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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The RideIt had been a few weeks since the stranger in my apartment event. I had finally started feeling normal again. I had planned to visit some friends in Colorado in just a few days and was looking forward to getting away. I had just returned from the laundromat. I unlocked my door, carrying a basket of clothes when I stepped on a piece of paper that must of been slid under my door. I unfolded it and read the note. It read “Brookside Park at 2am. We own you!” My heart sank. I fell to my knees and tears started streaming down my cheeks. I was so tired of this, I wanted it to end. It was fear of what might happen to me if I didn’t that pushed me to be there.It was just an hour before I had to be there. I was about to leave when I heard my computer chirp. I knew it had to be them. It read “Plans changed, wear just a jockstrap be there in ten minutes. My heartbeat quickened as I took my clothes off and put one leg into the strap. My breathing quickened, I was scared and excited at the same time. Beads of sweat formed over my forehead as I slipped my second leg through. Minutes later there was a knock at my door. The cop was standing there in normal attire. He looked me over like a piece of meat. He put a hand on my head and pushed me down to my knees. I didn’t resist. He walked around me and slapped a pair of cuffs on my wrists. They bit into my flesh and hurt, especially when he pulled me up by them.He guided me out into the hallway and down the stairwell. He kept one hand on my shoulders guiding me down. His car was just outside the building. He held me back and peaked outside to see if there was anyone close by. When the coast was clear he pushed me face first into the back seat of the car. He told me to stay down as we drove off. My mind was going crazy not knowing what to expect and I started shaking as I heard the car turn onto a gravel road. We drove for almost an hour until the car hit normal pavement. I figured we must be on the interstate since the engine thundered to get up to speed. It wasn’t long when he turned off the interstate to rest stop. I was on my side and saw the building as he went past pulling into the last parking spot. The cop turned back to me and had me sit up. He put a blindfold on me and then left the car. I sat there listening for anything. Finally, I heard someone walking up to the car. The back door opened and I was pulled out. I was uncuffed and I immediately started rubbing my wrists. I was then walked up over the curb and into wet grass. The cop pushed me in the back to keep walking until I hit a park bench. I fell over it onto my stomach. My shins hurt and the cop laughed as me. I started trembling, this infuriated him. I was yanked up by one arm and guided around the table into a field. I stumbled through the uneven terrain being blindfolded. It didn’t help being spun in a circle a few times to keep me off of which way I was going. I felt cut grass under my feet again then concrete.I could hear us moving up to an idling semi truck. I heard a door open and was told to step up into the truck. The cop took my blindfold and I quickly turned to see where I was. There was a heavy set, big bushy greying bearded guy with big hands on the steering wheel. The cop told me to be a good boy, smiled, and shut the door. The hairy guy smiled at me, he had several missing teeth. His hand reached over and touched me with his dirty fingers. I cringed as he slid fingers under my jock. He worked his hands up to my chest, throat and stuffed them into my mouth. I gagged at his stench. He told me to take off my jock and hand it to him. He took them and tossed them out the window. Then he put his semi in gear and we hit the road.We started heading south on the interstate a few miles when he told me to masturbate for him lara escort as he drove. It took a little work to get hard but I finally got it up. I jerked off quickly and asked for a towel to cum in. He told me to cum. I did, it squirted up over my hands onto his dash and my chest and legs. He chuckled and coughed loudly. He had my move over so he could run his fingers through my cum. He sniffed it and then made me lick it off them. Then he made me lick the cum off his dash too. He then made me unzip him and pull out his very thick hairy cock, it wasn’t very long but his thickness was impressive. He was already hard. He pushed me back and made me watch him masturbate. His cock was barely longer than his hairy belly. I found it disgusting and faintly erotic. I was in a semi truck not knowing where I was going. I was naked with no clothes and I was watching a stranger man masturbate for me. His truck swerved a little when his cum just oozed out of him. There wasn’t much and it didn’t shoot out…just a small stream of cum came out over his fingers.He wiped his fingers off on my face and forced me to suck it off his fingers. It was very bitter and salty, not good at all. I gagged on it and this seemed to make him happy as he gave another loud cough laugh. Several hours later we we stopped at a truck stop and he bought me something to eat then we hit the road. We had travelled into another state and I dawned on me how was I getting home. I sat there silent, nude as he drove. I decided to ask if he was going to take me home. He just said “don’t worry boy”. He made me masturbate for him. This time I had my legs up facing him. He fingered my ass as I rubbed myself. He sniffed his fingers and then would plunge them into my ass again. My cum shot up over my head and his the side window. He had me put one leg behind his head and one over his lap. He groped my balls, cock and ass as he drove. I was tired and the constant bouncing was relaxing. I must of fell asleep because I shot up when I felt the truck slow down. I moved off of him. He turned off onto a smaller road and into a small town. He stopped just outside an adult store. There were a few vehicles in the lot but no one was outside. He made me get out with him and we walked in through the black doors. The large lady behind the register recognized the truck driver and laughed at the site of me. The truck driver disappeared into the theater room, leaving me with the woman. She was I was scared and walked around. She led me down past the restrooms to a small room with a cot. She gave me a blanket and told me to sleep. She left and I heard the door lock from the outside. I was so tired, I slept for a few hours. I had just woken up when I heard the door unlock. The woman offered me a shower and she’d find me clothes.I asked about the truck driver but she acted as if she didn’t hear me. I followed her up the stairs to the shower located in the corner of a large studio-like apartment. The shower had an enormous head over head. I turned it on and let the water rain down me for a few minutes before lathered my body with soap. I like taking hot steamy showers. Before I finished rinsing, the woman pulled the shower curtain open. She stared at me, she looked me over. I gave a weak smile while she lustfully glared. She watched me finish and handed me a towel. I toweled off for her. She led me to a table and reached for a studded leather collar. As she put it on, I was instructed not to speak or my other option was a ball gag she pointed to. I started shaking as she clipped a chain to the collar and led me downstairs to the shop area. The woman decided to grab the ball gag anyway. She led me around a curtain behind the porn videos. There was a sex swing attached to a chain pulley system for raising escort lara and lowering it. I was instructed to get in and my wrists were Velcro’d up to each side of my head. The woman informed me that the ball gag was going on. Water filled my eyes as she tightened. I coughed and gagged hard almost throwing up. She quickly removed it and talked me down. Once calm, she put it back on. She told me “Sweetie, it’ll all be over soon.” She went over to the pulley and started raising it. She took one of my legs and attached a lined cuff on my ankle. Then she raised it up. As she attached it up to one side of the swing, she hummed a song. I didn’t recognize it. She proceeded to do my other ankle. She wheeled a small round stood with wheels over. Sitting down she pulled another small table with drawers close to her. She put on latex gloves and squirted loads of lube onto her right hand. She wasted no time injecting her fingers into me. I tensed up gulping hard. Saliva was running out both side of my mouth. The woman said it would be much easier if I just relaxed. I struggled to stay calm. She worked four fingers into me. Shoving loads of lube into me. It ran down the crack of my ass and I could hear droplets hit the concrete floor below my suspended body. She finished by shoving a large black anal plug into me. I grunted as the largest circumference passed into me. She removed the gloves and patted my face saying “Have fun” in a joking voice.She left and I stayed there hanging for several minutes. I heard people entering the shop. I heard voices and the sounds of belts being undone, there was some laughing. Then the woman appeared with a large movie camera. She didn’t say anything just taking close ups of my plug and panning up to my terrified face. Then she pulled the curtain back. There was several guys naked, stroking their cocks. Some of them moved to my left side, the others formed a line. The first guy was Hispanic, short, and fit. He moved between my legs and pulled the plug out. He wasted little time pushing inside me grabbing my hips. He pounded me so hard my head bounced as he struck deep into me. The woman moved around filming. He finished with a flurry only pulling out after he had cum. The next guy was much older, heavier, taller and very long. He teased me only sticking his tip in and pulling out. He went slow. His long strides felt good until he pushed all of him into me. I jerked hard in the swing. Several guys laughed. His pace grew the longer it went. He pulled out and tried to shoot cum onto my stomach. Some hit but most fell short.The lube started wearing around the fourth guy. He looked homeless, missing teeth, smelled awful and liked to spit in my face. I could barely see out if one of my eyes. One of the guys watching did get a towel and wiped my face after he finished. My ass was burning and I was having some intense pains. The swing straps were biting into my skin from the friction. I tried to speak but had to grunt and motion to more lube. The woman just filmed but the next guy knew what I needed. I was hoping for some lube but instead he just put extra on his cock. My body was wearing out. The constant pounding from every guy was too much. My neck hurt and I could no longer keep it up to look at the next guys. I had past the threshold pain. I felt nothing, I was numb as the last two guys entered me. Upon the final guy’s end, my gag was taken off. My tongue was numb and hung out of my mouth as gobs of saliva drooled out. The woman turned off the camera, the guys got dressed and I was left behind. I couldn’t feel my legs. The woman left the curtain open and she licked the door after the guys left. She came over and lowered me all the way to the floor. I laid there in the semen and lube left on the floor. She took off lara escort bayan my bonds and I lay like a limp wet noodle. She brought me a cup of water. I tried to drink it but most ran out the side of my mouth. She asked if I could stand. Somehow I managed to stand up with the woman’s help. She moved me over to the stool. It hurt to sit and I quickly got off it. She helped me upstairs to her private bedroom. It looked like a normal bedroom. She put me on the bed and helped move my let’s up on it. She came back with a bowl and a towel. She padded my face with the cool water. I guess she was worried about me because I had a blank stare …just looking up at the ceiling. She placed the towel over my forehead and left the room. I must of fell asleep.I wake up and find that the woman placed a towel under my midsection due to the ooze. My body aches and my ass feels like it’s on fire. The woman asks how I feel, I tell her and she gives me something for the pain. She gives me clothes, that were her ex-husband’s, to put on. She then offers me a ride back to my apartment. On the way back she asks how I got involved with the cop. I tell her and she then tells me about herself. I find out that she grew up in the same hometown but she graduated almost thirty years before me. After a few hours of talking, I start to feel comfortable telling her some of my checkered past. The woman shares her past.We make it to my apartment just after 3am. She invites herself into my apartment. The pain medication is wearing off and she offers to share a joint with me. We lay on my bed and take turns. I’m feeling pretty good and we are blowing smoke into each other’s faces. I forgot what we talked about but do recall laughing hard about something she said. She tells me I’m cute and we kiss. She goes to the bathroom and I take my clothes off and get into bed. I am facing away from the door and she slides under the covers next to me. I feel her naked skin press up against me. She spoons me. We fall asleep.I wake up around noon. She has her arm around my waist. I’m hard and I move her hand down on my cock. The woman grips my cock gently and works her hand up and down. I feel her hairy bush rub up against my backside. I grind my ass up against her. I’m very sore but her stroking my cock trumps any discomfort. She moves back and takes my hand, placing down under her huge belly. She giggles went soft touch tickles her. I role over. She doesn’t look as good as I remembered from last night. She is tired and old. I still touch her but she sees my reaction to her and asks if we should stop. I shake my head no and kiss her. She pushes me over onto my back and climbs on top. She is heavy and my bed sinks in the middle. Her small saggy tits hang off both sides of her belly. I play with her nipples as she grinds down on me. I notice how much grey hair she has from the sunlight coming in. She reaches down and guides me into her. I struggle to stay hard and inside her. Only a bounce or two and I fall out. The woman is frustrated and moves up higher on me. She sits on my face. I can’t breath under her weight and gasp for air when she raises a little. She starts grinding into me and I panic. I try to get her off but her knees are on top of my arms and her pussy covers my mouth and nose. I can’t see as she crushes down on me. The more I try to move the more she seems to enjoy it. Even though I’m younger her weight overpowers me. Just as I’m about to lose consciousness, she floods my mouth and nostrils with two globs of her goo. I choke hard and the smell is imprinted in my nose forever. She rolls off and moves down on me. She grips my cock with one hand hard and milks me hard. Tugging, almost pulling me up off the bed until she directs my tip upward to my chest and face. She smiles, takes a quick shower…I wasn’t allowed to join, and got dressed and left. I never saw or talked to the truck driver and the woman again.However, my ass hurt for weeks and I ticked off my friends in Colorado too.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32