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WBDP-Valentine’s in Vegas 2″I wonder how he keeps them all satisfied,” I wondered out loud.”Lots of viagra or a severe case of priapism, Master,” Marcia hazarded. “Or maybe they have to pleasure each other while he watches.”The first place that I wanted to stop was a toy booth. Marcia had an amazing sexual capacity, and the more orgasms she had, the easier they came. If we wanted to win the contest this afternoon, I had to get her warmed up. The booth had every possible shape, size and variety of dildo, vibrator, and butt plug imaginable, and what they didn’t have, they could order. The company agent was demonstrating each of the individual pieces of equipment. When he asked for a volunteer, I offered Marcia for several of the demonstrations, but only of the toys I was interested in. I asked her to divest herself of her romper and she removed the garment and I stowed it in my bag. He gave her a hand up on the platform and I told her to display. She snapped into her display position. The first thing that I wanted him to demonstrate was the We/Vibe 4 Plus. I’d read about its smart phone app that could be used to control the device from anywhere in the world.Ted, as that was the demonstrators name, took the device which looked something like a U. He put a little lube on the part that was inserted into Marcia’s pussy. He pushed it up until the base of the U was firmly against her pubic bone. The lower arm was positioned on her g-spot and the upper arm of the U then was adjusted over her clitoris. He handed me his smart phone with the app opened. He showed me the different vibe modes that were available and also indicated that it was possible to create your own vibration patterns by playing with the device and once you found the pattern that worked best, save the pattern. “Try it out, sir.”I pushed one of the buttons and noticed Marcia start. I touched each of the buttons in turn, looking for which one of them most seemed to ‘push her buttons’. All of them seemed to be stimulating, but the fourth pattern really started to make her squirm. Her vaginal lips began glistening with her moisture.Ted said, “Now, this vibrator is designed so that it can be used while you’re having sex.” He went to Marcia and pushed two fingers into her cunt. “The device is very small where it enters the vagina, leaving lots of room for the penis to enter at the same time.” He wiggled his fingers in her cunt.”Master, may I cum,” she said.”Cum for me, slave,” I replied.She shuddered, moaning, her hips rolling with the spasms. The look on her face was priceless. Many of the other masters also appeared to be impressed as well. Quite a few of them had their slaves sucking their cocks and a mistress had bared her cunt so her male slave could lick her. Marcia was still twitching lightly on the platform, trying to maintain her display position while the vibrations still pulsed in her pussy and on her clit. I turned it off and handed the phone back to Ted. Ted removed the We/Vibe from Marcia and dipped it in a basin of liquid.”As you can see,” Ted said, “the We/Vibe is totally waterproof and can easily be washed with water and a mild soap or this hypoallergenic, anti-microbial cleanser that we also sell. The nice thing about this is it can also be used in the bath or shower. It’s charged by induction so it has no openings for water to get in.”I’ll take one of those,” I told Ted. Several others also put in orders. It was obvious to everyone that it worked like a charm.”I’d also like to see the ‘Womanizer’,” I told Ted.”No problem, man.” He lowered his voice so that he was speaking only to me. “You got a great lady here. I’m sure she just doubled my orders. Hey, if you end up buying anything else from me, I’ll give you a 50% discount.”Ted went into his sales spiel. “All right, folks, the gentleman here wants his slave to check out the ‘Womanizer’,” Ted said. “I’m sure you would like to see this demonstrated as well. This is a great little product for the discriminating buyer. 73% of all women who have tested the Womanizer have reported that it gives them multiple orgasms. Another item of note, it does not use direct stimulation of the clitoris to achieve these results.” He pulled out the device; it was small, easily fitting in his hand. “They come with these individual silicone tips in a couple different sizes just in case a woman should have a large clit. Now this kind of simulates a sucking action and the pulsing around the clitoris is what causes the orgasm.” He turned to me and said, “You should have the lady lie down for this. It gets pretty intense.””Slave,” I said, “lie down, spread your legs. Hold still.”Marcia obeyed. Ted bent down over her and separated the lips at the top of her cleft, pulling back the folds, exposing her clit. He placed the cone like structure over the top of her clit and turned it on.”Okay,” Ted said, “this has got ten settings from mild to sakarya escort extreme. I’m going to start on the mild setting, then go to number five, and then jump to ten. I don’t think you need to see all ten settings to get the idea here.”Marcia was making lovely petite moaning sounds, the sounds I loved to hear, music to my ears. When he bumped it up to five, her legs twitched and she struggled to keep her hands up instead of putting them down on her cunt. I don’t think she was aware of it, but her legs edged a little wider as did the petals of her sex.”Master, I need to cum, please let me cum!””Cum, slave.”She arched her back, her hips rolling up and thrusting against the Womanizer, her hands grabbing at her breasts and pinching and pulling at her nipples.Ted upped it to ten and she started exclaiming, “God, I’m cumming again, I’m cumming again, Ooooohhhhh shit, it won’t stop.” Her moans of passion attracted people from across the room and they began crowding around the display area. She kept humping against the device in Ted’s hand and he used his other hand to hold her hips down they were bucking so much. One of her arms went into her mouth, trying to stifle the noise she was making.”That is one hot bitch,” I heard a voice behind me say, and another voice answered, “I’d give a thousand dollars, hell, five thousand, to fuck her right now.””That’s enough, Ted. Let her down easy, okay,” I said.He shut off the Womanizer and Marcia just lay there, her cunt continuing to contract and open, her legs still twitching, her stomach muscles rolling in waves from her sex to her breasts, her breathing in huge panting gasps, trying to suck air in because she’d been holding her breath so long. Ted just patted her thigh, saying, “Good girl, good girl. Relax, take a deep breath, good girl.”Good, I thought. Not good, that was fucking spectacular. Several other master’s had been impressed as well. Almost a dozen of them had a slave bent over so they could fuck them, standing up. Several more than previously were getting their cocks or cunts serviced.”Slave, here, position 1.” I ordered.Marcia was unable to move with her usual alacrity, but she did manage to come to my side and kneel at my feet. She grabbed my leg in an attempt to establish some equilibrium. I rubbed her head.”Master, that was incredible,” Marcia said. “I’ve never felt anything like it. My clit never became over-stimulated. I could just keep cumming and cumming. Normally after that many orgasms, I would be covering my clit because it would become painful. This didn’t. It never got painful. Would a slave be out of line if she implored her Master to purchase one of those things?””No, she would not.” I turned to Ted and said, “I’ll take one of those, too.”At least 60 masters had ended up watching the end of Marcia’s orgasm. Over half of them also ended up buying one for their slaves, or in the case of the mistresses, themselves.”Is there anything else you would like your slave to demonstrate for you?” Ted asked. He added, whispering, “I’m going to give you yours for free. I think your slave sold most of them for me.””No, I think my slave has had enough for now.””I could give you a great deal on a Sybian if you let her demonstrate that for me.””We are entered in the Sybian contest later today. If you feel that our performance at that time in any way helps your business, seek me out and I’ll take you up on your offer.””Thanks, I will,” Ted said.We collected our purchases and headed to my next stop, the Kinbaku or Shibari Japanese rope tying demonstration where a Japanese master of the craft called a kinbakushi, planned a show. I moved to the front of the crowd and when Master Kou asked for a volunteer, I offered Marcia up. Master Kou was happy to accept as he had seen my lovely wife earlier during the We/Vibe demonstration as he’d passed through the hall to set up for his own exhibit.”Is there anything in particular you would like to witness,” Master Kou asked.”Some type of suspension, I believe,” I replied.”I will be pleased to demonstrate, but you must not attempt alone without much study. You could hurt your slave,” he warned.”I understand. It is not my intent to practice any more than the most basic ties. I understand that you are selling a book?” I asked.”Yes, but let me make clear that in the book, each tie is the basis of the next one. You must master the first one before proceeding to the second. Do not go further until each is mastered in turn,” Master Kou said.”Thank you. I will take your warning to heart. I do not wish to harm my slave in any way.””Then I shall proceed.”Master Kou began by tying Marcia’s hands over and behind her head. Her arms and elbows were kept from separating more than her shoulder’s width by manipulating the ropes between them. Several loops were left where the suspensions would be made. He also made sure that each of the pressure points had a escort sakarya minimum of four strands of the rope, but more often six to eight where her suspension would occur.”I prefer the natural fibers, hemp or jute,” Kou said to the crowd gathered around, “although some Master’s will now use some artificial materials. I find properly treated natural fibers will slip less and better for slave if there is no slippage.”After her arms and hands were tied down, he moved to Marcia’s chest, crisscrossing the strands of ropes across it above and below her breasts and tightening the strands on either side with knots between her breasts and under her arms, squeezing her breasts, pinching them and forcing them to jut out. Loops were again left which would become suspension points. I could see Marcia was becoming excited as her nipples swelled into hardened points, her areolae puckering as they swelled. More strands were tied around her waist, the knot work becoming more intricate, joined to that already created, becoming almost a cradle from which she would hang.Next, he connected two strands to her stomach knots and passed them down her stomach. He made a knot at the location of her clitoris before passing one strand on either side of her inner labia and up the crease of her ass to connect the strands to the knots on her back.”This should be tight enough to cause discomfort, but not tight enough to impede access to her sex.” He demonstrated by pushing two fingers between the strands and into her cunt. Marcia moaned. When he withdrew his fingers, they were wet. He held them to Marcia’s mouth and told her to lick them.When she was done, he continued tying in several locations along her left leg, three times above the knee and twice below.”As you can see, I now have ten anchor points with which to start the suspension although only seven are primary as they will be supporting most of her weight. The other three are there mostly to hold the limbs in a particular position relative to her body.”He began the process of suspending her, beginning with the loops near her breasts, her waist and upper thighs. Her body was raised above the platform upon which she had been standing. Working quickly so that ties at that location did not solely support her for long, he quickly added suspension ropes to the other four suspension loops so all seven of the primary points were in use. He then added the ties for the other points, securing the left foot bent toward her thigh. She now hung sideways from her left side, her head to the left of the crowd and her legs to the right. Her right leg was dangling, but that was only momentarily as he took her right leg and bent it, her foot going nearly to her crotch. He quickly passed ropes around the limb that tied her leg in that position.When that was completed, Marcia hung with her thighs widely separated, her sex gaping open accentuated by two narrow strands of rope. Her moisture was flowing freely and I saw beads of her natural lubricant running down her right thigh.”From here, more ties may be added restricting hands or fingers more, restrain the feet, the hair may be tied to the ropes restricting neck movement, a gag may be added, vibrators may be tied to sensitive areas,” Master Kou said. “Possibilities abound for the master and slave.””Where is the pleasure for the master?” I asked. “It doesn’t seem that there is much here to stimulate him.””Ah, for the master, the pleasure is usually in the journey, not the destination. The master is touching his slave during the process, caressing the flesh as he manipulates the ropes. He is guiding the slave into her position with the ropes. I admit it is more zen, like a garden. You tend the garden and when you are done, the flowers are blooming and you may enjoy the beauty of your garden.” He reached over and patted Marcia’s leg. “I would say that you have a most beautiful garden.””How are you, slave?” I asked her.”It’s somewhat painful, no,” she said thoughtfully, “more uncomfortable than painful. It might be an hour or more before this becomes very painful.””And what does the slave gain by this” I asked Master Kou.”The ropes have created pressure points at pleasure centers of her body, her breasts, her sex, her clit. The ropes binding her breasts are squeezing them, trapping some blood in them keeping the nipples aroused.” He touched the stiff points and she flinched, moaning. “The knot at her clit is placing pressure there. The ties passing between the labia also have pressure on the lips, plus there may be some rubbing as the ropes move or are adjusted. You can see from the fluids leaking from her sex she is quite aroused.” He ran a finger through her slit in demonstration, giving it to Marcia to lick clean. “Truthfully, she is being kept in a state of high arousal, near climax, by her nudity, her display, the ropes, her helplessness. The discomfort is masking sakarya escort bayan it from her. But all it takes is something like this,” and he tapped the knot over her clit, “and she orgasms.”His last words were almost drowned by Marcia screaming, “Master, I’m cumming. Oh God, I’m sorry, I’m cumming.”She wriggled in the ropes, moving as much as the ropes would allow, which wasn’t much. The spasms wracked her body, causing her to shiver uncontrollably as they poured through her. The crowd was clapping, happy with the demonstration.”Thank you for your demonstration, Master Kou, it has been most enlightening. I should like to purchase your book.””It is not often that I may work with a subject this lovely. Your slave is quite splendid to work with,” he bowed low, finishing. “I must thank you also.”When Marcia lay quiescent in her ropes, Master Kou began the process of untying her, getting her to the platform first, then removing all of the restraining ropes. The ropes had left marks upon her body. Master Kou took a cream and smoothed it over Marcia’s flesh rubbing out most of the marks except those closest to the suspensions.”The rest of her rope marks should fade over the next hour or two,” Kou said.”My thanks again. My slave thanks you also for her climax.””Really, the pleasure was mine.” Master Kou smiled at Marcia.We had one other place to stop before lunch. There was an exhibit of bondage devices and furniture by a large manufacturer of such equipment. When we arrived, it already had a large gathering as another slave was suspended by her arms on a pulley rig with her legs parted by spreader bar and another was spread-eagled on a wooden bondage bed, her arms, legs and neck all held down by leather straps.I whispered to my slave, “I’m going to do something a little different here. It may not be what you expected, but it does not violate any of the terms we previously agreed to. Are you willing to go forward?””If my Master wishes it,” she replied.”Good girl.”I got the attention of the main demonstrator whose name was Ben and said, “My slave would like to demonstrate the St. Andrews Cross apparatus you have over there,” I said pointing to the equipment in question. “And then I would like to propose a contest.” Most of the exhibitors had already heard or seen my slave that morning and were only too happy to allow her to demonstrate their equipment as they felt sure that more sales would result. There was nothing like a beautiful, squirming, climaxing slave to drive up business. They happily led Marcia to the equipment and fastened her cuffs to the free standing St. Andrews Cross X, back out.”I’m sorry, Ben, that I wasn’t clear about this, but can you place her upside down and facing outward?””Certainly, sir. Our equipment is designed to be used either way.”He laid the cross down and turned Marcia the other way, back against the cross. He used a stronger suspension boot more able to support her weight hanging upside down than the ones I had on her ankles. He handed me her ankle cuffs which he removed. When she was fully strapped in, he lifted the cross and propped it against it’s bracing board. When finished, her head was forward of her feet due to the slant, her arms and legs spread-eagled on the cross.”And a ball gag, please,” I said.Ben said, “Of course,” and placed a ball gag on my slave.Ben then announced to the crowd, “This master would like to propose a contest.”I got up on the stage and said, “My slave came without permission while demonstrating the shibari ropes. The punishment for her offense is usually 50 lashes to the her body with this.” I showed them the whip which I removed from my bag. “The contest is this. My slave normally cums during this whipping. Everyone who wishes to participate may write down on a piece of paper their name, and the number of lashes my slave will withstand before asking permission to cum. Whoever comes closest to the number of lashes may use this vibrator on my slave for ten minutes.” I held up the vibrating dildo.”She’s gagged,” one of the masters said, “how is she supposed to ask permission?””When she’s gagged, she holds out two fingers, followed by one, and that is her signal she is requesting permission to cum,” I responded.”What if more than one person guesses the correct number?” A female asked.”Then each of the persons guessing the correct number may have ten minutes with the vibrator and my slave. And to make it more interesting, if there are more than one, then whoever gives my slave the greatest number of orgasms during their initial ten minutes, may have an additional ten minutes with her.””That sounds like an excellent contest,” Ben said. “How many here wish to participate?”Every master there raised their hand, as did a few slaves.”Are slaves allowed to participate?” Ben asked.”Sure, why not,” I said. “Who better than a slave to guess a slaves heat.”Ben handed out sheets of paper and pencils to all who raised their hands.”One more question,” a master asked. “How are we to know how close she is to climax? She could be on the cusp of cumming or be tired from all of her previous orgasms and thus be more distant from climax.”
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