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Molly the Manager: Part FiveThis is a long and true story. Names have been changed. Geographical locations such as buildings, towns, defunct department stores are true. These events happened from November 1982 to about March 1984. [Sunday Morning After Solstice. After not necessarily a marathon session, complete with clapping and cheers from the DINK (Dual Income no k**s) neighbors, I awoke with the aroma of fresh coffee and Molly sitting on the bed. “Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We are going to Church. It’s about time I show you off proper. After all, we have to go to Church to pray for all the lustful things we did last night.” “O.K.,” I responded. Molly then added, “Have your coffee and come into the front room, I have your Christmas Present!” I gulped down the coffee as it was not too hot, which to me, was just right. I slid on my pants, and as I was still whipping the sleep from my eyes, laid out on the couch was a Calvin Klein suit.Merry Christmas!” said Molly, with this look like she was a cat that had just satisfied its nutritional needs with a canary. “Oh, my gosh. So that little ruse with me being the model so Johnny (the master tailor for Men’s Suits at Weinstocks) could show the new employees how to do basic marking on pants and jackets was a way to get me to try on the suit and get it tailored? You are devious, if not wonderful.” “I am so tired of seeing you wearing jackets that are out of date or clothing you got at a thrift store,” Molly replied. She then added, “You are at an age where mail order polyester double knit pants, brown Hush Puppy shoes a shirt and a tie just won’t cut it. Successful men dress for an occasion. Now, you need black shoes. I have seen the pair you have. French Shriners are nice, but such a suit needs a more dignified look. So, open the bag. Sorry I did not have time to wrap it, besides, I want to save your unwrapping skills on things that are more pressing.” I eagerly opened the bag. The box was a pair of Florshiem Wing Tips, black. I was speechless. As I stood there, I could feel a tear well up in my eye. Molly looked up at me, put her finger on the tear and as she wiped it she said, “You act as if I am the first person that has treated you nice. Don’t you get it, I love you. Now, lets get cleaned up, Christmas Cantata. You are doing the sound, you have to do mic tests. Molly did dress for the occasion. Her hair was totally different. Instead of the comb it out, roll it up in a bun and use a hair clip, she curled it and combed it and it hung, rather nice off her shoulders. A nice look. I saw her, several times as I was working, hanging out at the Lancome counter. She was getting tips on proper make up, as I never saw her wear nothing more than maybe some eye shadow and lip gloss. The bottle bottom glasses, with the thick black rims were missing. I found out earlier, Molly’s eyes were like 20/120 and she was very near sighted, so it was not an act, she could not see that well. Vanity took over and she decided to wear her contacts, something she did not like doing. Remember the time context, no Lasix and those wear for 30 days and dispose contacts lenses were not available. Things at Church went well. The Christmas program went well. I did get several comments on the new suit and Molly also received several complements from others, as she looked totally transformed. We almost escaped when we were ambushed by, of all people, the Pastor’s daughter, Lisa. First a back story.My third Sunday at this Church, I was invited by Lisa to her parents house for dinner. I figured this was one of those, welcome to our congregation visits. Dinner was good, as it was not something out of a can, or a Banquet “Boil in Bag” item. I ran into Lisa on the campus of Sacramento State and we hung out. I was busy then with güvenilir bahis trying to get back into study habits and football, so I had time for little else. Lisa came to a few games and we hung out at the after game parties. I considered her, as a Pastor’s daughter, first and foremost, untouchable and second, a nice person that was fun to hang out with but I was not really interested in trying to get something going as I had a goal. After about four months of “Hey, lets do a movie……..let’s go to the concert,” Lisa finally sat me down and said something like, “So, we have been hanging out, and you have never really tried to do anything….even hold hands.” We would see each other on Sunday and almost daily at campus, but it was not like we spend every waking moment together. We would just trudge merrily along and every couple or three weeks she would call me and say, “Let’s go to a movie.” I told her I considered her a friend and nice to hang around with but nothing more. Lisa said, “Gee, are you a monk? Sometimes, I call you and say Let’s go to a movie and at the end of the night I just want to fuck. Sometimes, it is no fun just using your hand or a toy.” I had never heard a woman be so forward. Our relationship, if you want to call it that, changed. We became, as it is now known, “Friends with benefits.” We had sex, it was good, but she was not looking for anything other than some outside stimulation. No strings. Back on point. So Lisa cornered us and asked Molly, “So, I have seen you around campus and I have seen you here with Mark a couple of times, Are you two exclusive?” Lisa then said, “I know Mark, I will bet you, you had to ask him out? He’s shy sometimes.” “Yes, we are exclusive. We met at work of all places. You know, it is hard to find a nice guy that is clean, has goals, is focused. He’s all that and a little bit more,” stated Molly. “So,” said Lisa, “I guess you have other arrangements for Christmas Dinner? You two can always come to my parents house, we always have room for more.” “Actually, we are going to Molly’s parents for Christmas,” I announced, rather proudly. It was also a psychological relief that I did not have to beg to be around someone on Christmas, as my parents were dead, I had no real extended family, and my first two Christmases alone were spend eating Chinese along with all the Jewish people that went out for dinner on Christmas night. Pulling out a piece of paper, Lisa pulled out her notebook and scribbled something on a piece of paper. As Lisa tore out the paper she handed it to Molly and said, “Here’s my number. Give me a ring after New Year.” As we drove back to Molly’s place, as we worked different hours that day, Molly broke the ice. “Well, did you two have something going? Don’t tell me you were poking the Pastor’s daughter?” I explained the relationship, I never liked bringing up ex girlfriends. I explained to Molly that we hung out a lot. She would call me, and we would go on adventures. We went to after game parties, movies, museums but I considered her a good friend until Lisa brought up that sometimes she just wanted a little bit more, without any commitments or me getting all gooey and wanting to be ‘an item” or “exclusive (as Lisa put it) . Molly placed her hand on my knee and asked, “So, you have not been seeing her since…..?” The last time we hung out together other than we would run into each other at school was last August when we spent the day at the California State Fair, and we did not have sex after, we just hung out, had a couple of glasses of wine. The next three days were hectic. Molly, being a manager, was at the store from opening until closing. I was working at different stores, managed somehow, to trade with someone so I could be at the Arden Fair store on türkçe bahis Christmas eve. Once the doors closed at 4 PM; bags backed, we headed to Molly’s parents house for Christmas. Fortunately, it snowed a couple of days before, so the roads were clear. Everyone else was going to Lake Tahoe for Christmas, so a two hour ride turned into four. It was nice, as it gave Molly a chance to unwind. I brought my telescope. Molly was looking forward to getting into the hot tub. For the previous few days, our meetings consisted of me going to her house, pulling out baby oil and rubbing her feet. Nothing more. She was exhausted so I never wanted to push myself on her.As we pulled up, the family, as if on que, met us in the driveway of that beautiful home at 343 Beach Street. “Well, we held dinner. It would not be fun to eat without you two. family tradition. Pot roast and noodles.” said Molly’s mother. We had not ate all day, and devoured the meal. At one point, Debbie, Molly’s older sister said, “You can stop and breath Molly. Doesn’t he feed you?” Debbie then leaned into Molly and whispered something into her ear, which made Molly blush. After Molly regained her composure explained we came right here from work. Molly’s parents had a Pioneer Laser Disc. Their version of cable was not what cable TV is today. It was simply a rebroadcast of local channels, plus CNN and TBS. They had a big collection of movies, I got to pick, so we all sat and watched some of their Sci-Fi stuff. Star Trek, the Original Motion picture and 2001: A space odyssey. At the end of 2001, I explained how Arthur C Clark combined different stories, as he never really wrote 2001 until after the movie. I also told them how Kubrick was trying to figure out how to transition from the ape scene to 2001 and saw someone throwing a broom in the air and all of a sudden he had the idea to have the ape throw the bone in the air and that would transition to the spacecraft. Of course, they asked about the Monolith. Being an avid reader of Mad Magazine, I used their line. “The Monolith is a book. The book is entitled, “How to spend $10 Million and make a boring movie.” Everyone had a laugh. At 1 AM, the parents went off to bed. Molly’s two sisters and I were sitting in the front room, as their spouses all went off to bed as well. I just sat looking at the beautiful Christmas tree. It was 12 feet tall, and the aroma of pine filled the room. I was drinking an iced tea and just sat looking at that tree. I was oblivious to the conversation going on as the room emptied and back came three giggling sisters dressed in their bathing suits. Mary, Molly’s oldest sister said, “Well, hot tub time! If you weren’t here we would be buff, go put on your suit or if you want, just hop in, we can always change attire.” At that statement, I could see Molly blush. I jumped up, went to my room and changed. The party had already started. All three ladies were in the tub. Drinking Long Island Iced Tea. I took off my bathrobe and as I stepped in and Mary broke the ice. “Well, I can see why Molly has had a smile on her face, she has even let her hair down and stopped wearing those glasses.” I tried to steer the conversation on to what a nice night it was and all I got was what felt like the third degree. It was Debbie’s turn, “I had to joke about the food, as I can just guess, based upon a phone call I received from Molly a couple of weeks ago, you two are busy doing other things. By the way, doesn’t she have a beautiful pussy? One of her boyfriends thought it was ugly. I’ve got the same stuff, and my husband loves it. ” Molly commented, “Geesh, you two, is nothing sacred here! I tell you things and I ask for a little advise at least you two can keep it to yourselves.”Maybe they took the hint. I did rub Molly’s güvenilir bahis siteleri feet, which resulted in her just moaning with pleasure. The next twenty or so minutes, the trio discussed who was going to make what for tomorrows dinner. After their Iced Tea was gone, both sisters excused themselves. Before they departed, Debbie said, “If you moan like that for a foot rub, I would hate for you two to wake up Mom and Dad if you are using Mark’s room. But……I won’t say a word if you slip down to your room Molly.” Molly breathed a sigh of relief as the two older sisters left. . Molly did mention she called Debbie for ‘advise’ on certain things. Debbie was the wild one . This explains how certain things had become more intense. Molly shifted herself over next to me, grabbed my face and pulled it toward hers. I don’t know how long we were locked together, our tongues exploring each other. Molly said, “Well, we have a big day tomorrow. Off to bed.” We dried each other off and I walked Molly to the middle of the house. As we kissed, Molly slipped her hand down my pants and said, “Merry Christmas, I would love to give you a blow job but one thing will lead to another and my sister’s worst fears would come true. Suffice it to say, I am saving some of it up for later this week.” Christmas Morning and Dinner. It was not like we were all little k**s and the base of the tree was full of presents. I felt like a freeloader as I did get Molly a nice pair of earrings and a matching neckless, but I got nothing else for the other family members. Molly’s older sister and her husband got me a tie bar (real popular in the early 1980’s). Her parents handed me an envelope and said, “Welcome to the family.” Inside the envelope was a certificate for 50 shares of Apple stock in my name. There were times when Apple was worthless, and there were times when Apple stock was better than GM or IBM. Molly’s older sister Debbie gave Molly a present that drew the evil eye from both parents, got a chuckle from both sisters and their spouses and made Molly blush. It was a box of thong under wear. Debbie said, “Now that you have a boyfriend, you can get rid of the Granny Pants and have something a little more pleasing to Mark’s eyes and easy to move.” I felt like a log, as the ladies went in and whipped up dinner. On the guys part, we watched football. I rather enjoyed the game, but, as the game progressed, I started analyzing stuff, which may have lost the other three as I pointed out why things worked or why they did not. Molly injected herself into the circle and mentioned I played football in college and was “Student coaching” as part of his minor for a local High School team. That may have explained why I could not just sit down an enjoy a game, even today.Dinner was superb I had never ate Beef Wellington, I found out later, the live in maid prepared the main dish. Molly’s mother could cook, but technical things were not her forte. I was stuffed as I was given two by Molly’s Father with the statement, “You need to keep your energy up.” We both had to work the next day. So it was almost eat and run. By the time it was 8 PM, the clouds opened up their full fury and we had a blowing snowstorm. Fortunately, I did live in snow country, driving in a storm was not a new task to me. We arrived at Molly’s at 11 PM. Molly mentioned we spend the night, I was happy she suggested that as I was ready to head to my room. We both showered separately. When Molly exited, she was wearing her usual tie dye tank top and she modeled some of her new underwear. “Well, how does it look. Debbie is right, less to move, but having something ran up my crotch like this is going to have some getting used to. Especially since I started my darn period this morning, and I am really flowing heavy. It must be the pounding you give me. Sorry, intercourse is out.” I responded that it was O.K, “There is more to us being together than sex. Oh, you have a beautiful pussy.” Molly blushed. We turned out the lights and held each other and fell asleep.
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