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Tales of Lotus Island – Chrissy’s Tale part 2It is fine to read this alone but it is intended to be the second chapter of a novella. Be assured part 3 is not far from completion so if you like the story you will not be kept waiting.——————————————————————————————————————————————————-Chrissy cuddled up to Liz happily having returned the favour of bringing her to a climax. A cynical bit of her suspected that her fumbling attempts had not been that good but result was very flattering as Liz had stiffened and squeaked loudly with sheer delight. It was the first time she had made love to a women. In fact if you mean making love it’s the first time she had made love the other couple of time had been sex and for her far from sexy. But this sensuous, sophisticated, brilliant long legged red headed beauty was something else again and she had chosen Chrissy. Didn’t make sense to her as Chrissy judged her own physical attractions mediocre but it seemed genuine. The executive jet banked and her ears told her the decent was commencing. Instead of making announcement by intercom Jeff the first officer came through and told them they would need to put on their seat belts. Chrissy put her hand to her mouth in surprise and gave a little giggle. It wasn’t only the passengers her were naked so was Jeff.“We do have auto pilot and a two person flight crew you know. Jeff and Sue live on the island when they aren’t flying and they keep down the clothing bill nicely. By the way our pilot and first officer are married. “ Liz informed herLiz was not only Chrissy newly found lover but also the Staff and Resources Director of Lotus Island Resort, a super luxury resort on its own island in the Caribbean that cater for very adult adults. Chrissy had pushed Liz into offering her the job of private sales estate manager a post she was amply qualified for other than being a rather socially conservative near virgin. That she succeeded was in part because Miss Elizabeth De Vere fell for her, love was part of it but so was lust and a very decadent desire to corrupt Chrissy. It proved remarkably easy as at 26 Chrissy felt her life was going nowhere, career at risk because of the economy, love life non-existent and a dissatisfaction with the lack of fun. Combine that with an unexpected naughty streak and…Now here she was about to land on an island of well Lotus Eaters. People who at least whilst here put pleasure at the top of their agenda and didn’t want to leave. A bit scary but exciting as well. Coming back to the real world Chrissy noticed a tension in her lover.“OK what are you going to surprise me with now.”“Oh shit, you are getting far to good at predicting me.”“Not difficult you go all girly and nervous. Now my sweet stop avoiding the subject.”“My sweet, ooh. OK we haven’t sorted out your accommodation normally you would get a suite but there is another possibility” Christ was fascinated Liz was blushing, she was really blushing. “eh stay in my villa.”“You are asking me to be your lezzy bit of fluff.?” The blush got deeper and Liz de Vere was shaking. Fun as this was Chrissy realised that it was cruel to tease. “OK but I am not sure I wasn’t to be exclusively a lesbian.”“Not a problem particularly if I get to play as well.The plane touched down on the landing strip and they climbed down the steps. A couple of electric carts were waiting both driven by girls wearing nothing but little lace aprons. “Hi Tess, this is Chrissy she is going to stay in my villa.”“Fast work Liz.” The bouncy blond came up and gave Chrissy a hug. There was a lot of Tess to hug shorter that Chris who was of average height but very big breasts. The cart drove down well tended tracks through the jungle. After a few minutes it became more like garden than jungle. “The island is about 600 hectares.” Explained Chrissy. “We leave it natural as much as possible but in building the villas we had to clear jungle to put in services.”“I do know these things as they are my area of expertise. But this place is so lovely I think that even if you hadn’t seduced me I wold have put up with the unusual arrangements just to live in paradise.” “Here we are” The villa was on the beach surrounded by a private garden a natural form pool with a hot tub built in.“Oh wow this is fabulous I did realise it would be so luxurious.”“Well I am one of the directors you know. All our staff live well but I get the best even in girlfriends” Lets get some wine and get in the jacuzzi.They lazed in the bubbling water drinking a chilled Chablis. In the past Chrissy had rarely drunk wine and not something of this quality.“This is delicious I don’t usually drink wine. Eh you mentioned a body modification clinic are all the girls like Tess.”“Get used to the wine we are not in the States here with its puritanical attitude to booze. I’m a good European who likes hers wine. Its not just your sexual morals I intend to corrupt. Also no Tess is big even by our standards, rather scrumptious though. Take me I have had my tits made firmer but only a bit bigger. This place is about choice, you can leave them alone, enlarge them even have the cut off if that is what you want but ill cry If you do.”“Don’t worry I am not impressed with what I have güvenilir bahis şirketleri got but that doesn’t make me want to do without. Do you thing I could get mine similar to yours?”“Matching tits like that idea. We have got similar skin colour as well so it will be more obvious. Do you freckle like me.”“Oh yes and walking about in the buff I am going to freckle a lot.”“I like the idea of us being the same in appearance. Are you sure about your boobs I don’t want to bully you.”“Don’t worry you know how I feel about them the sooner they look like yours the better. Do you have a hair salon I am wondering about changing my hair colour.”“Of course we do, what colour were you thinking off.”“As close to your colour as we can manage. I want the old mousy Chrissy to disappear and announce to everyone that we are an Item.” Liz went very red and seemed to be having difficulty breathing “Are you all right Liz do I need to call a doctor how to I call one.”“I’m Ok don’t panic it was the shock. You want to look like me? I’m gobsmacked. That is the most flattering, wonderful sweetest thing ever said to me, oh my darling I love you so much.” Liz burst into tears.. this of course started Chrissy crying too. They were crying and hugging and comforting each other but soon they were getting very hot and suddenly Liz leapt up and grabbed her girlfriend dragging her into the bungalow and straight to the master bedroom. Pushing the younger girl on the bed she diver between her legs placing her tongue between the lips of Chrissy’s pussy she alternatively sucked then stuck her tongue inside going deeper with each round.Chrissy grabbed her lovers body and manoeuvred her round so she could copy what was being done to her. If it had the same affect on Liz that it was having on then both girls were become quivering wrecks in next to no time. They did but not before both having titanic climaxes.When they had calmed down somewhat and a gorgeous lassitude had come over them. “So that a 69 I could get used to that. It appear you turned me into a total dyke.”“”Oh I wouldn’t bet on total, you wait until I arrange a threesome. Thank goodness that prim and proper little madam that you were you were still in the pill. Now I am going to do some corrupting of a good little Yankie girl we are going to have tea. After that we should get ready for dinner. By now most of the island will know I have brought back a bit of fluff.”Chrissy discovered that she rather liked Earl Grey tea much to her friends approval. Also what was intended by get ready for dinner. After a quick shower with only a little bit of hanky panky they went to put on some makeup. Very quickly Liz decided that Chrissy had a very boring idea of making herself up and firmly took over. Apart from anything else the muted tones that Chrissy had were far too restrained and it was not very good quality either. Of course it took time but they both looked sophisticated, quite understated apart for the scarlet lipstick.“There are few girls on this planet who don’t look good in scarlet lippy. Anyway you said you wanted to look like me didn’t you.“That lipstick is so bright though but Ok I admit it rocks.”“Right next what are we going to wear.”“I though you said hardly anyone wore clothes.”“Actually I didn’t, what I said that was when we do wear clothes it is even sexier the nudity. In the evening we do wear dresses its just that there is an ongoing competition to see how outrageous we can be. Current winner is definitely Petra with her full length black dress that covers her from tip to toe at the front but at the back nothing other than straps to hold it together. I’ve got a rather sexy little number that will go well with you boots.” The dress proved to be a translucent silk dress that matched Chrissy thigh high, green suede boots. Liz wore something similar in black with black suede boots.“Oh boy you look good I imagined you in this when I got you these boots. I am still amazed you haven’t once bottled anything I have tried to get you to do. The tripsych is only meant to reduce inhibitions a bit, yours have gone out the window.”“Perhaps because I wanted them too. At first it was because I really needed this job so I had to supress my upbringing but then I found I liked being naughty, I really like being naughty and some of the naughtiness is such fun. From then all it took was falling for you.”“That’s crazy surely it bothers you that your with a woman”“May be that where the tripsych helps. No it doesn’t It seems utterly natural to fall in love in a few days and with a woman but its happened to both of us. The whinging little voices that call me bad names can go stuff as you so delicately put it. Whilst they had been chatting they had moved towards the central complex, more people were around. Chrissy noticed with amusement that the men were wearing tux but nothing else. Yuh that was a lot more sexy than nothing she thought. Earlier Liz explained that when not working whilst there was a staff restaurant they were not just permitted but encouraged to eat in the various restaurants for guests. The point being that the staff who were three quarters female were younger and prettier that many of the guests. Carefully selected for their free and easy attitude to sex this meant that without any money canlı bahis şirketleri changing hands nobody lacked for a sex life at Lotus Island. It was a strict rule that they were not allowed to accept money from guests or do anything that smacked of soliciting for presents to avoid accusations of prostitution. Also since the resort was all inclusive and that meant everything other than the really premium wines and spirits like Chateau Lafite Rothsc***d and vintage Armagnac so booze could not be considered a bribe. The Maitre D, a tall elegant Jamaican, in just a white tux came over immediately and kissed Liz briefly on the lips whilst fondling her bare buttocks beneath her very short dress. Then he bowed to Chrissy before kissing her hand, lingering for a couple of seconds before releasing the hand.“Elizabeth my darling, I have had the perfect table reserved for you. Up on the top floor where you can catch the breeze and see moonlight glinting on the sea. Now introduce me to this beauty.”“Charming as ever Luke. May I introduce you to Christine, Chrissy Taylor. Chris meet Luke Garvin. Oh and you’re going to have to do better than that to get her way from me Lukey boy.”“Oh I don’t know perhaps I’ll change my mind and become straight if Luke is what’s on offer.” Luke chuckled in a rich and very sexy baritone. Liz laughed as well but Chrissy spotted a nervous look in her eye so she leaned over and kissed her lover to reassure her. “Though bi’s more fun.”The restaurant was on multiple levels with numerous booths on different levels with varying degrees of privacy. The whole structure made use of the forest to make a modern day Hanging Gardens of Babylon.They has table on the highest level. The view was magical, soft lights and many candles were the source of illumination. The view through the trees revealed the Caribbean sea. As if on cue, the moon came up reflecting on the calm water. Chrissy felt very special, even when she had been on a date it never a place such as this and se was under no illusion this was a date. Liz asked if she would let Chris order for her to which with some degree of trepidation she agreed.“We will start with Coquille St Jacques accompanied by a glass of Sancerre” The entire meal was delicious and they were feeling replete and relaxed when a tall lady of indeterminate age came up to their table.“Hello Victoria, what can we do for you.”“I just wanted to greet our newest member of staff in person. All right I admit it also to find out for myself about this paragon who has ensnared you Elizabeth.”So this was Victoria the owner of Lotus Island with an accent even more refined and precise than Liz. Dressed in a full length blue dress that was deepening layers of blue tulle that was mostly see through but had an element of mystique “Let me introduce you formally, Lady Victoria McAllister may I introduce Miss Christine Bryce.”“Your ladyship” Chrissy said not knowing the correct way to address a real British lady.“Bugger that, Victoria if your being formal, Vicky however is fine because I am determined we will become friends. I don’t want to spoil your first evening but come for drinks tomorrow and you can meet others of the inner circle. I like your boots by the way” With that she swished off showing a bit of ankle. Chrissy realised that Victoria was also wearing boots and since through the translucent dress no pale skin was visible they went all the way up her legs.”“That is quite a lady I hope she does like me.”“Vicky doesn’t lie unless its really important. On something like this she is saying exactly what she is thinking. You have found favour with our gracious and decadent lady though quite why I m not sure. That bit about other members of the inner circle was interesting. This place has a lot of staff and they come and go frequently in the girls cases with sugar daddies and even sometimes new husbands. But there is an inner core who are long term and they are friends as well as colleagues. Considering this places culture the friendship is more important than the sex. Luke is part of the inner circle and he took a liking to you. Whilst he is charming to everyone he took to you and its not purely because he want to get into the panties you’re not wearing.” “But surely its because of you.”“In part but not completely Roger Maynard our finance director isn’t part of the inner circle though his ex-wife is. Also that was the case when they were still married.”“Isn’t that awkward”“Yes a bit but he never spent all the time on the island and it’s a bit less now. Sarah Maynard however has the concession for the boutique where amongst other things the dress you are wearing came from. Come on Lets go back to the villa and I can introduce you to my very good cognac”The next morning Chrissy woke up in bed beside Liz a very new experience as she hadn’t spent a full night with a man let alone a women. Liz was away awhile before returning with two brandy snifters containing a sizable amount of amber liquid.“Cup the snifter in your hand to warm the spirit and then roll it around the glass and smell it before you sip. They are called snifters for a reason. I have made a couple of appointments for you one at the salon and another consultation for having your tits remodelled. But I am afraid the boring bit you canlı kaçak iddaa will have to go to work. What you wear is up to you and full nudity is always an option. I normally wear a short dress sexy by outside standards but quite conservative for the island. It’s sort of a message that I am on duty” “That sounds a good idea if I am in the office. I might lose the dress for site visits though” After a long languid kiss and a fair bit of fondling and giggling they went to their respective offices. Chrissy liked he line manager Gill whose idea of business dress was a oversize tee shirt. That evening Chrissy had her hair done and was very pleased with the result the stylist managed to get it very similar to Liz. Then the slightly scary bit, her consultation for having her boobs enlarged. Dr Mathews was very reassuring though a new technique had been developed that involved cloning fat cells and then injecting them into the breasts to achieve the desired shape whilst feeling and looking natural. The same techniques could be used to change her buttocks and or plastic surgery on the face.Liz called to walk with her back to the villa. “Oh goodness you could be taken for my little sister now that kinky. Your hair is fantastic.”“In which case they must have a good job on my hair. I plan to do the same thing with boobs and buttocks. I am even considering of my face could be made a bit more like yours.” Liz was clearly close to tears. “Please don’t change your beautiful face, not one tiny bit I beg you.”“OK I don’t want to upset you its just I think your beautiful too and I want to be more like you, to forget the boring little drab I was and become a happy tart.”“I think you succeeded in the happy tart bit and I am all in favour of the big boobs. Let us get ready for Victoria’s party, you after all the guest of honour. Do you want to try and match.”“Yes but how you are going to do that nothing I have is going to be suitable.”“I don’t want to be horrid but little in your wardrobe is going to be needed. Like it or not you going be my dress up doll and I have made preparations. First of all strip and I am going to shave your pussy, brown pubes really don’t look right on a red head. “Shaved, pampered and dressed Chrissy felt absolutely ready to go a party hosted by a titled lady. It was clear that Liz and he planned in advance as they were dressed the same. Black ankle length, backless dresses with a slit at front a back that went up to the crutch so that when they moved everything down below showed. It was mostly only giving a hint of what was beneath with the exception of the bust that was subtly more see through. To go with this were boots that Chrissy were the twins of the ones Victoria had been wearing yesterday. Liz admitted that they were and for her it was a perfect excuse to both flatter her boss and wear something outrageous. Despite the high heels they were surprisingly comfortable as they provided good support that cheaper footwear didn’t.“How much have you spent”“Never you mind, we look awesome.” This was an opinion shared by others. Lady Victoria greeted them at the door of her house and squealed with delight.“Chrissy, red hair so suits you oh you both look fabulous come in, come in.” The party was not that big and very exclusive. Luc Matelot, chef de cuisine and director of hospitality, James Penryn director of infrastructure and so top of Chrissy management chain, Eva Maynard ex-wife of the finance director and a handful of others who were clearly very comfortable in each others company. It was a very relaxed evening with at least the partial intention of introducing to Chrissy to the people who mattered. They were all very welcoming but James Penryn particularly so.“Chrissy my dear Liz has been very naughty and told me more about you that really she should. Would it be to much to hope that you might find me attractive.” With a soft Scottish accent that she found very sexy and frame that suggested exercise rather than body building it most certainly wasn’t too much to expect.“Possibly why?”“Because I was hoping that I might achieve one of my fantasies and spend the night with two red headed twins and in the process introduce you to the delights of the alternatives to girls however adorable.”“I think that sounds a very pleasant idea, thank you I accept.” Chrissy was please with herself that she had managed a sophisticated response. After a few other guest departed a bit before midnight The left with James having a red head on each arm. Getting back to Liz’s villa it became apparent that what as going to happen was well planned. James put his arms around Chrissy and held her firmly and gently whilst he very thoroughly kissed her. As they were breaking the kiss she felt her dress being unzipped and removed by the now naked Liz.“Tonight this is going to all for you, your going to find out what a man who knows what he is doing can be like for a girl. Though I am going to help.”“Not that we wont being enjoying as well but as Liz says this is about your pleasure.” The two of them working together touch and caressed, kissed and touched all in ways that got Chrissy more aroused so that when James finally entered Chrissy she climaxed almost immediately and then as continued to drive himself deep inside of her she climaxed again even harder. Liz was still caressing her and was clearly getting very turned on herself. Then as she felt him go rigid she came a third time and was vaguely aware that Liz was doing the same.”Once she came down from cloud nine she looked at her two lovers and smiling said “Thank you both so much.”
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