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Heather was a slut when we met. She wasn’t the in-your-face, I wanna fuck everything I see and I don’t care who knows it kind of slut. I would have called that a whore. She was a sweet innocent looking, shy, fun girl who responded to attention and would fuck your brains out.
I don’t think we would have become friends if she had been an in-your-face slut. If we hadn’t become friends, we wouldn’t have ended up fucking for 4 years.
But, it wasn’t long before I realized that even though I was an average looking man in his mid forties fucking a 20 year old slut that would do almost anything to please him, it wasn’t enough.
At first, I didn’t realize I was using her. She was the one who had gotten me into this lifestyle. She was 20 years old, and I was her 18th male sexual partner. But, I realized that she had never had anyone be really nice to her, and she was willing to do anything to keep me. I had been taking advantage of that, and felt horrible. At first.
We talked about stopping. I told her that I knew she had been mistreated in the past and I wasn’t sure where her self respect was and I didn’t want to do anything that was going to damage her further. She said that she knew what she was doing and liked it.
I could tell she was saying what she thought I wanted to hear. But, I wanted to be her knight in shining armor. So we stopped. Cold turkey. No other people, no porn, no stories.
I started to hint that I thought she was bored. In truth, I was bored. I had had a taste, and I liked it. There was nothing I wouldn’t try and nothing I wouldn’t want her to do.
She could tell, too.
So, she started pushing to start again. Constantly. I kept resisting, but it was only show. I knew I wanted it, but I wanted it on my terms. If she kept pushing for it, and she talked me into starting it up again, I would be in complete control.
Eventually it happened. We decided to play. It was a Friday night, and we were going to a bar that we had visited enough that we had become friends with the owner. I think maybe we became friends so fast because Heather was constantly flashing her tits at him.
She was going to let me dress her, but she felt a little too exposed, so we compromised. That means she wore what I wanted, a pair of tight jeans, her Black Victoria’s Secret push up bra and a long sleeve, fish net top. To this outfit, she added her white, semi transparent camisole.
She looked like a television street hooker. I loved it.
We walked into the bar with very little fanfare. There was no turning of every head to follow her. There was no parting of the crowds to harken her arrival. It was just a dark, fairly crowded bar with a bad band playing 80’s rock.
We went toward the back where we saw a couple of empty seats at the bar. Scott, the owner and the guy we had become friends with, was working as bartender that night.
He saw us and smiled. We had become semi regulars and he knew that he would get a show from her. He had a couple of beers poured by the time we got to our seats.
“So, what’s up with you guy?” Scott asked.
Heather smiled at him and said “Just out to play.”
“You are looking naughty.”
“Maybe” she teased him.
“So, who’s the band?” I asked.
He told me the name of the band that was playing and told me there would be two others. It was Friday and they would be open until 2am and pretty busy.
He went to take care of other customers and left Heather and me alone. I was looking around the bar and told her that she was the hottest girl there. Definitely the sluttiest. I wanted her to find someone to fuck. I didn’t care if she fucked them there, fucked them in their car, fucked them in my car, took them home to fuck her, or got their number with a promise to fuck them later. She was a slut and I knew I wanted her to be a whore.
The kind of whore who will fuck because she wants to fuck. The kind of whore who doesn’t care that pendik escort women are talking behind her back, or maybe even to face. The kind of whore that men see and immediately know that she will fuck them with only the smallest pretense of foreplay.
It wasn’t long before guys began talking to her. She was still shy in social situations, but her outfit started plenty of conversation. One guy in particular, a college aged guy who was about 6’2″ and pretty attractive, wedge in beside her and ordered four beers. While he waited he looked to her and then to me. He said simply hi.
“Hey”, I said.
“Nice outfit” he said to me as much as to Heather.
She looked at me with that ‘what a creep this guy is’ look. I wanted to get her past that initial distrust of everyone. She had gotten to the point where she was very outgoing with people that were a part of her circle, but was almost hostile to those that were not. It was up to me to make an opening.
“She won’t be in it long” I replied. “She’s drinking tequila.”
“Really?” he asked as Scott showed up with his beers.
“Can I get three shots? Tequila.” I said to Scott, who just smiled.
“Stick around for a shot,” I said as I smiled. Heather did too, although hesitantly.
“Sure”. He seemed confused and a bit wary but had been drinking long enough that his curiosity about the slutty girl was leading him.
Scott showed up with the shots, and set them out before us. I paid him, and he left to get change. Heather took the salt and put quickly put some on both the left and right shoulders at the base of her neck. She slid him his shot as I took mine. She handed him a lime wedge and picked up hers. As she picked up the shot glass, he had realized what she wanted. Really, it was what I wanted. She was putting it out there.
“Salut!” she said touching her glass to his and waving it in the air toward me, now standing behind her as she faced him. I began to lick the salt from one shoulder as she pulled him to the other. We licked and tossed down the shots.
As he started to put the lime wedge in his mouth, she took it in her fingers and put it to his lips. A gentle, seductive squeeze and a little bit of lime juice on his lips and she was kissing him. Kissing him slowly, eyes closed, and letting her tongue explore.
She finally pulled away and smiled.
“I have to take these beers,” he said as he pulled away and looked at me with disbelief on his face.
“She gets horny,” I said.
He left.
“Did I do OK?” she asked me.
“A perfect slut” I said. “The only thing that would have been better was if you grabbed his cock while you were kissing him”
“How do you know I didn’t”
I kissed her and she did grab my cock, as she had his I later found out.
The first band had finished playing, and Heather looked to me and said “I’m getting hot in here”.
Scott, of course, was there to check on us at that moment.
“Take something off” he said with a wicked leer.
Scott knew her well enough to know that she would, but it would also be the safest thing she could take off at this point. She wasn’t drunk yet.
“What should I take off?”
“The white thing.”
Without hesitation, she reached under the fishnet and pulled the shoulders of the white camisole down her arms and pulled it out from under. She sat there in her pants and a black fishnet top with a push up bra underneath. The cups were cut low enough that most of the flesh of her beautiful tits were on display. She liked encouragement from me, but was being condition to love encouragement from anyone.
“Amazing” Scott said.
“Do you want to touch them?” She liked Scott, and this wasn’t the first time he had touched her tits.
“Later” he said as he left.
It wasn’t long before Tom, the college looking guy, was back. This time he had his three friends with him.
“You’re back!” she exclaimed. “I maltepe escort thought you left me” she said giving him a little hug. “And you brought friends”
He had indeed brought his friends with him. They encircled her, and Tom inserted himself between her and me. I stayed close enough to her that I could interact, but behind Tom so he could direct things, if he chose to.
“I like this top”, he said his eyes fixed on her tits.
“These?” she said as her hands cupped her tits and offered them.
Scott was back with their beers. “I bet she’ll let you touch them.”
I chimed in, “Go ahead. She’s horny.”
She swirled her hands around her breasts and gave a gentle pinch to her nipples through her bra.
Tom was on it. His friends were watching, eyes wide with amazement. She leaned close to him, so that her breasts were pressed against his chest and thrust her ass out so that it rubbed against one of the other guys.
Hesitantly, he reached down to stroke it.
I just nodded my head to him, indicating it was OK. That was all the encouragement they needed. All four of them were gathered around her, their hands exploring her body in the back corner of the dark bar as the band played on and time went on around us.
I was getting lightheaded watching her let herself go. I was getting hornier and hornier and just wanted her to keep going. Wanted her to fuck all four of them right there, but I knew it could not happen. Even if she were into that, Scott would not let that happen. He would lose his liquor license. But, he sure didn’t mind watching this.
“Is she always like this?” he asked. He sort of knew the answer. But, it gave me the opportunity I was looking for.
“She wants to fuck” I said, louder than I had to because I wanted to be heard. “And she told me that she is going to fuck someone tonight but it isn’t going to be me”.
Scott just shook his head and walked away. But, it did get the reaction I was hoping for. Tom had heard me.
“What?” he asked.
“You are more likely to fuck her tonight than I am” I told him. “She said she wanted someone else to fuck her and I wasn’t getting it till she did”
I made that up. She had never said that, but it let him know that, whether I LIKED it or not, she was here to find someone to fuck and I knew about it and was willing to let it happen. He didn’t know that I wanted it more than she did.
We were, of course, drawing the attention of the other patrons in the bar. We weren’t easily visible from the front of the bar, but everyone going to the bathroom saw us easily.
Every time someone went to the bathroom, they stared. And, when they got back to their seat, they pointed out what was going on to their friends. We were drawing attention but Heather didn’t notice, or if she did she didn’t care. Guys were paying attention to her. I was paying attention to her. The sluttier she got, the more we liked it/
Tom, as well as the guys with him, continued to touch her breasts, her ass, to put their hands inside her top and squeeze her tits. She encouraged them and I did too. All of the guys were talking to me too. We were talking as if she wasn’t there.
I kept reinforcing that she was going to fuck someone before she fucked me. I made sure they knew that I wanted to fuck her, that I was horny and if that meant I had to let her fuck someone else first, I would deal with that.
Truth is, that was what I wanted. I wanted her to get so caught up in being a slut, and the attention it was getting her, that…
Then it happened. The moment I had been waiting for. The moment I had been pushing her toward. Without a word to me she took Tom’s hand and they walked toward the door. She virtually pranced as she walked past the guys staring at her and the women who were looking at her with venom in their eyes.
They all knew she was a slut and everyone knew where she kartal escort was going and what she was going to do. Looking at her, they all knew why she had come there in the first place.
Tom’s three friends suddenly started to ask me questions. Where were they going? What were they doing? Was I all right with it? Had she done this before?
I made up the story to fit what I wanted. I told them that she loved to fuck. She also liked games and sometimes her game was that she was going to fuck someone else and I couldn’t fuck her till she did. I told them that she had been gangbanged while I watched. I told them she had fucked someone while I was tied up and blindfolded and only able to listen. I told them, truthfully, that the more sex she got, the better our sex was.
They were in disbelief, and when Tom and Heather came back in the bar about a half an hour later, they were all over her again.
She smiled at me. “I guess you can fuck me now!” she said triumphantly as they all were talking to Tom.
Then, the second band finished playing and suddenly Scott was there with shot of Tequila.
“On me” he said. “But something else has to come off.”
“What do you want me to take off?” she asked.
“The bra, of course”.
She put some salt on the back of her hand as we all did the same. She licked it and shot the Tequila. Quickly, the lime in her mouth and then kissing Tom.
She whispered something in his ear, and turned around to face me. He reached under her fishnet top and unclasped her bra, which she then removed under the top.
“Here, hold that” she said as she tossed me the bra.
Her glorious tits were on display for anyone who cared to look. Tom and his friends all cared to look. Scott cared to look. The guys sitting near us all cared to look and the women sitting near us enjoyed looking at her with disdain.
Now, it wasn’t just the four guys that were there. The back end of the bar became the most popular place in the bar to get drink refills. There was a constant parade of guys coming just to get a look. I whispered to her that anyone who wanted to touch her was welcome to, but alas, she never went that far. She made due with her four suitors.
Soon, she took another guys hand and they started toward the front of the bar, but she was immediately stopped by Scott.
“If you are going out front, you have to put your top back on” he chided. You can go out the back door. That worked great because we were only about 6 feet away from the back door which led to a deck that was closed for the winter.
Without hesitation they turned on their heels and went out the back door. They were only outside about 10 minutes when they came back in. When they did, she came straight to me, and kissed me. Hard. And whispered in my ear “I just sucked his cock”.
I nearly came right there.
Now, there was little restraint. They were feeling her tits and lifting the fishnet top. She raised her arms and they pulled it over her head. I noticed one guy had her pants undone, and had his hands down the front of them working furiously to get his finger to her pussy in thetightness of her jeans.
Someone suggested a body shot.
“Only if I get it first,” Scott said.
So, she climbed up on the bar and laid back as Scott poured Rumplemintz on her nipples and began to suck it off.
Guys cheered. Women leered, although there were a few throughout the place who clapped with the guys. I thought that some of them probably wished they could have ben up there.
Tom and his friends all licked freshly poured liquor from her tits, followed by a procession of eight or ten other guys.
“LAST CALL!” Scott suddenly yelled.
Turning to us, he said quietly “Pack it up guys. Time to close” as he went about closing out tabs and serving the final round of the night. I noticed Heather collecting Tom’s phone number as she started to get dressed. She put her top and her bra on, but left the camisole off. She zipped and buttoned her pants. Then she kissed Tom and each of his friends before turning to me.
“Was I a good slut?” she asked.
“You were a great slut.” I said. “You were a whore.”
She smiled.
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