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sister and I are Close Then Mom (9)The following morning, we used my truck to go see the realastate agent that mom had talked to, with Clare in the middle next to me and Beth by the passanger door and both of them, made it hard for me to keep my eyes on the road, while I drove to the realastate office. Clare had on a tank top that clung to her like a glove showing off her braless tits and a short tight skirt, that rode up over her butt when she sat down in the seat next to me, showing me her bald pussy. Beth had on a sleavless T shirt that clung to her, showing off her braless tits too, with a loose fitting skirt that came down to mid thigh when she stood but she had pulled it up, to where I could see her hairy mound while she sat in the seat.Talking to the agent he had four places to show us that we might like so we followed him to look at the four places. The first place was right at the eadge of town north of where we live now and was a nice house with plenty of yard and trees, like we have now right off the back yard, but to close to town for what we wanted.The second place he showed us was out of town like we are looking for but was just a two bedroom house, even thou it was a nice house, it was to small of a house for the amount of time we would have to add on and would drain our accounts, to do the add on and have it done by the time we would need the adding on done.The thrid place he showed us was out in the country, where we liked to be at, being closer to where Beth works than the other two places were, but, the central heat and air didn’t work and not knowing anything about them, we would have had to call in a professional to check it out, plus it looked to have needed some plumbing work done too. With the cost of the house plus adding in for a professional for the heat and air unit alone, would drain our account so we had to scratch it off too.The forth place he showed us out in the country made it where Beth had the closest drive to work out of the three of us with Clare having a bit farther drive to work and me to have the longest drive to work but free way driving for all of us but the exits were close to the jobs for us all. The house was a four bedroom house with possibility of adding on much later in the future if we needed to which was likely we would need to. It did need sevral repairs with most of them needing done before move in and the rest of them, being done after move in, and they were repairs I could do myself, with out the help or calling in, a professional.After doing the math by adding in the cost of the house, cost of material for repairs, cost of what little painting to be done, gas to come and go on week ends and how many week ends it would take for the repairs to be done, before move in then adding in the cost for repairs after move in, cut us close but was well within our budget, even for the time Beth may have to be off if any, to have the baby and the time she would have to miss work for doctor apointments till then. With the total cost that we came up with it would leave us ten thousand to work with if we missed something, that may need repaired or replaced.”I think we have found our new home myself.” I said looking at Beth and Clare.”Are you sure you’ll feel up to doing all the work around here that has to be done Jim?” Beth asked me with concern in her eyes.”Yes I’m sure. It’s the type of work I do now on my job for the most part, which I love doing. There are plenty of trees around, which will help in the summer on the A C and a good wind break during the cold months that will help with the heat and even from the road, no one will know we are out here in our birthday suits during the day or night, unless they drive up in here.””That should help with the utilaty bill then, but it does mean spending more on gas to and from work thou.””Yes on the bill part but I think, you and Clare, can save some on gas maybe.””How is that Jim?” Clare asked.”Look at how many times both of you need to be at work at the same time during the week, and how many times one has to be there thirty minutes to an hour after the other one has to be at work. Those days one of you drive and one be dropped off then picked up after work. Like let’s say Clare, you have to be at work shortly after Beth has to be at work, you drive both of you in and drop Beth off then you pick her up on your way home is one way or she takes you and drops you off early, so that she can go straight to work then go and wait till you get off for her to pick you up. Either way, one will have to wait for the other to get there after work, even on days you both have to be at work at the same times off at the same time, but it will save on wear and tear on your cars and save each of you some on gas through the week.”That would work for me except for the days I have to be at work when mom has to be but I don’t get off, till about the time you get off.””Then on those days, I can pick you up so that Beth, can go on home when she get’s off.””I do like the idea of being to come out in my birthday suit any time that I want to.””I do not know about you two and not liking to be dressed.””You will need to try it some time Beth, you will then see why we like going without so much.”Beth looked at me like I’m crazy, “Let’s go tell Darran that we want to try and get this place then if it is what you two want. I know I will love to live out here myself. Clothes or no clothes.” shaking her head as the three of us turned to find Darran.As I turned with Beth and Clare, “Look over there.” stopping and pointing at a deer coming through the trees off to our right.”Oh he’s pretty.” Clare said.”That’s a she and there is another one to the left of her.””How do you know that they it’s a she?””For one they are full grown and two they have no rack on their heads.””Is that another one to their right there Jim?” Beth asked pointing.”Yes it is.”Then the three deers turned and went off through the trees to their left out of sight, as we stood watching them till they were out of sight.We found Darran at a kitchen counter looking at some papers he had spread out in front of him and turned as we stepped into the door of the house, “Have you made a decision?””Yes, we decided that we want to try and get this place.””Okay, shall we meet at the office and draw up papers for you to take to the bank?””Let’s go.”*****One month and one week later I came in after work, “I’m home.””I have my bags ready to go, I just didn’t know if to put them in my car or if we’re going to just take the pickup.””Even with the load I picked up after work, there is room to put it in the truck and we can just take it, that way no one will know for sure that the house is empty over the week end.””I hope I got everything canlı bahis şirketleri you’ll want love and I hope, you don’t mind me putting your things in with my things in the same bag.””I don’t mind, we’ll all be in the same tent anyway. I’ll check to see if you have it all, after I load up all the tools we’ll need, from the shed.””I’ll start loading the ice chests then.””Do you need help loading them mom?””Help Jim with the tools first maybe, then you can check to see if I missed anything we may need afterwards.””That works for me so that I don’t have so many trips to make between the shed and the truck.”I saw that Beth had on a summer dress that stopped mid thigh, with no bra on and Clare, had on a short dress on that barely covered her ass, while she stood up right but would show every one her ass when she bent over, with no bra on and no pantys on either.When Clare and I had the tools and camping gear loaded into the pickup, we went in and checked to see that Beth had everything we may want or need to eat and cook with, then I took the ice chests out and put them in the pickup along with the cooking utensils, pans, and skilets, then checked to see if Clare had everything I would need, from my bedroom for the week end, then loaded Beth’s bag and the bag Clare put her things and my things in for the week end.”I believe were ready to go.””I got everything I’ll need I think.” Beth said.”Same here.” Clare said coming from the bathroom.As the two stepped out the door, I followed them closing the door and locking it, then helped them into the pickup, then went around to the driver’s side and opened the door, to see Beth’s bush showing from between her legs and Clare’s bald pussy, between her legs and the whole side of her hip showing to me, with her dress riding up over her butt as she sat in the seat, next to me as I sat in the driver’s side.With a stop at the station for ice and then stopping at a restaurant to eat supper, before heading out to the new house, that we needed to make repairs on before we could move in.At the new house, I got the camp stove set up and as Beth got some coffee going, Clare and I set up the tent and the air mattress set up, then the three of us set up the cooking area, then while Clare and Beth organized the cooking area, I built a fire pit and then started a camp fire for us to sit around and relax some, before we turned in for the night.As Beth and Clare came over to the campfire, Beth asked, “Do you need to get things in out of the weather tonight, Jim love?””No, I done took care of that while the two of you were organizing the cooking area right after I got the fire going here.””Okay. Well coffee is ready when you are or would you rather have a beer first.””Beer sounds good to start with, but I can get it s*s.””No, I will get it since I’m wanting one too. What about you mom?””I’ll have tea since the doctor doesn’t want me to have a beer till after the baby is born.”As Clare went to get our drinks, I asked, “What did the doctor have to say about you and the baby today?””He said everything is going good so far but he is a bit worried with my age thou.””You seam to be in good shape with your work helping to keep you in good shape, which should be no problem with you having a baby, I would think.””He said that was in my favor, other wise, he would have me seeing him every week instead of every other week.””Good. I just happen to think of something else I haven’t got.” standing up and stepping over one step.”Now what is that?””My hug and kiss I usually get when I get home.” as I bent over and took a hold of Beth’s hand with one hand and the other hand reaching down and rubbing her bare hairy pussy.Beth stood up and put her arms around my neck and kissed me as she stood, then reached down and rubbed my hard dick through my jeans making me even harder than I was, “Mmmm, I thought I was missing something too.” after we broke the kiss and hugged me.I reached around and cupped Beth’s bare ass as we hugged, then I raised her dress all the way up and over her head and off, then leaned down and sucked a tit into my mouth as I let the dress drop into her chair behind her, then as I sucked on her nipple, I pulled on it to let it pop out of my mouth, then did the same to her other tit.As I sucked on Beth’s tits and nipples I had my hands on her ass squeezing both cheeks at the same time with her moaning the whole time, then Clare came back with our drinks and sat them down, then I felt her unbuckeling my belt then unbuttoning my jeans and unzipping them and pushed them down around my ankles, then Beth squeezed my as cheeks.As Beth sat back down I turned around, hugged Clare while reaching down and grabbing her bare ass cheeks and squeeded them, then as we kissed, I lifted her dress up and broke the kiss long enough to lift the dress up over her head and off, tossing the dress into my chair, to kiss her again and rub her bald pussy lips, while still reaching around and squeezing her ass with my other hand.As we kissed, I started moving down to Clare’s tits and sucking one into my mouth the way I did to Beth, as Clare rubbed my hard cock with one hand and squeezing my ass with her other hand and Beth, worked on getting my shirt unsnapped to get it off of me.After I sucked on Clare’s tits and nipples the way I did to Beth I got my boots off and pants off from around my ankles, “I’m going to put these in the tent and get my house shoes on.””I could us my house shoes too.” Beth said.”I’ll get them for you Beth.” Clare said as she followed me toward the tent.After getting my house shoes on my tender feet I followed Clare back out to the campfire and fed it a couple of logs then I sat down in my chair and took a drink of my beer.The three of us sat talking and we each had a cup of coffee after we finished with our first drinks. When we finished our coffee, I turned off the campstove burner under the coffee pot, then we walked off a little ways to pee, then we turned in for the night with me between Beth and Clare on the air mattress.Clare kissed me with a French kiss while I played with one of her tits with one hand and with my other hand, I played with Beth’s tits, first one tit then the other tit on each of the two women.When Clare broke the kiss, Beth and I started kissing, while Clare played with my hard cock and Beth played with my balls and I kept playing with their tits.When Beth and I brock our kissing, “Let me have some of that hard cock in my hand for a bit Clare.””Okay.” Clare then moved down and sucked and played with my balls, while Beth went to sucking and jerking on my hard cock.The next thing I know, both Clare and Beth, are licking and sucking on my rock hard cock from each side of me, “I need a canlı poker oyna pussy up here over my face, so that I can have something to snack on while you two, tag team my hard cock.”Beth put a leg over me to straddle me with her back toward me, then went back to licking and sucking on my rock hard cock with Clare helping her out.I wrapped my arms around Beth’s upper legs and put my hands up over her butt and pulled her down as far as my face and stuck my tongue into her pussy and licked it, from front to back and back to the front again a few times before flicking my tongue on her clit, real lightly.After flicking my tongue on Beth’s clit a few times, I licked between her pussy lips a few times the way I did before flicking my tongue on her clit, then I flicked my tongue on her clit again. I did this a few more times making Beth ride my face by sliding her pussy back and forth on my face, then I stuck my tongue up in her pussy hole and tongue fucked her a few times, then she sat up over me, “Oooohhhhh fuck meeeeee Jimmmmm, I’mmmmmmmmm cummmmmmmminnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg.” then her hips went to jerking back and forth as she rode out her orgasm.I felt Beth’s pussy squeeze around my tongue and her cum squirting out around my face as I tryed to catch it all in my mouth and Clare suck my rock hard cock all the way down her throat at the same time.When Beth finally came down out of the clouds, “I have got to have that hard cock of his in my pussy Clare. Let me have it please.” as she lifted up off from over my face.Clare took my hard cock out of her mouth causing a loud popping sound as the head of my cock left her mouth, “I’ll guide it in for you Beth.”I watched Clare guide my rock hard cock into Beth’s pussy hole as she got into possition and sat down on my hard cock. When Beth had my rock hard cock all the way in her pussy to the hilt facing me, she just sat there, “Oh, this feels so good having your hard cock so deep in my pussy, Jim love.””Now get your pussy over here while Beth rides my hard cock sex C.”Clare then turned and put a leg over me to straddle my face with her back toward me, the way Beth had done when she first straddled my face.I wrapped my arms around her upper legs and my hands over her butt and pulled her down to my face, sticking my tongue up into her pussy the way I had done to Beth.As I licked Clare’s pussy the way I licked Beth’s pussy, Clare moaned with each lick between her pussy lips and moaned louder when I would flick my tongue on her clit, the way Beth would do a moment ago.As I licked Clare’s pussy and clit, Beth bounced up and down on my rock hard cock moaning the whole time as well, then I hear, “OHOHOH CLARE NONONO I’MMMMMM CCCCUUUUMMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGggggggggg.””MMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE TOOOOOOOOO FUCKKKKKKKKKK MMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee.”I felt Beth’s pussy squeezing on my rock hard cock and Clare’s pussy squeezing around my tongue, with Beth’s cum squeezing out from around my hard cock and all over my legs and pubic hair and run down and off my balls between my legs as Clare’s cum squirted out around my face, as I tryed to catch it all in my mouth. Again like with Beth, I couldn’t get it all cause there was so much of it.When the two women came down out of the clouds some, “I couldn’t help myself Beth, your tits looked so good to me, I had to suck on one and play with the other one. I would have sucked on the other one, had I not had my orgasm when you had your’s.” Clare said between breaths.”That is what sent me over the eadge Clare. I was so close to having an orgasm and then when you did that to me, that was it.” Beth said between breaths then she started bouncing slowly up and down on my rock hard cock again.I gave Clare’s pussy a lick front to back and back to the front again to flick my tongue on her clit, making Clare rais up, “No I can’t take it any more, I need your hard cock in my pussy now, before I go nuts.”Beth managed to rais up off of my rock hard cock as Clare raised up to move a leg back over me to get turned around to face me as she sat down on my rock hard cock, while Beth held it for her and guided it into Clare’s pussy hole.I saw Clare put one arm around Beth’s neck as she sat down on my hard cock, then when she had my rock hard cock in to the hilt in her pussy, she sat there and pulled Beth toward her and kissed Beth on the mouth, with an open mouth at that. Clare’s other hand went to squeezing one of Beth’s tits as she kissed Beth.It took a little bit before Beth opened her mouth and started kissing Clare back with some passion, then it bit longer, I noticed they were kissing with their tongues dueling it out and Beth’s hand came up and cupped Clare’s tit for a moment, then went to squeezing it as well.I heared Beth moan first before I heared Clare moan into each other’s mouth, which made my rock hard cock stir a bit inside of Clare’s pussy, which made Clare moan a bit louder into Beth’s mouth and then, she went to bouncing up and down slowly.After Clare bounced up and down on my rock hard cock about four times, her and Beth broke their kissing, “Oh fuck. Jim’s cock feels so damn great in my pussy Beth.”I noticed that Clare still had one of Beth’s tits in her hand but was just cupping it more than squeezing it and Beth, still had a hand on one of Clare’s tits and squeezing it more than just cupping it.I reached up and took a hold of Clare’s free tit and squeezed it for a bit, then went to pinching the nipple a little, then with the my other hand, I reaching down between Beth’s legs and started finger fucking her pussy, making her to grind down on my hand and start cupping Clare’s one tit more than squeezing it.While I squeezed one of Clare’s tits and finger fucked Beth with my other hand, I kept pumping up into Clare’s pussy, causing Clare to moan, with each of her down strokes and my up strokes, to push my rock hard cock into her pussy as far as we could.A moment later, Beth was sucking on Clare’s tit that Beth has a hold of and moaning herself, every time my two fingers went in deeper, in Beth’s pussy.I saw Clare lean over toward Beth with open mouth and lay her head on Beth’s shoulder and start kissing it at the base of Beth’s neck, then a moment later, I felt Clare slip two fingers into Beth’s pussy hole, next to my two fingers and started finger fucking Beth’s pussy too.”I’m about to cum Clare.””No not yet.” Clare said as she stopped bouncing up and down on top of me but her pussy kept trying to milk my cock. Clare kept finger fucking Beth as I kept doing the same cause I knew that Beth was about to have an orgasm, by the way her pussy was squeezing on our fingers and true to form, “OOOOOOHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKK I’MMMMMMMMMM CCCCCUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGgggggggg.”Beth’s perabet güvenilir mi body went to jerking back and forth as she tryed to force more of Clare’s amd my fingers in further into her pussy and her cum gushed out around our fingers, socking the sheet, our legs, clear up to my elbow.I kept wiggling my fingers inside of Beth’s pussy and could feel Clare doing the same too, as Beth rode her orgasm out.When Beth finally came down out of the clouds some, she started moving her hips back and forth some, “How did… Clare? Is that your fingers in my pussy with Jim’s?” Beth asked between breaths.”Yes it is. Why?””Oh fuck… I’mmmmmmm cummmmmminnnnnnnggggggggggg againnnnnnnnnnn.”Clare and I kept wiggling our fingers while Beth rode out another orgasm.Finally Beth said, “With you pulling your fingers out while Jim slid his in…” Between breaths “OOOOHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK I’MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm cummmmmmmmmminnnnnnnnngggggggggggg againnnnnnnnnnnnn.”Again Beth’s body jerked as she rode out another small orgasm.When Beth came down some from her clouds again, she raised up and off of our fingers and away and when she came back down from moving off of our fingers, she just about fell off the edge of the air mattress, but I caught her with my now free hand and pulled her back on, even thou she would have only feel maybe six to maybe nine inches, “Oh wow, thanks Jim for catching me.””No problem Beth. Are you okay?””Oooohhhhhhh yeaaaaa. That was so much I had to get off till I can get your dick back into my pussy is all.” between breaths.Clare climbed off of my rock hard cock, “You can have it now Beth.””Just lay down right here beside me sexy B.” as I rolled over part way and got up on my knees and helped get Beth laid down, next to where I was laying.”What I was trying to say a moment ago, is, with your two fingers and your two fingers going in opposite directions at the same time was so amazing, you would not know how good it felt, oh god it was so good.” Beth managed to say between breaths.When I had Beth laying on her back and her legs on each side of me, I stuck my rock hard cock into her pussy and just held it there, “We will need to do that to Clare sounds like.””Oh she will go crazy.””I thought it might make you feel good. Now love, when you fill Beth’s pussy up with your cum, pull out please, as soon as you are done filling her pussy up.””Why do you want him to do that for Clare?””You’ll see.””Now Clare no funny stuf, you’ve all ready went farther than I planed on doing with you.””You will like what I do Beth when I’m done and you will want to do the same some time as well, I’m sure.””We’ll see about that.” Beth said like she really don’t trust Clare.”Clare straddle Beth here with your ass in my face and your hands on each side of Beth’s head or shoulders.””Now Jim, what are you going to do?””Have a snack while I fuck you Beth. I’m hungry for some sweet pussy is all.””Mmmm I like that idea myself Beth.” Clare said as she got into possition.As soon as Clare was in possition and I got Beth’s legs between Clare’s legs and Beth’s legs up with her feet on each side of Clare, where I could fuck into Beth deep and hold Clare’s ass while I licked and sucked on her pussy and clit at the same time I fucked Beth, then I started pumping my rock hard cock in and out of Beth’s pussy as I started licking and sucking Clare’s pussy and clit, at the same time.It wasn’t long, “Oh pinch my nipples Beth, like this.””Oh oh oh fuck, I’m going to cum again.” Beth moaned out.”Me toooooo.” Clare moaned out.”I’MMMMMMMMMM CUMMMMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggggggg.” Beth cryed out.”MEEEEEEEE TOOOOOOOOOOOO CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGgggggggg.”As Beth’s pussy started squeezing cum out around my hard cock, I started cumming then too, and I could feel cum spray my legs, balls, pubic hair, and even drip off of my balls, then Clare’s pussy, at the same time squirted cum out all over my face, as I tryed to pull her closer to my face to get my mouth over her pussy, to catch all of her cum, then her legs gave out.After a moment I had to let Clare down on her knees and help her untangle herself, from Beth’s legs too, then ease her down to the bed.When I finally quit cumming into Beth’s pussy, I managed to pull out and roll over to the other side of Beth from Clare, so Clare could do what she wanted to do, which I think I knew what she had in mind to do.As soon as Clare recovered some from her orgasm and she saw I was out of the way, she flipped around and straddled Beth with her legs on each side of Beth’s head and leaned down with her head, between Beth’s legs and went to licking and sucking my cum out of Beth’s pussy, which is just what I thought Clare had in mind to do.”Oh no Clare no… Oh fuck I’m going to cum again oh fuckkkkkkk I’mmmmmmmmm cummmmmminnnnnnnggggggggg.”I got up and started finger fucking Clare’s pussy and squeezing an ass cheek, while she ate Beth’s pussy out making Beth cum several times, before she cum again on my fingers.When Clare dropped her pussy down a little bit more where Beth’s nose was in Clare’s pussy, I pulled my fingers out of Clare’s pussy and then Beth, went to eating Clare’s pussy.I laid back and watched them eat each other’s pussy out till they both had such and orgasm, that made the two of them collaps, with Clare on top of Beth.Clare managed to recover a bit faster than Beth did, so Clare rolled off and got turned around and laid down between Beth and me, then leaned down and started kissing Beth on the mouth, with a open mouth kiss and her arm across Beth’s tits, to keep Beth and her together.Just a moment later, Beth put her arms around Clare and pulled her down into a hug, “Okay, you have me hooked now you two.””I had nothing to do with it this time Beth, that was all Clare’s idea.””Jim’s right Beth. I’ve been wanting to taste you and Jim’s cum together from your pussy for a while now, that I just had to do something or go crazy and I thought, this was the perfect place to do it at.””I’ve been thinking about it but just couldn’t get myself to do it myself, but now, with what you did and what Jim made you do when he finger fucked you that last time, I want to do it myself now, to eat Jim’s cum out of your pussy, to see what it taste like straight from your pussy and not off of Jim’s hard cock only.”Beth and Clare French kissed each other again with more passion than before, from my point of view.When the two women stopped kissing, “Jim love, get over here in the middle, so we can go to sleep with the man we both love so much.” as Beth moved over to let me in between them.When I got between them and an arm around the two of them, Clare asked, “Now Beth, how did you like being nude outside in the open air like we were before coming in to bed?””I must say, I liked it but I’m not sure, how I’ll like it during the daylight.””Then let’s see how you like it when we finish with breakfast and the breakfast dishes when we get up.”
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