and at that point I kissed him! we said goodbye .. and went back to our respective homes. I thought the whole night. My love. The next day I heard him back to the computer and we agreed to go out together on Saturday following … It was a nice evening … even the kisses here and there. One evening he invited me to his house .. had home free. It was 16:00 in the afternoon and when I went to his house I helped him because he had problems with the computer. There were some kisses. Finished my work while he watched bahis siteleri as I placed the computer I am lying on his bed. Ok I admit it, I wanted to let him know that I wanted to do the LOVE but at the same time I wanted to rest. I lost an hour and a half on that computer. Enthusiastic about my work .. came up to me .. he lay down on his bed and hugged me. We were so embraced for a while ‘.. after he began to put his hand in the sweater .. and began to caress me .. I turned around and started to kiss him .. slowly took off her shirt and stroked his physique that gorgeous. He had a turtle really not bad. Li licked her nipples and he kissed me and stroked on the back. We also quickly sfilammo pants and we were only in the mutant. I on him. We continued to kiss .. the fallen Jun took off her pants .. had a nice penis. About 18 cm with a few hairs and began to lick it … I could take more than half of his cock .. it was so good .. it started after a while ‘to saw open for good .. and I saw that he liked .. enjoyed .. after picked me up and took me up close to him and kissed me .. and began to lick my cock 15 cm .. soon went to 69. Later I started at 90 and took it. Being the first time was a bit ‘painful .. but he was so careful not to hurt me and gentle as much as he could after a while …’ I began to feel no more pain but a nice pleasure .. He was coming and warned me. We exchanged the last kiss and then took his cum all so sweet in the mouth and swallowed. After I sawed him and took him in the face. Then we went to the bathroom to wash up … we did the shower together and pomiciammo them … in the shower with the water .. banging on our bodies. After we dried and we slipped under the covers and hugged me tightly to him. I love him, I love him and I love him. The end ..
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