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Vivid Memory 3In a mere two years since the wondrous encounter with the Great Ram that magical Midnight, our ranch, or should I say, our sheep tool off, seems they all began producing the best fleeces to be found! Prices skyrocketed, and orders were backlogged a year or longer.Mother made the decision that we should relocate the original black rams, because their offspring had the same qualities as their sireSo, off to the British Isles we went…. mother, I, and rams. We found thatmour rams wer4e already known in some quarters, there. That fact made our choices for us… bids from sheep men came in from Ireland, Scotland and ,of course, England So we just picked the most promising bids, contacted them, and allowed ourselves to be whisked away from one farm to the next. Our choice made simply be showing the ram, watching the reactions of the people after the ram woked his magic red flashing eyes. Some had no reaction at all, others remarked upon the strangness of his eyes . Thjose were immediately discounted as buyers. The few who’s reaction was more profound, ie., staring back, not willing to break eye contact, or exhibiting any kind of sexual awareness involved in the situation. Those few got the ram on the spot, free, and with our best wishes!In actuality, it seemd to me, the rams were making their own choices as to where they wished to relocate! We, over the years, ofetn talked of returning to see just how things may have progressed, but only did in one instance. More on that later….Next stop Spain, France and Italy. Three farms, three rams, and we were finished! It should be said, at each goodbye, tears were shed not just by mother and me, but the rams also… just another proof to me that they were unlike any before them, but from them will come many like them! I also firmly believe on that midnight encounter, the Great Ram looked in my eyes and knew I was who he was looking for to disseminate his offspring thruout the world. YES! I take full credit, or blame, for that… proudly!Now, I regress in my story to the trip we took to Ireland. It was to a cloistered Convent tucked away in the wilds of the Emerald Isle. Only one rutted, muddy, and for the most part, inaccessible road led into the the Nunnery. But, due the the Ram’s excitemnet to go there, we dicided to make the five mile hike. Leaving ot Land Rover and trailer behind, we hiked the distance, with the ram doing all he could to hurry us on, Since we had been unable to have time along, several instances, we tried to fondle, and grope at streamy hot crotches, but he ram would brook no delay!We arrived after dusk, and was greeted by the nun in whose charge were their goats. Yes, I said goats! Seems the Sisiters were renown for their goats, a long haired type of goat I have no knowlege of, that has fleece as every bit the value of what our sheep provide. They had heard of us, and thought to increase their profits by raising a select brand od sheep.Sister Mary said, “let me show you our prize Billy, and you will understand our interest in what you are offering.” She led us around the back of the Nunnery, to a series of pens, some open to the weather, some enclosed. I looked, but could see no male in the pens, and asked, where is he? She giggled softly, and said, “ we keep Him in a special place that he picked out for Himself’. The caps are what I inferred she ment when she talked of him. She sounded, not güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri just worshipfully, but submissively each time she spoke about the goat, mother and I exchanged glances, with the same thought, “Oh my! They have something special here”!She spotted at a small building, saying this is the original site of our Order, but we’ve outgrown it every since the Goat can our way! We stepped inside, and there, sitting back on his honches, head held high, was the biggest goat I have ever seen! Even sitting he was taller than me. Above his head was a padded bar anchored form wall to wall. As we grew closer, the goat stood, then reared up, hooking his front legs over the bar, effectively standing before us. Mother gasped at the sight, the Nun giggled shyly, I was at a loss for words, as we all watched his Huge cock distend from it’s sheath Longer and longer, never losing it’s narrow tip, much like a spear head, long, tapering cock dripping and oozing from sexual arousal! The Nun began a chant, softly, hard to hear the words, my Mother followed her words.. two women, hands between their clenching thighs, chanting some Blasphemous phrased, rubbing their crotches, me with a growing stiffy in my pants, all frozen in place, eyes glued to the obscene display the GOAT treated us to… The ram, who can forget the ram?, walked squarely up the the Goat, and nuzzled his cock and balls, then licked all along the length of it!That action broke the trance we were under, and we started to babble on about what I neglected to tell you, the Goat’s flashing red eyes! We gathered around Ram and Goat, hands fondling, groping, stroking hard bestial cocks as the Ram showed th Nun his Own flashing eyes… they held the stare longer than any I’ve seen before, and the Nun held the ram’s head, opened her lips, and allowed the ram to slip his tongue deep into her mouth in the most depraved kiss, or so I thought! My mother, ohhh my fucking god, my mother went behind the Goat, lifted hjis tail, and kissed his asshole, delving deeply inside with her tongue!I think a pact was made in that moment, for as she rose to her feet, the Nun’s lips were on hers, I could see saliva dripping from mouth to mouth! Fuck, I needed to be a part of what was happening, so I followed my pattern , and fell to my knees reching for The Goat’s great COCK! It slid easily past my tongue and down my throat! I could feel pulses of sperm pumping thru his cock and down my throat!The sounds of many voices chanting obscenities, Blasphemies, and vile curses reach my ears, and as I backed off allowing the cock to slip from my mouth, there, all around us, were NUNS disrobing, chanting, falling into perverse embraces, fucking each other’s cunts with the crosses they wore around their necks!. Some crawled to their GOAT, whimpering bastardized prayers, make the sign of Satan… Then, at that moment, I saw, on his forehead a vague shadowy mark of a pentagram!I shook with a terible fear of lines crossed, of evil’s triumph, and shrank back only to be stopped by my dear sweet mother’s whimpers in my ear, “Embrace HIM, my little man, say your vows of obedience to HIM, and continue with me, this journey we are on… this journey of willful sin and depravity! Let us taste all Wickedness in the cocks and cunts of HIS minions. Let HIS Demins come to us, serve us as we serve Him! You know deep in your wicked perabet güvenilir mi soul, the Ram is Him, the Goat is Him, we fornicate with HIM evertytime we are mounted by the Ram, He is fucking us!”“You broght this evil into our home, YOU nurtured it, kept it, allowed your own corruption to spread to your own Mother, and took pleasure in it, as did I, so why question your decision now? Now, when we are at the threshold of a great adventure, filled with the corruptible, the perverted, and Demonic as we’ve eagerly allowed ourselves to become, will you not come, follow Him to the sinful defilment of innocences’?“Yessss, oh yes mother! WE will follow our RAM, He will lead us to the susceptible, the corruptible, the ones who will follow us in our pursuit of the obscenities. Let the nuns teach us their perverse chants so we may defile religious tenants while praising the Master of Fornication!”After a night (or was it many nights?) of blissful SIN with nun, Goat, Ram, and Mother, we wearily trekked, sans Ram, to our Land Rover. We abandoned the trailer there, as we had no further use for it, and made our way back to England. We arrived to find it warm and sunny, so made up our minds to picknick on the Moors we heard so much about. The shopkeeper where we got our lunches, warned us that the time could be deceiving on the moors, so be sure to leave in plenty of time to be back before dar But, with our newfound faith, we just laughed, for what could harm us? So off we went, looking for some alone time to just be us, mother and son, lovers and friends. We walked, talked some about the past, she began telling me of her secret crush on her father. We stopped for lunch, and lay there after eating, mom’s head resting on my belly, her fingers carressing my resting littel penis…. okay! So we had sex after lunch, isn’t that what a mother and son should do? Anyway, mom started talking, mostly about her dad and how she adored him. From first memory, he was in her dreams, dreams that became more erotic as time passed. Of how she never missed a chance to climb upon his lap and cuddle in his strong arms, her little cunny all atingle as she listened to his heart beating, as she would squirm around in his lap, sometime she would feel a bump moving under her little derrière, those times she could hear his heart beat faster… as she talked,a forgotten memory pushed it’s way into my mind, the last christmass we went the my grandperent’s house, about five years ago, we had opened our presents, and I had crawled up onto grandpa’s lap. Mom came in to serve cookies and candies to us, she leaned down in front of us, and I could see down her blouse! I saw my mommy’s kitties! It was so exciting, i got a little stiffy in my pjs. I was telling her of this long forgotten memory, my cock growing slowly, her fingers still toying with it, she said, “ I remember that morning quite well, I intentionally wore that blouse knowning it would show off my titties! I’m pleased you got a little stiffy, but the view was ment for your grandpa! I wish he would have gotten a stiffy!” “ I was on his lap mom, I KNOW he got a stiffy, and it was a big one!? She laughed and thanked me for telling her that, then said, “ I’m going to suck the life out of you” and proceeded to suck me off with a force she had not used before. In only a matter of minute or less, she was drinking my sperm! tipobet We kissed, and she told me that everytime a cock cums part of his life flows out, so it should never be spilt on the ground unless ther’s no place else to spurt it. I laughed and said, “I’ll never have to worry about that will I mom”, and licked her cummy lips.It was a moment later, when we felt a chill in the air, and noticed the sun low on the horizon, we realized darkness would soon follow. WE collected our stuff and began walking back, to the village, a few s**ttered lights our guide, but too soon, the sun wnt down, and a deep darkness descented upon us. The flicker lights seem to float in the air, changing direction, confusing us both as to the way back. Then the moon rose! A big, beautiful full moon, lighting our way!Waliking on, whispering when we spoke, not knowing why we whispered, but knowing we should! There was a sound of crackling dry brush, a not so distant growling, then a blood chilling HOWLING. Afraid, we helsd each other, Mother murmuring the chants she learned from the nuns, but I thought they would only bring whatever was stalking us, all the closer, and I was proved right, for, there, on a slight knoll, not fifty yards from us, was the silhouette of a massive figure, long arms, standing with head back, Howling a howl reserved for Demons in HELL! The DEMON, I was so sre it was a demon, came loping toward us in a strange lumbering gait that nonetheless covered ground at an astonishling rate!As it neared, we could see it for what it really was, a Werewolf! Knowing of our impending doom, we held each other tightly, my wishes were for a quick death for my beloved mother, but I would face this creature like her little man should!That was when I saw his eyes, his hot, flowing red fiery eyes! In an instant, I took a gamble, that like the other creatures we encountered with such eyes were not possessed by a bloodlust, but by a Demonic LUST for rutting “Quick, mother, take of your slacks and panties” I whispered as I dropped my own pants and exposed my cock and balls to him. It worked, at least so far. He stopped in frony of us, so close we could feel his breath in our faces A not unpleasant scent arose from his fur covered body, a smell of forest and moist rich dark earth,,, I willed my cock to rise, and slowly reached out to touch him, he grabbed my arm in a grip that could crush bone if he chose, and lowered my hand to his long and large cocksheath, while, with his other hand, he swept up my mother like she was a kitten, and pressed her naked crotch to his face. We could hear his chuffs as he took in her scent, and the longerst tongue either of us had ever imagined, probed, poked, and entered her cunt, beginning an endless tongue fucking that had mom wailing, screaming, and pleading for more, deeper, more. My own excitement at the sight of mother’s complete and utter surrender to this great b**st, emboldened me into gripping that great sheet and stroking with a fervent passion for his COCK to emerge. Ohhhh fuck, emerge it did! swelling to an impossible length and thickness, his cock showed itself for me to worship with all my being!He denied me my pleasure tho, by lifting my mother onto it and actually push her cunt down impaling her on that massive cock, fucking her in a bestial frenzy that went on for hours! I was so frightened for mom’s safety, I foolishly tries to intervene, only to be curesd at by mother an b**st in the most gutteral words ever heard form both.I resigned myself to a mere prectator in this saga of bestial perversion! It wasn’t until hours later, I was allowed to preform “cleanUP” duties on them both, I must admit, tho, duty is to be desired! 666
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