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Train Three Sexy Slaves#2: The RulesThe rules for all three as long as they are here in our home I state to them firstThe first rule is they three shall be obedient and happily perform all their tasksThe second rule states what they all will wear as soon as they are inside my placeThe third set summarizes the daily routines of intimate inspection and masturbation!The fourth set is on privacy: none – and their private hygiene here: no more shavingThe fifth rule is about adressing me and in general on use of language: very polite The sixth rule is about sex: only with me, each others and only after my permissionThe seventh set is on serving me my morning tea with an obligatory blow-job and sexThe eighth set is on spanking: I prefer to perform it for reward, crowned by comingAi Aisha and Alex are three tasty sweet sexy slaves I train and educate at meThree tasty sexy slaves I train simutaneously – but each one very differentlyEach güvenilir bahis of the three needs her personal erotic education, lusty liberation by meLet me first introduce them three to you – each in her different little chapterLet me first give you their names: Ai, Aisha and Alex, different in characterAi is shy and very conservative, Aisha seems happy she smiles all of the timeAlex I know the best but she is still a riddle to me, as to herself for long timeAll are slender built, only Ai is a bit shorter than her two other colleaguesAi and Alex sport tiny tits while Aisha is proud of her B-cup sized breastsThe rules about what to wear at our home or outside and on personal hygiene hereThe purpose of this set sexy regulations is to ensure private parts are accessableThe purpose of this is to be available for your intimte inspections at any moment!So no more sexy slip unless I will ask you to wear lovely lingerie türkçe bahis for an occasionSo no more warm panties as leggings look lots more sexy and keep free the pussies! Short sexy schoolgirl’s skirts tight T-shirts – a low neckline to show breasts bestShort sexy schoolgirl’s hairdo’s with two tails or otherwise tied up is always bestSo no more long hair covering the backs of your necks, to access them for caressesSo no more lost hairs down there to uncover cute pussies – I want your full bushesThe rules about adressing me – and regulatons regarding having any sex in serviceYou can address me by any polite choice of two words at least, like “Dear Teacher”You can address me also as “Great Guru, My Master, Profound Poet, Professor Peter”You will present yourself every day for intimate inspection after which you masturbateYou will present yourself every day from very close so I can smell you in masturbationYou can güvenilir bahis siteleri be allowed to play with yourself or each others – but only with my permissionYou can be allowed to come while I will help you get wet and hot towards an explosionYou will not enjoy any orgasms outside our house – the punishment will be very severeYou will not break any of our rules in- or outside our house – the sanction is severeThe rules about serving me in bed and about spanking for pleasure – or for punishmentThe moment I wake up in the morning or at whatever time, one of you shall serve me teaThe moment I wake up I will be close to my morning hard-on, so sexy service sucking meI can demand any sexual service from you tasty three at any time, it will be very rareI can demand anything of you – not for my lust but for yours: your training is my careThe moment I ask you something you will do so – as postponement means mean punishment!The moment I discover any break of rules I will immeditely excute my severe correctionI can choose every day to reward one or more of you by seductive spanking for pleasureI can choose every day at least one who was best for reward with this foreplay to come
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