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Pregnant from my hubby?author: unknownUnprotected sex while hubby is dining next room…Hi, I’m Linda and would like to tell you a little story about me and myhusband. It started three years ago an the last few month I decided Iwould love to share the experiences with readers of erotic stories.First a few details from me: Now I’m 28 years old, have shoulderlength,darkblonde hair, I’m 5’8”, and a weight of 135lb. OK, that are justvalues, but to most men told me I look real hot (and I use this to teasemen). Helpful for teasing is also the fact that I have very nice, longlegs, a pretty, well rounded ass and nice (not too big, but heavy) 36C titswith very lickable nipples. A few more details I will tell you during thisstory.Almost exactly three years ago I met Norman and only four month later wemarried. My girlfriends asked me why I would marry such an average lookingguy and the only answer I could gave them was that Norman was very wealthyand also very willingly to share his money with his wife. He owned a verysuccesful company and he has to spend a lot of time there and it was hardwork for him. He had no special requests to me – only on partys andweekends he loved to show the world what a beautyfull woman was at hisside. He was realistic that he wasn’t the stud who would satisfy such anice little bitch like me three times a day but he also made sure hewouldn’t tolerate if I had an affair behind his back. The first few monthsI didn’t miss anything. Ok, sex with him wasn’t very exciting, but Ienjoyed the luxury life in our big house, going shopping whenever I like to… In our neighbourhood there were a few very nice women with the samesocial status like me and two a few of them I build up a little friendship.With Norman I made sex one or two times a week and he was satisfied ifhe was on top and could release his load after two minutes of humping onme. I wasn’t satisfied, but during daytime I had enough time to rub mylittle pussy. But after a while, maybe because his dominant daddy wantedto be grandpa, Norman felt the pressure to get me pregnant and now hestarted to fuck me almost every night. Even then it didn’t last longerthan two minutes until I went to the bathroom to clean my pussy from histiny load of cum. For me it was ok to get pregnant because as a mother ofhis c***d my position in the family was much safer than it was only beeinghis wife.The problem was that I was starting to get tired from this short,unsatisfying sex and I also got bored from masturbating. I was sure thewoman in my neighbourd had all the same problem with their succesfulhubbys, but they didn’t discuss it. Only Laura, the same age like me andalso still without c***dren, was willing to talk about it. First itstarted seriously but then the ice broke and we giggled as we discussed thetiny, fast spurting dicks of our husbands. We had a lot of similarites andwe got pretty hot one day as each one told about her experience with her’special stud of the highschool’.The next day we were together in our local tennis club where we playedone or two times a week. (I loved to play tennis since I was Norman’s wifebecause it was a good possibility to wear sexy short skirts without gettinghis comments of jealousy.) After tennis we went to the bar to have a drinktogether and normally we met a few of the other women of our neighbourhood.It seemed they were all on vacation because we didn’t met familiar people.But we both were very attracted to a new waiter in the club. He wasapproximatly 20 years old, almost 6’6” tall, blond and very muscular.Just a short glance between Laura and my and we silently agreed that hewill be a welcome variation of our sex life. I didn’t know how Laura felt,but I decided, that it mustn’t only be in my phantasy and I started toeye-flirt with him. I still wore my tennis-clothes and, telling Laura Iwanted to go to the restroom I went to the dressing room to come backwithout my sports bra. Laura’s mouth dropped open as she saw my erectnipples poking through my white tennis t-shirt – but she only smiled at meand shaked her head. The waiter (later I learned that his name was Kenny)was also very happy that I ‘lost’ my bra and came back to our table. “Didyou pretty ladies need anything further?” he bahis şirketleri asked, all the time looking atmy pretty tits. “No thank you” Laura answered quickly and flushed red.”No, because now we have to use the shower now” I added to her answer andused a teasing voice. “Or do you … serve also in the shower?” That wasunmistakeable and he smiled horny at me. I didn’t spent a thought onNorman. No, my panties were dripping wet and I wanted this stud to fuckme. Kenny whispered to me that he was able to join me in the basement(where the shower room is) as soon as another colleague will arrive to hisshift. I smiled and replied that I didn’t wait very long. To be honest, Iwould have wait for a different cock than Norman’s but that’s nothing, awoman should tell a man. Laura only smiled and whispered ‘naughty girl’ inmy ear. Then she left and used the shower so we were alone later. Andright, ten minutes later I went to the ladies shower room and Ken followedanother two minutes later. I was waiting for him with my back against thelocker. Kenny didn’t waist time and came straight to me. Our mouth metopen and we exchanged a wet, passionate kiss. His right hand wasimmediatly between my legs, rubbing the soaked crotch of my panties whilehis other hand kneaded my tits through my shirt. “You want my cock,bitch?” he murmured in my mouth and pulled me head back with a grip in myhair. “Then suck it first” he commanded and lead my on my knees in frontof him. Now I was eye level with a very big bulge in his waiter uniformand I rubbed with my hand over it before pulling the zipper open. I rippedhis pants down and his monster cock sprang free, dangling right in front ofmy nose. Mmmhh he smelled so masculine and I started to lick him hungrily.He moaned as I kneaded his balls and started to wank him alternating. “Doyou want to suck my cum? Or do your wealthy pussy needs this cock?” heasked, shoving this georgous cock in my mouth. “Fuck me, stud” I answeredquickly and got up to kiss him hot and wet. I moaned loud as I felt himfucking me roughly with his finger. But this lasted only a few seconds,then he ripped my panties from my body and placed my left feet on thebench. He grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands, lifted me up and then hepushed his fat cock deep in my dripping pussy. I moaned loud as I felt howlong, hard and thick he was (especially comparing to Norman’s small dick).But due to my wetness it hurts only with his first stroke. Then he held myass cheeks and started to pump in and out of me very hard. “Always thesame with this rich bitches …” he breathed, more to himself, “… hubbyis at work all day and they’re running around with their wet pussys, allthe time looking for a real man.” I started to kiss him hot to stop himtalking and he kissed me back very passionatly. His finger found theentrance between my ass cheeks and me made me cum the third time withinfive minutes of this hot, steamy fucking. Then he was ready to cum andmoaned that he will shoot in a few seconds. “Pull out, please” I moaned,suddenly realizing that there was a chance to get pregnant … from thiswaiter. But he just smiled at me, grabbed my ass harder and shoved hiscock deep inside me. Then he moaned loud and I felt his hot, thick spermshooting in my belly. It was at least three or four times more than Normanejaculates and he filled my tight pussy with his goo. Seconds later hereleased me, pulled his semi-hard cock out and closed his pants. “If youneed to be served, ma’am, please ask me again.” Then he smiled at me andleft the locker room, just seconds after he dumped his load in me …leaving me there with his sperm running down my legs.Later, as I arrived at home the phone rang – it was Laura. The onlything she wanted to hear was if I ‘did it’. Proudly I told her all detailsof this nice, roughly fuck and we both giggled about my adventure. I wassure I interested her to also cheat on her boring hubby.Then I cleaned my tennis clothes, because the were cum-staines on myshirt and the skirt. I didn’t want to risk that Norman found them beforeour maid did the laundry.In the evening when Norman came back home I expected the normal routinewould start. Though I didn’t enjoy sex with Norman I was horny and youwin neededa cock. Because I didn’t want to wait until we went to bed, I decided toseduce Norman immediatly. “Uhh darling” I purred, stopped eating and wentto his side of the table. “Today I feel so … naughty … maybe youwould like to make love to your sweet wife … here at the table.” I usedthis nursing tone and he sat back in his chair, his eyes glued to my sexybody. I wore a short dress which was made of a lot of lycra so it clingedperfect to the curves of my body. I straddled his lap, so my legs were onboth sides of his body and started to kiss him very wet. This usuallymakes him (and especially me) very horny. Norman loved to suck the salivaoff my mouth and while I gave it to him I felt his cock growing, pressingagainst my crotch. I creamed my panties immediatly and started to rocktfore- and backwards on the bulge.”Linda … you’re sooo hot” he breathed in my mouth. Then he continuedkissing my while he lifted my dress up til it was around my waist. Hishands grabbed my ass cheeks and I secretly compared his hands with Kennys.With his index-finger he traced the tiny fabric of my g-string and I feltfor the second time this day a male finger on my very sensitive anus.”Norman … you naughty boy” I hissed to him, smiling horny. Meanwhile mywettness has drenched my panties and also made a wet spot on his trousers.”Would you like to put your nice … fuckstick in my tight pussy?” I stillused the nurse voice to increase his horniness. For a few seconds Istraightened my legs to give my hand room to grab his hard, but tiny cock.With my other hand pulled my panties to the side and let myself sink down abit. “Wanna fuck my hot pussy, darling?” I purred as I rubbed the tip ofhis cock over my pussy. “Ohh Linda” he moaned and I felt he was againreally close. I knew that my aggressive seducing excites him so much but Ihoped he would at least wait til I felt his cock inside me.But no … almost the same moment he entered my pussy, I felt his wholebody jerk and then he sprayed his load in my belly. I came, but notbecause of this fuck. It was more the thought of receiving the second loadthis day in my (probably) fertile pussy. Though I had an orgasm I wasn’tsatisfied and left his lap, ignoring his apologies with a cold expressionand continued to eat. Even later in bed when Norman tried to ‘get even’ bycrawling under the covers to eat me, I only thought about Kenny, his roughway of sex and how I could get his cock tomorrow.I was angry that I had too many things to do the next day, so I wasn’table to go to the club for some ‘tennis’. And at the evening I felt reallyin a bad mood when Norman came home, because I expected the sameunsatisfying quickie like the last day.Just the moment we took place at the table to have our diner the doorrings and Norman went to answer it. “Sorry to be so late, Sir” I heard afamiliar voice. “Your maid phoned today that there’s something wrong withyour kitchen sink. I wasn’t able to come earlier…but I can fix it now ifyou like.” “Something wrong with our sink?” Norman asked back. “But ok,when Louisa told you… come in.” Then Norman came back and reported me onthe way to the table that our maid phoned for a plumber. But the ‘plumber’who followed him in our house was KENNY. He wore dirty clothes and hecarried a big plumber-toolbox. He grinned to me as he entered thedining-room.. “There’s the kitchen. I’m sure you can handle this alone”said Norman and pointed to the kitchen door. Then he sat back at the tablewith his back to Kenny. I sat opposite him, looking directly to Kenny whostill stood at the door. Grinning to me he put his hand on his obvisouslybig bulge in his trousers. “Darling…start with the diner… maybe theplumber need something” I offered to Norman and stood up. “If you thinkso” Norman hummed angrily, “but i won’t be disturbed for dinner..justbecause the plumber is much to late.” I didn’t hear his last words and onlythought that I exactly knew, what this plumber ‘need’. With quicklymoistened panties I went in the kitchen and was greeted by Kenny’s hornysmile. I seducingly smiled back to him and strutted slowly, with swinginghips in his direction. “Nice that youwin giriş you managed to come here and ..fix thisproblem” I said to him so loud Kenny could hear me clearly.. A few secondslater I was in Kenny’s arms and pushed my wet tongue deep in his hungrymouth while he pushed his strong hand immediatly under my short skirt…”Give me your panties…bitch” he moaned in my mouth as he rubbed my wetpussy through my silky knickers. “Maybe I do” I purred, “but you betterstart you work with the sink.” Then I pointed to the sink, made clear Iwanted him to lay down on the floor. “I’ll sit on your face, honey” Iwhispered, eager to feel his cock in my throbbing pussy. “No way, ma’am”he answered loud. “It’s enough if I only give you a … thicker tube”.Then he pressed me against the kitchen table and lifted my skirt up.”What’s going on, bitch” he whispered sharply and pulled at my panties. “Iexpected you at the club… to suck my cock.” Then he turned me around andmade me bent over. With my panties around my ankles he knelt there,feeling him kneeling down so his head was the same level like my ass. Ihad trouble to keep silent as I felt his hot tongue between my ass-cheeks.I came after only a few deep licks and tongue fucks, pressing my ass in hisface and wishing he would never stop to lick me so rough. But then hesuddenly stood up… and I heard the zipper of his jeans… “Mmmhyesss…fuck me, stud” I moaned, looking over my shoulder as he exposed hisfat cock. He grinned, stepped forwards and then I felt the hot tip of hiscock pushing against my swollen pussy lips. He wasted no time and shovedthis throbbing cock deep in my tight pussy.He fucked me hard, almost brutal… only the first three or fourstrokes were slower…then he fucked me soo hard I was afraid Norman wouldhear the sound of him smashing against my ass-cheeks. I enjoyed feelinghim so deep in my pussy, especially with my boring husband sitting only afew steps away from me. And then again got aware of the fact that it wasmy fertile time of the month. “Pull out, when you’re close” I moaned overmy shoulder. He knew, why I asked him for this ,favor’. But Kenny onlygrinned. “You won’t get pregnant from a waiter, hmm? Only have fun withhim…but not getting a thick belly… but you’re wrong, babe. I willpump my goo in you…making you pregnant … carrying my baby.” Then hegrabbed my hips and still fucked me harder, ignoring my whispered ,Nooo’.And to be honest; I also loved the idea (or the risk) of getting pregnantfrom him…receiving his potent cum while I bent over the kitchen tablewhile hubby enjoys his meal in the dining room.I came … two or three times within minutes and then I felt Kenny’scock twitch in my spasming pussy. Seconds later bit in my neck, kneaded myass and then flooded my pussy with a big…very big load of cum.”Baby…fill you up now…making you my preggy bitch” he whispered whilehis cock still pumped his sticky cum in my tight pussy.” I never felt somuch cum shooting in my belly and got my next orgasm before I shortlypassed out from the passion I received. As I ,came back to life’ I wassure to be pregnant from this horny waiter…Typical for Kenny he didn’t enjoy the feeling of being close togetherafter an orgasm.He pulled out, pushed his cock in his trousers and went tothe kitchen door. “Ok, miss. I’m sure you’re satisfied with mywork…you’ll have fun a long time with it” he added loud and made his wayto the kitchen door. I had trouble to fix my clothes until he opened thedoor. I wanted to clean myself of his goo which was still running off mypussy, but I had to do this later. Two minutes later he got a cheque forhis ,good work’ from Norman and left our house. Kenny promised to comeback tomorrow morning…just to check if the ,things he started are goingwell’.I smiled and looked forward for the next day while I went back to thetable to join my husband for diner. The next morning, only minutes afterNorman left the house, the plumber came again to our house. He said therewere two reasons to come back this morning. First, because I was ,a reallyhot piece of ass’ and second that he wanna make sure he knocked me up. Icouldn’t say no as he offered me his thick hard cock – I just tell him towait til we were in Norman’s bed.And so I got my special thrill…receiving the next load of this waiterspotent sperm, this time in my husbands side of our marital bed. And fourweeks later I could bring my husband the good news that we are gettingparents …
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