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Roberts and Dannys weekendAfter a great cum thanks to watching Robert and Danny, I washed up in the bathroom. I figured I’d give them a few more minutes before telling them to straighten up his room and take showers. Just before lunch Ann pulled up and they came in carrying bags from the department store. I told the boys to help their moms unload the car. Danny’s mom said to take her bags across the street and put them in her room. Thankfully I had them bathe because Ann told Robert to come see the clothes she bought him. She showed him some shirts and a pair of jeans for school. She told him to take his pants off, and try on some underwear she got on sale. When he stripped I just knew she was going to smell the lotion they used, but if she did she didn’t show it. She held out the tighty whiteys for him to step into. When he pulled them up she turned him around examining how they fit him. Watching her run her hand over his butt, and slipping her fingers into the leg hole I grew hard. After a couple of minutes she let him get dressed and put his new clothes up. After eating lunch I had a great idea. I asked Ann what she thought about me talking Robert up to my uncles property for the weekend and let him run around out in the woods and get some fresh air and away from the tv and video games for fethiye escort bayan a couple of days. She said she’d have to think about it. Monday at work she called and said she liked the idea of it, but she didn’t want to be out with the bugs. I told her that’s fine and I had to make the arguments. When I came home Robert was all excited about going. The week dragged on for ever, till finally Friday came. I told Robert we needed to get him a pair of swim pants, and we were heading out the door when there was a knock. It was Dannys mother, asking if it was true that I was talking him to the country. I told her yes it was, and if Danny wants to go it’s alright with me. She asked Ann if she was going, and she said no way. Not with all those bugs and snakes out there. They talked while Robert and I left. We went to the sporting goods store and I let him pick out his own pants. When we came back, Ann said I had to go back and get Danny some clothes to take with us. Robert jumped for joy and ran to his room. I went across the street and gathered what things Danny had and brought he and them back. I told Ann he and I will be back in a while. Back to the sporting goods store I went. The clerk looked at us for a minute and went back to their business. I took Danny to the swim area and escort fethiye he looked at some pants. I recommend a couple of pair and said lets see how they fit. We went in the dressing room and found an empty stall. Danny went in and tried one one and came out. It fit like skin, cutting into his legs. I said it’ll be too tight when it gets wet, so I stepped in with him and pealed them off him. I was amazed how soft his skin was, and firm his butt felt. When he put the other pair on they looked good on him. I turned him around, and we looked in the mirror at how they fit. I was able to slip my fingers up the leg holes without to much effort. I ran them in back rubbing his butt cheeks, then in front. Pushing upwards and over, my finger tips rubbed his soft dick. He giggled as I tickled the tip, and put my hand down the front. I rubbed him till he was hard. The fabric was straining as he tented the pants. I asked how he liked this pair, he shook his head yes. I told him to put his clothes on and we’ll head home. He said he couldn’t get them down because of his stiff wee wee. I picked him up, set him on the bench. As I pulled them down his dick sprang out nearly hitting me in the face. I looked up at him, he was beet red and smiling. I asked if he thought that was funny, he started laughing fethiye escort and said yes. I smiled and laughed with him. Looking up, I leans down and kissed the head, and slid my tongue over it. He let out a sigh. My mouth wanted him in it so bad. I reached up gave it a few strokes and said to get dressed. I paid for the pants and we left. When we got home I told Ann the boys should stay in Roberts room to make it easier to get them up. She asked what if they… You know. I told her I had a long talk with both of them and I don’t think they’ll be doing that again any time soon. If you say so she mumbled and went to bed. I told the boys if they’d stay quiet, they can sleep together tonight and I’d get them up at 6:00. Robert smiled and said yes sir. Danny gave me a hug and before he let go, he lowered his hand till he pushed on my cock, gave it a squeeze and skipped to the room.Around 11:00 I was going to bed, I went in Roberts room to check in on them. They were still awake, but in bed. I leaned over the bed and said I need to check something. They both had a scared look when I pulled the covers back. They were both naked and holding each other’s dick. I said try this, I rubbed the boys butts , then I pushed them together so they were belly to belly. Then I pushed Danny’s butt closer. I seen their dicks were touching. I rubbed their butts again enjoying he soft they felt. I pulled the covers back up and said try that for a while. They hugged each other and Danny put his head on Roberts shoulder. I turned out the lights and left.
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