Second Day of my New Life

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Second Day of my New LifeAs predicted my Master did awaken me at 4 AM with a nice rigid hard on and was already approaching my parted lips. I inhaled his cock as if my life depended upon it for nourishment. I tongued up and down his veiny rod as I fondled his balls that were so full of cum, I imagined I’d make him cum just by milking them. His cock and balls were so engorged with his love juice that he almost choked and smothered me. But, I kept sucking him in deeper, enjoying the taste of his pre cum on the back of my tongue. He viciously pulled at my hair so that he could drive his slick, hard pole deeper down my throat. I loved it when Master took total control of me. Seeing the savage b**st in him emerge gave me such a turn on! He continued to throat fuck me, but let go of my hair, as we were now in perfect rhythm. With his free hands he reached for some metal clothespins and attached them to my erect, hard nipples. My rosebuds protruded for the nice pain of tight pins snapped firmly around them. I squealed with joy internally and he knew I was excited by the way I plunged his cock even further down my throat. With his hands free to explore my body, he drove his fist deep in my pussy, covering his hand in my honey pot sap. I felt the exuberance of his fist throughout my entire body. Then without missing a beat, his hand, soggy with my cum, sank his fist directly into my anal hole. His fist stretched and gaped my hole extremely well giving me a fiery reaction. The pain mixed with an equal amount of bliss was so gratifying to me. Then he spoke for the first time, “On the countdown of ten I want us to cum together.”He began the countdown very slow and boldly. He was teasing me into a sexually charged whirl of passion and naughtiness. I waited patiently for him to finally get to one and then released a mixture of cum, squirt and urine at the same time as he came forcefully into my throat, mouth and face. I think we both saw stars as we were spent and exhausted. I wondered how I would walk and function in this condition later at work. No time to even venture a guess as Master had me do the cleaning up, make breakfast and quickly dress for my day.“When you get home this afternoon, I will have new treats in store for you my lovely sex slave”. I smiled at him and waved good bye just as normal responsible professional adults would do in the morning. I walked to work thinking the exercise would give me time to relax and compose myself. I walked lightly, feeling the breeze and tingle between my legs and knowing I could do nothing to appease my sexual hunger until I returned to my Master’s home. I needed to get prepared for a long day of work and no satisfaction! I tried to take my mind to the place of all things pure and wholesome, which only enhanced my need for gratification. Possibly if I just teased my inner being occasionally that would not be bending the rule. I wanted to obey, follow and adhere to Master’s rules. He would understand, just as he had told me the night before that he had watched our videos and stroked himself into orgasm, wouldn’t my own self pleasure be a tribute to him, as well. I passed the receptionist’s desk with a quick nod and before entering my cubicle, rushed into the restroom for a quick fingering. Standing in the stall buca escort I began fingering in a frenzied wild manner. I was so wet and could still smell Master’s hot juices in my cunt. I couldn’t help but cum in a flurried flash of electric orgasmic surges of energy and exhilarating shudders! I sat down on the commode and composed myself breathing in deeply and regaining control of my body to tackle this second day of work. This two week notice was going to be tortuous for me, I knew.Reaching my cubicle I was surprised to see a lovely bouquet of roses on my desk. An envelope and card accompanied it, stating, “See you at our favorite park at Noon”. Knowing, of course, it was from Master, I began to realize that meeting at Noon and attempting to return to work would be out of the question. Master would need more time than my hour lunch permitted. So, without hesitation I immediately went in search for my director to explain that I had a medical appointment in the afternoon and would probably not return to the office after it was completed. Mr. Sotherby looked up from his stack of documents and briefs and lowered his reading glasses to survey me and comprehend what I had just said. “I hope everything is okay, dear”. I was taken by surprise at his concern and swiftly responded that it was a routine checkup. He nodded and said, “I sense something different about you this week. You seem more at ease and less intense than your usual driven self”. How could I possibly respond to that? Yes! I was different, very different! I loved the feelings, the pain, the sex, the happiness I’d experienced in the past week or so. I drew in a breath of air and instead of wanting or needing to share my thoughts and feelings about my new life, became my cool, calm and collected self and thanked him for his concern and stated I would be leaving about 11:45 and therefore should go to my desk and get a few necessary timely correspondences taken care of. He smiled, obviously buying my story and said, “That’s my girl! You are my shining star and I will miss you”. I knew to exit rapidly before I blushed or gushed!It was around 9:30 when I arrived back at my desk and although I promised to work diligently on the docs, I was continually interrupted by co-workers asking work related questions or complimenting my flower arrangement. At 10:40 I shut off my computer and walked to the restroom to freshen up for Master. I splashed water on my flush face and scrubbed my pussy clean. I almost sprinted to the door in order to arrive at the park on time, but, to my happy and delighted surprise, Master was waiting in his car near the entrance. With a gallant tip of an imaginary top hat he opened the passenger door and helped me climb into the seat. I kissed his hand and thanked him for the beautiful flowers. Master could swoon me and torture me and humiliate me, but, damn, I loved his style and sophistication! We drove off in silence. I took no notice of where we were going except to know it wasn’t in the direction of the park. At last he spoke…”Remember I said I had a surprise for you this afternoon?” I nodded, not sure what antics he had up his sleeve, but, prepared for another fantastic adventure. We drove up a winding bumpy road to a secluded meadow. Secluded except for a nice blanket, escort buca bottle of wine and of all things a string quartet nearby. Master explained that he had listened to every word I had said when we met and knew one of my favorite concertos was Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. He was having them play this while we ate, drank and had a lovely afternoon. Master continued to discuss the future, our first season and the plans to make all four seasons throughout the year special and hot for us. I just nodded in disbelief, so thankful I’d had the forethought to excuse myself from work for the rest of the day. We toasted to this first season and kissed lightly. After several glasses of wine I laid back on the blanket staring at the pretty cloud formations. Master joined me tucking my head into the curve of his arm and shoulder. I was getting physically turned on by the music and his touch and he sensed it. He began running his other hand between my legs and kissing me deeply and passionately. His hand and fingers reached my pussy and I knew my panties were totally sopped with my own love juice. “I think this is the perfect setting for a nice outdoor fuckfest. Would you agree sex slave?” I moaned my agreement. Not giving a care that four strangers were playing the third season of the symphonic arrangement near us. Master stripped me down to my red matching bra, panties and garter and began kissing and licking me savagely. I felt so good and knew what I should do to please Master however waited for his prompts in this public scene. He did not express any desires or make any signals for me to engage him in our lust dance, so I lay there being satisfied. I could feel his manly hardness against my hip and resisted the urge to grab his cock. He rolled me onto of him, still fully clothed but managing to extract his cock from his trousers with ease and dexterity. He slipped my panties to one side of my wet pussy and inserted his rigid pole into the tight and awaiting cunt with urgency and a need to cum violently. He pumped her for several minutes before they both came in a blast of awesome desire. He rolled off of her and lay there moaning softly in time with the final season finale. What a wonderful day it had been so far. I knew, though, it was far from over and wondered when the next lesson would begin. I would not have to wait long as we made our way back to the car and once inside he explained tonight’s venue. Wow! Not what I was expecting at all to hear. I began to realize he was grooming me and brainwashing me into the perfect sex slave. Bestowing lavish gifts and delightful experiences only made both of them crave the forbidden and dark side of their love affair. In the car while driving Master demanded I get into the back seat and unzip the satchel sitting on the seat. I tumbled over the front seat like some type of sexual pole vaulter and opened the bag. Inside were a leather corset and crotch-less leather shorts. I undressed hurriedly and put the outfit on again amazed at the exact fit. It fit very snuggly and resembled some of the garments he had chosen for me to wear in public. This one had a matching face mask with blinders over the eyes and only an opening for my mouth and small holes for my nostril areas. I struggled somewhat to zip it up front buca escort bayan behind my head and neck managing to secure it properly. I could not see and once the car stopped I wondered where we were. Didn’t seem or feel or smell like home, so must be another public venue. He opened my door and led me into a crowded pub swiftly walking to a private booth. He ordered something from a waiter which I could not quite tell what he said due to the loud voices, loud music volume and my ears being muffled by the leather head apparatus. I composed myself as well as possible attempting to relax. The order arrived and next thing I knew Master was eating as he directed my face down to my meal, his hard swollen cock. I sucked it and begged for more. In my wine induced state of mind and hunger level I devoured him deep into my throat and he came in torrents of hot thick semen. I rested quietly in his lap waiting for another signal or some reward. He stroked my leather headdress and inserted one of his fingers into my mouth. The taste was gooey sweet and had a pudding like consistency to it. I sucked his finger dry and clean of the substance and begged in a non verbal way for more. Master obliged by poking some type of sausage shaped meat into my mouth. It felt and tasted wonderful. Once my hunger pangs had vanished, I was allowed to sit up next to him and drink from some type of baby bottle. The beverage was cool and tingled in my throat. I wondered briefly why no one in the pub was making any remarks then realized that this must be the Master and sex slave bar I had read about. There were no boundaries here and thus a comfort to be at Master’s side obeying whatever kinky ideas he had in store. Suddenly a siren whistle stopped all sounds from the pub. A shiver ran down my spine. The Emcee announced it was time for the slave dance and all slave owners and their pets should come to the dance floor. Master cupped his hand close to my ear and said it is show time dear sex slave. Let’s show them I have the prize slut tonight. How many slaves were there? Were they blindfolded as well? What were the expectations of the dance? No time to think as Master trotted me to the stage announcing my neophyte status and asking for a warm welcome from all to this new sex slave. Shouts and jeers arose from the crowd as Master led me around to be congratulated and give me a hearty pat on the head. We engaged in this humiliation for hours while Master either talked business or pleasure with other Master’s. I never heard or came close to other sex slaves and still wondered if I was the only one there and it was an initiation of some type. Near the end of the evening Master led me back to our booth and proceeded to fuck me doggy style up against the table top. It felt good and I couldn’t help but moan my pleasure. Once he had come inside me and I licked his cock and balls clean we left for home. Inside the house he released me from the leather bondage suit and I drew our bath. We rested in the tub cleaning each other and teasing. Master said he had one more surprise for me before bed, so after I cleaned the tub and retired to bed with him, he snapped on the TV screen and there before my eyes was a brief trailer of the re enactment of our afternoon in the meadow followed by the night at the pub. I was stunned and not sure I could watch it, but, curious to have my questions answered about how perverse the day had been. I would be shocked to see what unfolded before my eyes…To be continued…

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