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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING, PART VIIPRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himselfSome Subtle ConsiderationsA word of reassurance on two related matters may be in order here. The first is somewhat private and, one might consider, embarrassing. However, as I have made it clear, I hope, I am striving to be both franks and comprehensive in my advice. In addition, I would note that I have even discussed this with ladies of my acquaintance, who have all found it both unsurprising and worth advising.There are effects that females are liable to have on males and, one might say, that males are even destined to suffer due to no fault of their own. When confronting a female bottom proffered to one’s cane, most notably when it is fully bared, a gentleman may suddenly find himself reacting in an all too visible manner that he would prefer to hide. The solution is simple: when such a caning is in offing, just make sure to wear at least 4 pairs of substantial underpants, especially those intended for sporting. This should solve your problem, and nothing more need be said.For the second matter, in discussing the cane with others who take this matter seriously, several masters have told me that, when they found themselves for the first time contemplating the private parts of a young woman who had just bent over to receive her caning, they had been overwhelmed with fear that the cane might strike and injure this obviously tender anatomy. Subsequent experience, of course, always proved such fear to be groundless. It may be helpful, however, to reassure the beginner that this will be the case.The fear is perhaps not surprising in the inexperienced and is to be lauded, as a sign both of careful concern for one’s charges and also of an appropriate awareness that the object of a caning is the bottom and only the bottom. The fear must, however, be distinguished from that very proper domain of observation, which I have repeatedly emphasized as essential to the productive feeling of mortification on the part of the offender. The beginner may feel firmly assured that all the tenderest details of female anatomy rest safely in the bottom’s cleft and between the thighs. One might, indeed, even speculate that the cleft was part of a divine design to protect these parts, lying so closely to that twinned swelling flesh provided by the same divinity as that part of the anatomy most perfectly suited to corporal punishment.I have often marveled at the elegance of this divine solution when contemplating the results of a caning. Few sights seem so attractive and so expressive of the quality of a caning as the pale and unblemished valley of this cleft, rimmed by the crimson corrugations of the imprinted welts as they disappear from one cheek only to reappear on the other. When I, with my assistant on occasions, examine the state of a bottom to decide whether to continue a severe caning, I have noticed that she will often feel along these corrugated edges of the cleft as she estimates how much damage the cheeks have suffered. I must confess that, as the person whose cane has just imprinted itself in this bottom, I have sometimes wished to employ my fingers in the same way. The propriety of a schoolmaster, of course, precludes any such contact.One may speculate that in the application of the birch this sanctuary within the cleft and between the thighs may not have been so safe. The evidence of written accounts, of some renderings by artists, and of thinking about both the construction of the implement of chastisement and the formation of the female bottom, leads one to suspect that an immodest and doubtless very painful contact between the birch twigs and the female private parts may even have been considered as part of this punishment. I do not myself believe that the Victorian era was less enlightened than our own. Perhaps, in that era, the degree of expertise in the administration of corporal punishment to young ladies was much higher than it is today, and there was a better understanding of the extent to which these tenderest parts of female anatomy could safely and usefully be subjected to such kayseri escort punishment. My own belief is that the loss of such understanding has led also to the abandonment of the birch. Whether or not this is the case (and my efforts here are meant to reverse this trend at least in regard to the cane), and having received no training in the use of the birch, I have occasionally wondered whether I should reintroduce it to my own school. I must confess, however, that I have an innate preference for the precision of the cane as an instrument of punishment. I leave the birch, therefore, as a matter of speculation alone.My final comments in this section concern multiple beatings. By this I do not mean the occasions when several miscreants are lined up outside your door, each having committed a different transgression and each nervously waiting her turn to enter your study to be caned.There are, of course, niceties to be decided even in these common circumstances, such as the order in which you cane them, whether they are allowed to leave one by one or must wait until the last one has been caned and whether you leave the door ajar so that they all may hear more clearly the sound of each one being caned, but I leave these decisions to your personal choice.The more particular topic concerns those occasions when a group of girls have committed an offense together and you feel that their caning should therefore be a collective event. I believe that this is sometimes effective and there are several options. If undressing is required, then I usually have them all do this before I start, but then there is the question of whether they should all watch each other’s caning, or merely listen to it, or perhaps be subjected to some combination. The latter is my usual choice and in this case, after they have finished any undressing required, I have them all line up towards the back of the room, from where they will be able to see the event. After each girl in turn has been ordered to the position of punishment and received her caning, she is then ordered to the front of the room, where she stands facing the wall with striped bottom exposed. I choose this position so that, as the next girl is bent over for her own caning, she can see the results on the bottoms of all who have preceded her. There is no doubt that this particular arrangement is impressive, but others are possible.A situation that requires more careful planning, however, occurs if you decide that their complicity deserves an even more coordinated punishment. The easiest way to explain this will be to describe two occasions where I solved the problems with what I like to think was some ingenuity.The first occasion was a rather surprising one, when six second-year girls had collaborated in performing a dastardly trick on a master. I decided that they each should receive six of the best with the 3′ cane, and all at the same time. Since my study was too small, I arranged the event in the school gym. The event was obviously going to be an unusual one, so I had to post staff outside the gym to keep excited students at bay. The six girls themselves were already extremely nervous even as they arrived. On the floor of the gym, I ordered them to remove their knickers and to stand side by side in a row, facing alternate directions. I had calculated that they needed to be six feet apart to allow myself adequate room to wield a 3′ cane. After they had been instructed to bend over, I then had each of them move back about 1 3′ so that three heads were aligned with three bottoms. Lastly I went along each row and carefully lifted and folded back their skirts above their waists.Preparations thus complete, I began with the girl at one end and administered one full stroke, and then moved on to the next and so on, until they had each received one stroke. Then I commenced with the second round of strokes, and so on. I had thought about instructing them to turn their heads, stroke by stroke, towards the girl who was to receive the next one. However, as I suspected, their natural curiosity and fear made them do so anyway. None of them had been caned this escort kayseri hard before and there was a great deal of screeching and crying. There were several who misbehaved and received penalty strokes. As I recall, one girl managed to behave and received only her allotted six. One girl’s punishment reached twelve strokes and the others were in between. I found the experiment very successful and the two lines of neatly marked bottoms were certainly a gratifying sight.The second occasion was equally surprising, for a group of seven fourth year-girls, young women I should call them, all went off school grounds in a highly illicit jaunt and the offense was altogether more serious than the above. They had all been caned before, some of them more than once, and my record books suggested that 24 strokes with the 3′ 5/16″ cane was appropriate for all of them. Separately considered, the appropriate punishments would have varied slightly, but I decided to make them all equal. With the above experience in mind, I also scheduled this event in the gym. It was more complicated, however, since this degree of punishment necessitated that each miscreant bend over a table. I located seven tables, each 2’x4′, and arranged them like the spokes in a wheel. To provide enough space for using the cane, I had to move them slightly back from the center. The seven young women were instructed to disrobe completely (except for their socks of course) and each was bent over one table, so that their heads were at the hub of the wheel and their bottoms pointed outwards, radiating from the center.When I finally commenced the caning, with a resounding stroke across the first bottom (I had arranged them in alphabetical order), an individual shriek and a collective gasp left no doubt that a major event was taking place. I progressed slowly around the circle, stroke by stroke, twenty-four circuits to begin with (168 strokes in all) but by then, not surprisingly, a number of penalty strokes had accrued.In the end, two young women received only 24 strokes, two more received 28, one received 30, one received 34, and the last not only received 36 but had to return 3 weeks later for a further 12. When she did so, marks were still visible across her bottom and my assistant delayed her additional 12 strokes for another week. In fact it was 14, for she elected to be secured according to the rules described above. The main event was the only time that I wished I had had a cane with a padded handle. The messages that the resilience of the cane transmitted to my hand were, of course, very instructive but that hand was beginning to tire by the last stroke. I recall feeling tempted, when the collective caning was complete, to line them all up in the touch-toes position so that I could more easily assess the entire result. I let them stay where they were for five minutes, however, while I slowly walked around several times. It was an excellent opportunity to assess how different bottoms showed considerable variation in how they were marked by a range of severity in caning. I gathered later, from an informant, that this became a famous event in the school and that several viewing parties were organized so that fellow students could admire the full parade of very well marked bottoms.CONCLUDING REMARKSThe punishment of caning is a punishment. It must be distinguished absolutely from the mere cruelty and its gratification that has from time to time disgraced our civilization. But it is also not a mere matter of inflicting pain on the posteriors of errant females as a deterrent to poor behavior. If this were the case, the industrial age would long since have invented a machine for this purpose, one with replaceable canes, perhaps, that could tirelessly dispatch any number of strokes with a varying severity according to requirements dialed in.But this (so far as I am aware) has not been the case and the reason, we must realize, is that caning is both a science and an art, requiring knowledge, skill, discretion, judgment, finesse, experience and other qualities in a humane practice that will achieve the intellectual and moral kayseri escort bayan improvement of our female youth. It is only when that youth, err as it may, recognizes these qualities as present in their correction, as effectively in control of the cane that is, at the particular moment, imprinting its message so painfully in their bottom, that the lesson will be learned.I say a humane practice because this is indeed fundamental. Yet again, although the purpose of the action of caning, most narrowly understood, is the very painful event that is focused in the bottom itself, its administration in a more general sense requires a profoundly human understanding.This understanding may be shown in a quite explicit sense. Your manner should always be firm, of course, but it need not be harsh unless you are dealing with an offender who is so obstreperous that she will respond only to such a tone. Otherwise, you should be understanding and even kind. A young woman who is consumed by anxiety, especially one whose bottom has already been caned into a painful condition, may become much more cooperative if you offer her kindly advice, such as keeping her bottom still, or not clenching its cheeks, or even breathing deeply, so that the punishment may be concluded with just that degree of discomfort originally intended. I have had young women thanking me most sincerely at the conclusion of their caning, even as they were massaging their bottoms quite desperately, with tears still streaming down their faces. They have received the cane as dictated by reasonable discipline, rather than by unreasonable malice.It is such occasions that led me to understand the humanity of this practice in a wider sense. You should always think of a caning as an event complete in itself. I am familiar with masters who simply line up their students outside their door and then dispatch their canings in rapid succession, giving no thought to anything beyond the mere wielding of the instrument. They are little better than a machine and this is not effective. You must begin by considering the offender as a person before she is reduced to a bared bottom. Even as you are caning that bottom you should be considering it as a part of her person, and a very important part. When the caning has ended, you should restore consideration of that bottom to the young woman who earlier came in your door. My comments on the qualities of a female bottom in itself, and my recommendations that you observe unflinchingly all those intimacies that her caning offers to your to your sight are, indeed, an aspect of this humane respect.There is, however, a more subtle point. A caning should be seen as a cooperative event between the master and the offender, even though that cooperation has as its purpose a painful experience for one of the parties.I was often surprised at the apparent readiness of most young women to submit to this experience before I acquired a deeper understanding of this. Even with a young woman who has to be secured, there can hardly be an effective caning without a degree of cooperation. This cooperation, I am convinced, issues from two factors. The first lies in the fact that she must expose her private anatomy to your gaze. As she does this, she is placing these intimacies in your care and must therefore trust you to treat them respectfully and, so to speak, return them to her when you have finished. The second matter lies in the peculiar connection that is created at the moment of the cane’s impact, from your own self, through the cane, by way of her bottom and finally to her own self. Her response to the cane maintains this communication in the opposite direction. Every time you deliver another stroke, you become vividly and intimately connected to the young woman again.This connection that is created by the action of caning establishes what I believe we may think of as a special bond. To realize this bond at the time is, in my view, essential to the satisfactory conclusion of a caning and you will certainly find that it subsequently survives, in a most distinctive way, between yourself and any young woman you have caned. It is thus, as the humble servant of the cane, the distinguished implement of this relationship, that I have found myself deeply, widely and gratifyingly related to almost all the girls who have passed through what I may modestly claim to be my excellent school.
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