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Mrs L wants to have the man nextdoorAnyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn’t fail to notice that when C’s(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently stroking her clit,she responded with increasingly erotic moans and extra wetness. My stories of how she could seduce him and how he might take her became more and more detailed and she became more openly aroused during sex.We now mention C almost constantly as we enjoy each other. A couple of weeks ago I was lying in bed wide awake and decided to leave Mrs.L to sleep in peace and so crept into the spare bedroom to surf.After a short period of time I heard noises from nextdoor and realised that C wasn’t alone.Listening quietly, I was sure that I had heard a soft feminine moan, and it wasn’t long beore my imagination was running away with me as I pictured the happenings just a few feet away on the other side of the bedroom wall.I wish I could say that I was kept awake all night but things went quiet after a few minutes. On waking next morning I slipped back into our bed and slowly roused her by gently stroking her skin and nuzzling her neck as I whispered that I had something interesting to tell.As I recounted what I had heard during the night she started to ask questions about it and bayraklı escort what moves I thought C might have been putting on his latest conquest.The arousal grew stronger as I painted the picture for her.I know that she finds listening to sex exciting as she had told me of the time she was at a wedding and heard the couple in the room above going at it and had to pleasure herself as she listened. She got more and more turned on and said that we should sleep in the spare room at the weekend and listen for a repeat performance just as her climax hit her.I reponded by shooting a massive load inside her quivering pussy.She brushed off my question about her possibly being jealous of the girl who spent the night in C’s bed,but as the weekend approached I think I had my answer. That Friday Mrs.L said she had been shopping and I would like what she had bought,but I would have to wait.The possible significance of that remark will become more apparent as I relate the subsequent happenings.Sadly,the weekend was a quiet one as far as activity in C’s bedroom was concerned,but we had fantastic sex as I recounted my tale.Mrs.L decided to show me what she had bought;three new pairs of sexy panties. I sugested that she should wear a pair that day so that I could dream about them until I could peel them off her body later but she surprised me somewhat as she told me that they were for the next time we listened out for obvious sex noises from nextdoor.I then said that she hadn’t really bought them for my pleasure but for hers as she heard C fucking.This was of course denied but as I mentioned it again in bed that night escort bayraklı she gasped “YES” when asked did she want C to take them off her and that she should only wear them for him.We came together at that moment in a flood of mutual desire. Fast forward to last night.I had reminded her all morning that it was the last day of the holiday weekend and we should make it special.Her response was if we weren’t going to be entertained through the bedroom wall, perhaps we should entertain C! My interest was obvious as I hugged her and told her that I would be aroused all day with anticipation. Needless to say I was all over her when she cameback from shopping early that evening but she said that I would have to wait as she playfully brushed the front of my jeans with her backside. By 9pm I could take no more and almost carried her to the spare bedroom.I had already checked that C was home as his car was there and confirmation came with the sound of a door closing through the wall. I asked her if she wanted to put a pair of her new knickers on, but she coyly whispered that they were for C.This just heightened my arousal as I watched her climb into bed naked.The build up began with kissing and fondling until I couldn’t resist pulling and flicking her nipples.At this point I had noticed that the TV had gone silent nextdoor so I suggested that C must have heard us and decided to listen out.”Do you really think so?” was the reply and she let out an erotic moan as I let my finger gently run the full length of her moist lips. I employed every skill I had learned to try to make her as noisy as possible for bayraklı escort bayan the benefit of our neighbour but she needed no encouragement as she sounded so sexy,groaning with pleasure as I told her C will be naked on his bed stroking as he listened to her being fucked.Nothing else mattered as I played her body as if it were a musical instrument,eliciting diferrent erotic sounds as I used fingers and tongue on each and every inch until I finally had to take her, I shall never forget the long,loud moan of pleasure we heard as I slowly entered her and the the regular slapping of our flesh as she put on a superb aural experience for C. After what seemed like an eternity of verbal teasing and physical pleasure Mrs.L had just one goal;to finally orgasm.She ordered me to withdraw and to get on my back.She was determined to ride herself to orgasm as she faced the adjoining bedroom wall, thus ensuring her climax could not fail to be heard by him. She came like never before,moaning very loudly and collapsing on me as she comvulsed for what seemed like an age.She said through the gasps that it was a massive orgasm but she wanted me to take her from behind immediately.On her knees and facing the wall,I concentrated on my own pleasure as I fucked her hard and fast,slowing right down as orgasm approached,then when the feeling has subsided giving it to my noisy woman hard again until I couldn’t stop myself and exploded inside her as she gave one last loud moan. R I wasn’t sure what emotions would surface once she had calmed down;would there be embarrassment or mortification? I needn’t have been concerned as she kissed me and cuddled me and told me that she loved only me and fantasies can be wonderfully erotic and arousing and don’t have to become possibly awkward reallity. She still has those knickers in her “special” lingerie drawer God, I love this woman…
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