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The Night, Daddy’s Boss took a Shine to MeWe communicate with our words, the more word power enables one to enrich or embellish ones experience, and thus draw another into, ‘The Fly on the Wall’ syndrome.Likewise, the ‘Visual Imagery’, a sort of Dickensian verbosity, where expressive and evocative language is used like a hidden cam, which can and does induce those amongst us, to enjoy the authors actions or what is physically happening to her, without being discovered.I am now 24 and making my way in life. My home was a happy home as was my upbringing, and education. My parents did everything in their power to provide their daughter with every chance to succeed in life, including, the use of my gender, age and body, and in return, provide themselves with the ability to climb the ladder of success, and in doing so, turn a blind eye, to daddy’s boss to visit my bedroom and say, ‘Goodnight’, to his God Daughter, just over f******n years ago.On that night, much preparation went into getting the man, initially to accept the invite proffered, though, to be honest, I was not even considered as part of the menu on offer, no, back then, my parents had considered my mother as the sexual inducement.Conveniently, my mother and I paid a visit to daddy’s place of work, the idea being, daddy’s boss could not fail to notice my mother, a part-time model, and her warm open-mouthed inducements, representative of her open and willing female genitalia, after which, an invitation would be sent.True to their delight, he had noticed, what man could not wish to be more socially interactive with my mother in the confines of her own home, and a subservient employee, bowing bahis siteleri canlı and scrapping, as he made way to the marital bed and ravished to employees wife.I watched that night as my mother dressed, somewhat inappropriately and seductively.Hours before his intended arrival, mummy stood near naked in front of her full length mirror, without her panties, when daddy entered with a drink in his hand for her. She cut a beautiful picture, as daddy handed her her drink, and as he asked her if she was ready, he put his hand between her legs, and remarked how wet she felt, the sexual connectivity of ‘wetness’, escaped me, but now as we all know, she was ready for sexual intercourse.When he did come, he came alone, his wife calling off at he last moment, an opportunity not missed by both parents, as mother was now free to openly flirt and daddy conveniently keep out of the way.After one drink I was brought out from bed, at the man’s behest, he wanted to meet me, and to my parents slight discomfiture, they agreed, their minds having been set prior to his coming, they struggled as the ‘Boss’ focus shifted from mother, as they realized his preference of sex, went beyond the norm.They both spoke in a subdued manner, constantly casting an eye over to where I stood, ‘She will grow-up and forget’, said daddy, mummy was less inhibited and more acid, not in my favour, I sadly add, she was a spurned woman, without panties, she had cast her die, and was being rejected in favour of her daughter, but between them I was the sacrificial lamb, and put to bed, this time, I slept nude, not realizing what lay ahead.I lay in bed listening to the raucous canlı bahis laughter and loud music, they appeared to enjoying themselves, and when I looked at the clock, it had gone past 2am.The door opened and mother half stumbled into it, ‘Mariel’, she repeated until she was at my bedside, ‘you awake baby’, she slurred, the smell of alcohol was very strong from her breath, she sounded excited.’Come on sweetheart’, she said pulling my top cover free, ‘Come’, she repeated, and I rose from the bed and followed her into the living room.Facing me was the dining table, where daddy slept, his head on his hands, and his boss, their guest shouted, ‘Hi Mariel, come baby’, and I turned in the direction of his voice.He was wearing a dress shirt and nothing else. It was unbuttoned and he was splay-legged, he made no effort to cover his modesty, he and mother obviously had been having sex, now I could see her breasts were exposed and she had dropped to her knees in front of him and was touching him.’Come’, he said to me, and mummy was also indicating that I come to them, so I did. I came up to both of them and mummy was playing with his cock, as he reached out and lifted my nightdress over my head, when I saw her again, she was performing fellatio on him, and I was pushed down beside mother, who was holding him out to me, she took my chin, and I opened my mouth, and took him into it, and began sucking, while mother purred, and the boss, sighed deeply, murmuring softly, and repeating over and over, ‘Fucking hell, fucking hell’.After five minutes the boss put his hand between my legs and said that I was dry, ‘What the fuck, what do you want me to do’, bahis siteleri said my mother in an exasperated tone, ‘Wet her with yours’, he said, and mother felt between her own legs and slipped her wet fingers across my crotch, soon he had a finger inside me, as mothers lubrication, made penetration possible.I lay across the big cushion as he penetrated ans I counted each time he pushed into me, ‘1,2,3,4….’, and so on, then at 9, he came, but just before as he grunted he asked, ‘Can I keep it in’, yes said mother, ‘she’s not producing yet’, he was reassured, and so at 9 in my count, there was a warmth spreading all around my crotch, my first fuck, and behind the thin line of vaginal opening, my love canal was smeared with the warm semen of a man.Mum cheered, albeit in a quiet fashion, and congratulated him, like the submissive cow she was, as I lay still with my upper body cushioned, he was directly behind me, his cock still inside me, his belly heaving against the small of my back.Welcome to the world of adult sex, there was no pain or pleasure, just a sense of bewilderment that it was over as quickly as it had begun, through time it would become a pleasurable experience, there would be no denying that, but for now I got up and went to bed and waited, and finally fell asleep.In the morning I was awakened by this same man, who climbed in beside me, and waisted no time in getting inside me for a count of 14, before getting up and leaving.This became a normal occurrence as daddy climbed the corporate ladder, and I was passed from man to man to submit to sexual favours, and learned of the perversions of such men, up to today, all these years later, still a young woman, a woman with her own demands and needs, and God hep those weak men who wish to be dominated, I swear they leave me with genuine tears in their eyes, as my own gratification needs the pain of others, call me, if you need proof.
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