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Threesome heavenThreesome heaven. (Based on our most recent adventures, with a few theatrical liberties)So, last night, in my favourite little black dress, i took a new girl to bed. I say i, my boyfriend was in charge, but i like to think i called the shots.Becci is new to us, we have been friends for a long time, but sex had never really been on the cards, one or two cheeky kisses in a club night is all we had ever managed, so when, after a long night out, some fairly heavy drinking, she ended up crashing at mine, i didn’t see this one coming… went out looking as drop-dead gorgeous as she always does, massive beautiful lips, silky soft skin, perfect hair and eyes to die for. i made an effort, well, this dress has never failed me, and combined with knee high socks its usually an instant winner. But i was out to impress my boyfriend and no one else… i never would have thought it was becci’s eye i would catch…the night came to an end and the inevitable “how am i getting home” came out, come to ours, crash on the sofa, the answer was obvious. We all piled into the taxi, it was a cold night, infact it was raining, which was new after the brutal heat we have suffered. Becci cuddled up on the taxi seat next to me and lay her head on my shoulder… i snuggled into her, sharing body heat, our warm breath mingling in the cold taxi.we got home… the flat was cold, a total tip from when we left it hours ago… too drunk to do anything about it now… we stumbled into the bedroom the three of us… we both look at my partner, you’re getting the sofa tonight love, we laugh, he understands and leaves, throwing me a cheeky smile, i don’t think anything of it…Becci helps unzip my dress and it falls to the floor, my polka dot underwear, my boyfriends favourite, oh well a bit of a waste i suppose. turn her around and do likewise, her aksaray escort bare back with her hair falling across it in the dim light is beautiful… she turns round, i knew she had a body but wow, tracing a line from her neck her breasts rise up like two mountains, barely contained by lace far too delicate to control them… her tight abs make way for similarly non-existant pants which cover just enough to keep you guessing and no more… i look twice before jumping under the duvet.i lie facing the door and becci jumps in behind me… the light is off and i feel the warmth of the alcohol swirling in my head… my thoughts become blurry as i start to drift off. I feel a movement and then warm breath on my neck, a hand snakes its way over my stomach to rest gently on my belly button… beccis face nuzzles into my hair…i bite my lip, her warm breath tickling my neck… she wriggles and moves in closer, her legs spooning into mine, her breasts rising and falling gently against my back… i take a deep breath and relax, the warmth is nice… reassuring…did i fall asleep? Im not sure, but i awake facing becci, our heads pressed together, arms over one anothers body, legs intertwined… our mouths are almost touching, our breath mingling… is she asleep? I move my leg back and hit something warm and soft… my boyfriend is in the bed too… i must have fallen asleep.My movement disturbs the sleeping girl, i feel her stomach move against mine… her lips, they are touching mine, are they? Yes… i feel her tongue on my lips… i open my eyes and see her looking deep into them… deliciously warm hazel hair falls across my face, her dark eyes piercing into mine… she licks again, this is deliberate… our tongues touch her wetness on mine… then they move against each other… we move in closer, i taste her lip balm on my tongue… her body pushes harder into mine, i can feel escort aksaray her breasts rising and falling more deeply… her hand comes up and runs through my hair as she pulls me closer… we kiss deeply, our lips and tongues playing over one another…her tongue danced around, exploring my mouth, she sucked at my lower lip… her mouth moved from mine as she ran her tongue lightly down to my neck and let her teeth run over my wet skin. I could feel the goosebumps immediately shoot up… her hands starting to tickle across my body… up my sides, down my thigh, across my chest…suddenly i felt a pressure at my back, my boyfriend was awake… he kissed the back of my neck even as becci kissed the front… he knew what was happening… we had had these experiences with lots of girls, and he didn’t want to miss out… i let them both kiss me, their hands meeting… becci jumped when she felt him, then relaxed again… she knew what that meant… i felt her hand slip off my stomach, run down my back, reaching his hardness, i could feel her stroking it…we were all breathing hard by now and it was time to step things up… i reached around and flicked open beccis bra… her massive soft breasts fell out, my hands came up and i played with them between my fingers, feeling her nipples get harder , her breathing quicken.her hands slipped down my stomach and urgently pushed into my crotch as i licked her nipples… my boyfriend leant over and started to kiss her, fucking her mouth with his tongue, his hand reaching over and slapping her bum…Things were heating up, in one move i rolled over, pulling myself up on top of her, i pusher her legs apart with mine… i licked her nipples hearing a gentle moan, her hand still pushing inbto the lace of my panties, i could feel my wetness start to seep through…in one move her hand was inside them, rubbing furiously at my clit… i threw my head back and let out a long moan as feelings of pleasure rippled through my body, i tried to concentrate on her, and failed… aksaray escort bayan i let my head fall between her breasts as she rubbed me, my hair across her chest,..all of a sudden i could feel my partner behind me, his hands scrablinh to pull off my pants, i kiss her deeply as i feel him ready himself. In a second he has sheathed his rock hard cock deep in my pussy, i scream out… he is fast and furious from the outset, driving himself deep into me, slapping my ass as he does so… her fingers never stopping on my clit, the dual stimulation sending me to another world… i cry out as the feelings build and build… my body starts to shake as the orgasm ripples through me..their hands are all over me, in a second i find myself spun around, my legs around her head, my head deep in her crotch, her hands pushing me down, urging me… i pull her pants off and eagerly go to work on her clit… her tongue does likewise as i feel my boyfriend slip back inside me… If there is a better sensation than eating a beautiful girl, and being licked by her, while your rigid and unstoppable rock fucks you doggy, then I’d like—fuck that. This is the best. This is just the best.And. God. Her devouring. Oh fuck. She is there, down there, softly, delicately, eating me alive. I think I have cum, more than once, I don’t know. It’s all new. I’m hers now. My entire body nestled in her suckling mouth, rolled about by her tongue. It’s almost too much to bear. Almost.I laugh and cry out again. And so does she, humming her giggles over my throbbing clit, into me, out of my own mouth. She knows me. No. She’s intimately connected. Nerve to nerve. She doesn’t just know when to ease off, when to build up, when to probe her fingers deep. She feels it.We press harder. Feeding. Wrapping arms around hips, holding in place and holding on.I feel a huge orgasm building, my boyfriend relentless on my pussy, becci relentless on my clit, i can feel the pressure building inside of me, i throw my headback and my boyfriend catches my hair, pulling it hard… i cry out as the orgasm takes me, grabbing fistfuls of bedsheet my hips lifted into the air, my juices pouring out of me, i can feel becci drinking them down her tongue never stopping even as they splash across her face….Part two to follow 😉
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32