Summer fun 5: Next is Autumn…

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Summer fun 5: Next is Autumn…The following summer, David and I had more fun together indoors, rather than outside, while getting more creative with our games. But, despite all the fun times we spent together, sometimes we would just kinda do our own thing. Like, David would often be stuck in our room on his laptop while I played video games out in the living room tv. That summer, I was to turn fitftein and not long after, in September my brotthr was to turn forttein. Even as we got older, we still continued to play our secret game, and one day, we found yet another fun way to play…In our home, every Friday night was “dine-out night” because no matter what, our parents liked taking us out places on Friday nights to start off the weekend. That’s how I remember it was on a Friday that David made the suggestion of us trying something new. We actually didn’t talk much that day, I mean he clammed up completely, not talking to me at all and I didn’t even know why, but I knew something was up. I don’t know how to explain it, but I could tell that there was something David wanted to tell me the whole day. Instead of prying, I just continued to play my video games expecting him to join me or somethin, but he just stayed on his laptop for the rest of the afternoon. The night approached and soon it was time for dinner when dad called us over to the living room. I met dad in the living room first, then David, and finally mom as each of us headed for the front door. We all hopped into the car and headed for a nice place to eat. Dad joked about going to a fast food restaurant instead, as David and I giggled in the back seat when dad was instantly met with a smack to his right shoulder. Mom swatted at him twice with a fiendish smile saying, “Honey… How dare you? No way!… Boys tell your fatthr to regain his senses and head on down to that place we went a few weeks back that we all liked… Richy’s, wasn’t it?” Instead of trying to talk some sense into our dad, we just ended up laughing again and dad replied for us saying, “You see, they’re on my side…” We watched while continuing our laughter as mom swat dad a couple more times on his right arm for his sassy response. Once we arrived at the restaurant, we all hopped out of the car and walked to the main entrance together. The wait time was only about fiftein minutes and then a kind lady came to us saying, “Party of four?… Right this way!” We were swiftly guided to a table with four menus laid out where each of us sat down. A short moment after we were seated, David and I excused ourselves as usual to go to the restroom, so that we may at the very least wash our hands. Dad usually ordered for us anyways and this way by the time we’d get back from the restroom we would at least have some food on the table to pick. As we walked to the men’s restroom, I sort of glanced over at David who seemed to have his head bowed down in thought. I thought I should break the ice and I worked up the courage to say, “So… Aren’t you glad Dad didn’t take us to Mcdnlds?…” Finally, after all day being glued to his laptop, followed by a long quiet ride in the car, David spoke saying, “What?… Oh, yeah… Haha, that was funny huh…” He went back to bowing his head slightly for a brief moment and then he spoke to me again. But this time it was with a little struggle, and it seemed he was kind of shy, like a schoolboy asking a girl out for the first time. He said, “Hey Andy?… Hav… pendik escort Have you thought about… Umm… Well, like… What those two cowboys were doin’ in that movie we saw last weekend?… You know… Doin’ it in the butt.” I raised my eye brows in surprise, looking down slightly, unsure of how to answer this one and I bowed my head to think for a moment. The truth was I had actually been thinking about it a lot ever since I watched that hot sex scene between those two guys, which at the time I considered unusual. When I saw those two grown men doin’ it together, it turned me on instantly, and I also couldn’t help but notice that both of them were enjoying it. At night in the shower, one time I even stuck part of my index finger in my tightly puckered virgin bum hole just to see what it felt like, and once I tried it, I was hooked.I kind of already knew where this was going, but I looked down for a second grinning, and then I said with a slight smile on my face, “…Yea?!… I’ve kinda been thinking about it the whole week actually… Why’d u ask?” David looked down at his feet again as he fumbled through a sentence, trying to find the right words. Then he took a deep breath as he finally gathered the courage to say it, “Umm… I, uhh… I think it’d be really cool if we tried to do it like the cowboys did in the movie… What do you think Andy? I mean haven’t you wanted to try it?…”My face lit up and my smile spread from cheek to cheek. I mean, just the thought of the seemingly forbidden act often gave me a stiffy. On top of that, I just couldn’t believe that David was feeling the same way I was about this as I said, “Wow!… I mean, yeah! I’ve been wanting to try it so bad too…” David smiled with me as he said, “Really!?… Umm… So, wait a minute… You think maybe we can try it tonight?…” I felt super nervous as I got butterflies in my stomach and then, somehow I managed to say, “I… I…Umm, well… Yeah… Sure!… Let’s do it tonight…”David caught his breath as he smiled and said, “Okay, so tonight when mom and dad are asl:eep we can try it… I also took a condom from dad’s drawer, just in case for tonight…” I looked at him right in the eyes and I said, “You little rascal… I can’t believe we’re really gonna do this!…” I was so excited about this becoming yet another one of our dirty little secrets together and more than anything I wished that night would go by faster, just so we could get home already to try it.We sat back down at the table when I noticed that the food had already arrived. Due to the nervous butterfly effect I was feeling in my stomach, I suddenly I wasn’t so hungry and I ate lightly since I had little interest in food at the time. I felt my brotthr looking my way since he was sitting right next to me at the table. David swapped glances with me as I ate, I smiled uncontrollably, turning my head towards him and then back toward the plate in front of me. Once we were all done eating we sat there talking about things that might have taken my interest before, but now all I could think of was getting home to finally do it with David like the cowboys did in that movie. Finally we got home and I went to the bathroom upstairs to take a shower as my brotthr went to the other shower downstairs. In the shower, I paid special attention to clean my bum good with plenty of soap and water. I mainly did this because I knew David would wanna be the first to get escort pendik behind me and put his dick in my bum. Once I was done showering I went over to our bedroom where David was already waiting for me on our bed, wearing only his underwear. I locked the door to our bedroom just in case and I pulled down my shorts as I undressed. Now we were both only in our underwear amongst each other and he got up from our bed, walking over to his drawer cabinet, as he reached into one of his drawers bringing out the condom. I saw David close the drawer as he walked over to me holding only one condom package in his hand and I said, “Umm… So who’s gonna go first?…” He looked down and said rolling his eyes, “Well… I only brought one… Relax broh, Let me use this condom and I’ll get one for you later so you could try it on me. Okay?” I nodded my head in agreement even though I knew he probably wasn’t gonna go get another condom from dad’s drawer tonight. So that meant I wasn’t gonna get a chance to put my dick in his butt tonight. Nonetheless, I was so excited I didn’t even care who went first.I blushed, knowing that it was time for me to get ready too, as I leaned over and I started pulling down my underwear. I wiggled my hips a little as I pushed them down passed my thighs, letting it fall to my feet, and I shook it off before kicking it to the side. I sat on our bed and I laid back with my legs propped up on either side of my fully naked body. My brotthr agreed that we would do it like this our first time so that I could see when he stuck it in me and he seemed to like the idea anyways. David tore the shiny package open with his teeth and he took the condom out, tossing the broken packaging on the floor. He started lowering his underwear, pulling it down, as it fell to his feet and he kicked it next to mine. I then saw him coming up on the bed in front of me with the unwrapped condom in his hand and he paused, kneeling just inches away from my naked body. David nervously placed the unwrapped condom at the very tip of his his fully hard, maybe 5 and 1/2 inch long cock. He carefully rolled the condom all the way down the length of his fully extended shaft and he made sure it was on good. Once my brotthr finished rolling on the only condom he had, he leaned in holding his cock in his hand and he aimed the tip of his well lubricated, latex covered cock at my tightly puckered pink bud. I watched anxiously as I saw David pressing the tip of his cock on my extra tight, virgin anus. He began to give a slow and steady push into me as I watched in awe, feeling my virgin bum hole spreading open around his thick, engorged cock head. I gasped for air as I continued to watch, feeling the first inch of his cock carefully dove into my ass, sinking inside of me, and I moaned saying, “Uhhh!… Wow!… I… I think I feel it inside…” David moaned too as he replied in confirmation, “Ohhh… Yea… My dick’s in… It’s in your ass right now… Ohhh!… Andy, It feels so tight and warm… And good…” I couldn’t believe it, my own lil brotthr was actually fucking me in my ass! I began to stroke my own fully hard cock as I felt him diving his cock deeper inside of me and I moaned when I felt his bare hips press against my bum cheeks. The entire length of his fully erect, 6 inch long cock was now all the way inside of my previously virgin bum hole. “Uhhh!… David, I think you’re all the way in… I… I mean, I can actually pendik escort bayan feel your dick inside of me… Whoa!… Ohhh gosh… Uhhh!” My brothr moaned as he pulled out a few inches back, before thrusting all the way in again, “Uhhh!… Ohhh Andy… My dick is all the way inside your ass for real… Oohhh!… Ohh yeah…” We exchanged moans as my younger brothr David began to fuck me in my ass for the very first time. I moaned loudly as I stroked my own hard cock faster and I didn’t care what I said anymore as I looked straight at my brotthr’s face saying, “Uuhhh!… Yea, fuck me David!… Uuhhh!… Fuck me!… Ohhh!” David’s hips smacked down harder upon my bum as he really focused on thrusting into me and I kept stroking my own cock, feeling his cock diving into my ass, time after time. Soon I felt myself reaching orgasm, and it all happened too fast for me to even give a fair warning as I nervously said, “Oh shoot David, I’m cumming!… I’m… Uuhhhh!… Uuuhhhhh!!! Uuhhhh!!! Uuuhhhhh!!! Uhhhh!!! Ohhhh!… Ohhh fuck! Uuhhh!…” I lost all control as my inner bum muscles clamped down instinctively upon David’s thrusting hard cock and I watched squirt after squirt of endless cum shooting out from my cock! It was by far my most intense orgasm at the time, as several heavy spurts of my matured semen landed all over my stomach, while my brotthr kept on fucking my ass hard. He just kept going, it was almost as if he wasn’t even paying attention to what was happening right before him.David thrusted into me a few more times, determined to finish and then he moaned loudest saying, “Ohhh! Yea… It Feels so good… Ohhh!… I’m just gonna cum with my dick in your butt. Uhhh!… Andy… I’m cumming… Uhhh! Uuuhhh!!! Uuhhh!!! Uuhhhh!… Uuhhh… Uhhhh!… Ohhh… Mmmm…” After a long while he pulled his spent cock from my no longer virgin anus as I moaned too, “Ohhh! … Oohhh!… Mmmm!…” David reached for his shrinking cock to pull off the used condom and he noticed that it had completely ripped somehow while we were doin it like an!mals. Which meant that he was fucking me raw and that all of his semen must have spilled inside of my freshly fucked, no longer virgin bum hole. Just then I noticed that my bum cheeks were coated with a slick milky fluid which I knew to be his cum. This confirmed it for sure, but I didn’t really seem to care at the time since I was breathless and he was as well. David just shrugged his shoulders before laying down next to me to rest a while because it was an intense moment for the both of us and we needed to recover. …This was my very first time doin it in the butt and it was my own brotthr who put his cock inside me first. He was the one who took my bum’s virginity and accidentally flooded my bum hole with his fresh sperm, all at the same time. Funny thing was that I was determined to do the same to him someday soon…After a little while David got up and turned on the tv as he got dressed again while I laid on our bed, still covered in both of our semen. I was exhausted as I lay there relaxing after my very first time taking his dick in my bum and then I managed to say, “Whoa David… That was great!… We gotta do that again sometime soon… Mmm…” He replied saying, “Mmm’hmm… Yeah, no doubt we’ll do that again… It was very good!…” I finally gathered the energy to get off the bed and put on my pj’s again. Once we were dressed in our pj’s for the night, my brotthr unlocked the door to our bedroom and we hopped into bed together. I whispered, “Goodnight David…” He whispered back, “Goodnight Andy…” We drifted off almost instantly, since we were still very exhausted from what we did that night.

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